Blog Writing Guide + Brief

Blog Writing Guide + Brief

Who are we?

Transkriptor is an online transcription software that converts audio to text by using state of the art A.I., Transkriptor enables users to rapidly transcribe a wide range of audio and video files, from Zoom meetings and podcasts to journalistic interviews or any video/audio file. Transkriptor streamlines the translation process by allowing users to effortlessly translate their transcripts directly within our intuitive dashboard.


Transkriptor is available across multiple platforms to ensure accessibility and seamless user experience. This includes apps for both Android and iPhone, Google Chrome extensions, and a web page service.

Guidelines for Blog Writing:

  1. Introduction: Begin your blog with a concise summary of the content. Avoid phrases like “this article, blog will mention, explain…” and jump straight to the main ideas.
  2. Answering Questions: If your heading poses a question, begin the answer with the entity from the question and incorporate the keyword.
    • E.g., for the title “What is the purpose of subtitles?”, start with “The purpose of subtitles is…”
  3. Sentence Structure:
    • Use declarative sentences that start with a subject.
    • Avoid starting with conjunctions like “If”, “Therefore”, “Consequently”, “As a result” etc.
    • Don’t use expressions indicating uncertainty, such as “may”, “might”, or “could.”
  4. Length & Voice:
    • Prefer short sentences (less than 25 syllables).
    • Use active voice and minimize passive voice.
  • Blog posts should be between 2000-2500 words.
  • Limit paragraphs to 200 words.
  1. Specificity:
    • Be precise with numbers. For example, say “3 main results” instead of “many results”.
    • Replace general pronouns like “it” or “they” with specific terms (e.g., “users”, “students” or with keywords if suitable).
  2. Punctuation: End sentences with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark. Avoid colons or semicolons.
  3. Paragraph & List Structure:
    • Limit paragraphs to 200 words.
    • Use lists for clarity but avoid nested lists.
  • Ensure consistent grammatical forms in lists. Also, bold items before a colon in a list. For example, “ Accuracy: …”

How to Use Suggested Keywords

Effective keyword usage is pivotal for SEO, and it’s important to follow best practices to ensure our content ranks well on search engines.


In the brief sheet, you will see headings and suggested keywords for each of them. You should use them in your answers. Here are the ways to do it:

  • Natural Integration: Ensure keywords flow naturally within sentences. If this is your first time using the keyword on a blog, use its original version (do not add any suffix/prefix etc.) in two consecutive sentences.
  • Keyword Variation: Utilize various forms and synonyms of the keyword throughout the content. Use different lemmatized versions of the keyword in sequential sentences.
    • E.g., the keyword is “transcription,” its lemmatized versions include “transcribing,” “transcribe,” “transcribed,” and so on.
  • Strategic Placement: Incorporate keywords in the title, headings, introduction, conclusion, and throughout the body. Avoid using pronouns like “it” or “they” for the keywords.
  • Long-Tail and Semantic Usage: Integrate long-tail keywords and use semantically related terms.
  • Answers and Subject Use: Start answers to questions with keywords and predominantly use them as sentence subjects.
  • Simplicity and Verification: Use keywords in simple sentences and verify term relevance with search when in doubt.

You should seamlessly mention our product in blog posts.

Good examples:

Important Note: Plagiarism and AI-generated content are strictly prohibited.