In this assignment, you will write a fictional story describing a visit to a gladiatorial event at a Roman amphitheater. You
will write this from the perspective of a Roman spectator (male or female) visiting the games for the first time. You are
free to adopt a Roman persona with any attitude toward the games (positive, neutral, negative).
NOTE: Please view the grading rubric below for specific grading criteria and point values.
Content Requirements
• Your story must be written from the Roman perspective. It can be written in the first or third persons. It must
not be a descriptive essay from a modern perspective.
• Your story must be at least 500 words. It can be longer than 500 words without a penalty.
• Briefly describe what the amphitheater looks like at the start of your story (perhaps in conjunction with your
character’s arrival).
• Mention how your character found out about the games and how he/she knows what will happen at the event.
• Include a description of at least one event for each of the three major parts of the games (morning show, lunch
show, afternoon/evening show); be as descriptive (and accurate) as possible with the details of the events. Be
sure to describe a specific event rather than try to describe every event that took place over the course of the
whole day.
• You must describe events in chronological order.
• Your descriptions must be accurate. Accuracy will be evaluated based on the material in the narrated lecture
• End your story with a brief analysis of the impression the whole day left upon your character.
• Acceptable Submission: the following are the base requirements for the assignment. Not meeting any of these
requirements will result in an invalid submission that will receive an automatic 0.
o Your submission must directly address an amphitheatrical event and be from the Roman perspective.
o Assignment must be submitted on time.
o Submissions must not be plagiarized.
Submitting Your Assignment
Your assignment must be submitted as a Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx) document attachment in Canvas. Do not type or
copy your submission into the text field box in the assignment submission tool.
• You can only submit once, so make sure you are completely finished before submitting and that you attach the
correct file.
• Submissions sent by e-mail or submitted in any way other than the assignment tool will not be accepted.
• All submissions will be submitted by the instructor to the Turnitin service to check for plagiarism.
Plagiarism is the submission of work that is not your own. Copying text from a website, book, or another student and submitting it is
plagiarism and will be prosecuted as such. You are also expected to work individually rather than collaboratively. Completing the
assignment by getting help from another student or another student’s work rather than doing the work yourself is cheating.
Submitting work that is not your own work is plagiarism, as is submitting an essay which uses AI generated text, such as that
produced by ChatGPT. See the syllabus for additional information on charges of plagiarism.