400 Reflectionpaper2

Reflection Paper #2: Using the text, Crucial Accountability, you will be making some key discoveries about areas that you both succeed and struggle with in keeping yourself and others accountable.

• Answer, what is a crucial accountability?

After reading the textbook, take the self-assessment test (Appendix A, pp. 247-251) and look at your results. The survey is divided in the seven chapters of the book that cover the crucial accountability skills (five questions each).

  • Look at your results chapter by chapter.
  • Choose two of the seven areas where you scored the most “yes” answers.

o Describeacrucialaccountabilitysituationthatyouexperienced.
o Observe,analyze,andreflectonthosetwospecificareas.
o Whereintheprocessdothetwoareasforimprovementexistforyou?

(Choose What and If, Master My Stories, Describe the Gap, Make it Motivating,

Make it Easy, Stay Focused and Flexible, Agree on a Plan and Follow Up)

  • Does your MVS give you any additional insights as to patterns you have when it comes to
    handling issues of accountability?
  • Create your own best practices (examples are found in the text and the PowerPoint slides).
    o Listofhowyoucanimproveyouraccountabilitytoyourselfandothersasyou navigate bad behavior and broken promises in your work/home/school/ life relationships.

6 pages