AFP Propsal

You may start in 1 of 2 ways: either find a relevant popular media article (directions pasted below) OR identify a topic relevant to personality theories and find first a popular media article AND then a relevant scholarly article.

The 2 articles must be related and your topic must be approved (you may NOT cover Personality Disorders or related topics like “The Dark Triad”, etc.).

In the Assignment Folder post your proposed topic and materials in the following outline (make sure to paste your work into the window as well as attaching a folder):

A. Personality Theories Topic

B. Why does this topic interest you?

C. Full APA reference for popular media article

D.Full APA reference for academic journal article

I will provide feedback in the order in which submissions are made. If you submit prior to midnight on June 19th and you are not on track, you will have the opportunity to submit for regrading prior to the due date.

Please ask any questions you may have in the Ask the Prof section. 


You will start by locating a popular media article, video or current event that is relevant to personality psychology. Relevant topics may include personality theory, assessment, use of assessment results, personality disorders, or personality research. Your article or current event must have been published (or occurred) within the last six months. For this component of the assignment, you will use information found in the popular media. This includes articles or