- What is Ageism and how Ageism is a problem in the PR field
- Define ageism
- Compare examples from other industries like business or finance where ageism is a problem.
- How has ageism impacted the Public Relations Field.
- The fact that social media seems to have increased and amplified the divide between generations inside and outside the workplace.
- Younger people are being hired on to do Public Relations for Older well established companies too.
- How is the old generation of PR Firms adapting to the meteoric rise of social media
- How is this impacting hiring in old well established PR Firms.
- New generation of PR Firms – How they operate social media
- How each generation (Millennials, Gen x and Boomers) use technology and social media differently
- How each generation views technology and social media
- How this impacts their relationship with technology
- How PR firms have evolved to cater to these different generations
- How big brands hired a younger individual rather than a known PR firm to deal with their social media and to reconnect with their audiences
- Research from websites and scholarly articles. In text APA Citations needed. Plagiarism Report Needed.Some Sample Articles : https://www.fastcompany.com/90398019/eighteen-year-old-harrison-mcneill-made-bean-jokes-on-twitter-for-fun-now-its-his-job Bradley, D. (2020, May 10). https://www.prweek.com/article/1662149/superfan-grew-slim-jims-instagram-account-5k-500k-followers Does the PR industry have an ageism problem? Retrieved from https://www.prweek.com/article/1698211/does-pr-industry-ageism-problem Meisner, B. A. (2020). Are You OK, Boomer? Intensification of Ageism and Intergenerational Tensions on Social Media Amid COVID-19. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 56-61. doi:10.1080/01490400.2020.1773983 Melendi, C. (2020, June 30). Generational Differences on Social Media: A Deep Dive. Retrieved from https://flagshipsocial.com/blog/generational-differences-on-social-media-a-deep-dive Rosales, A., & Fernández-Ardèvol, M. https://www.keenessays.xyz/uncategorized/ageism-and-its-impact-in-the-pr-field/ (2020). Ageism in the era of digital platforms. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 26(5-6), 1074-1087. doi:10.1177/1354856520930905 Toby A. Cox / 2 July 2019. (n.d.). How Different Generations Use Social Media. Retrieved from https://themanifest.com/social-media/how-different-generations-use-social-media