A Comparison of Real-Time Operating Systems / Kernels and the Linux Operating System / Kernel

draft a 10-page technical report. A Comparison of Real-Time Operating Systems / Kernels and the Linux Operating System / Kernel . i need it done in 3 hours. Title Page (Page i) The title page should include the title of your report, your name, the name of the institution or organization, and the date of submission. Abstract (Page ii) Summarize the purpose of your report, the main findings from your comparative analysis, and your conclusions. Keep it concise, around 150-250 words. Introduction (Page 1) Introduce the topic, establish the context, and state the objectives of the comparison. 3.1 Purpose of Comparison – Explain why you are comparing RTOS with the Linux OS. 3.2 Definitions – Define key terms that will be used throughout the report, such as “operating system,” “real-time,” “latency,” etc. Operating System Architecture (Starts on Page 2) Describe the overall architecture of both systems. 4.1 Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) – Detail the architecture of RTOS, focusing on its design principles for real-time applications. 4.2 Linux Operating System – Outline the architecture of the Linux OS, highlighting its general-purpose nature. Scheduling Mechanisms (Page 3) Discuss how each system handles process scheduling. 5.1 RTOS Scheduling – Explain the scheduling algorithms used in RTOS and their suitability for real-time tasks. 5.2 Linux OS Scheduling – Describe the scheduling mechanisms in Linux and how they differ from RTOS. System Latency (Page 4) Compare the system latency of both operating systems. 6.1 RTOS Latency – Provide data and examples of RTOS latency performance. 6.2 Linux OS Latency – Offer insights into the latency performance of Linux OS. Application Areas (Page 5) Explore the typical applications of each operating system. 7.1 RTOS Applications – List and describe applications where RTOS is typically used. 7.2 Linux OS Applications – Discuss the common use cases for the Linux OS. Case Studies (Page 6) Provide real-world examples of how each operating system is used in practice. Comparative Analysis (Page 7) Present a side-by-side comparison of both operating systems in terms of performance, reliability, suitability for various applications, etc. Conclusion (Page 8) Summarize the key points from your analysis and state your final thoughts and recommendations. References List all the sources you cited throughout your report in the appropriate citation format.