A2: Creative Synthesis Multimodal Artefact

Objective of the assessment
This assessment is designed to impart skills that will help you move from being a consumer of other people’s ideas, to be a creator and an influencer. Digital publication looks great on your resume, and can help you to stand out in a job interview.

As you move from University into the world of work, one of the best ways to enhance your professional profile is through thought leadership. This means that you share your ideas and experiences with your colleagues to help them and to contribute to a positive work environment. Thought leadership opens the door to connection with your peers and conveys to your organisation that you are a valuable contributor and a team player. The following quotes sums up the intent of this assessment piece.


Task description:
There are two parts to this assessment.

Part 1: Creating the SWAY page (Group task)

1. Each group will choose a topic, related to course concepts from a particular week or weeks.
2. Collaboratively, each group will work on the creation and presentation of a Digital Artefact, which will comprise an explanation of the importance and implications of the topic for HRM and offer a clearly developed argument/information supported by evidence from academic and other sources.
3. The material needs to be presented through the use of multimedia(MM) tools ( minimum 3) on a suitable channel ( evaluated and chosen by the group).
These 3 MM (e.g. Short video (no more than 1 min), infographic, short podcasts) must be original creations of the group. They should not be copied from the internet and posted; you can add internet resources in addition to the 3 MM you create.
This is also to be noted that the MM tools are created by the group and NOT by Only One group member.
4. Every original MM must be clearly identified by the name of the student who created it.
Please judiciously consider the suitability, accessibility and appropriateness of the media and the channel. Successful digital communication will integrate multimodal design using tools and platforms appropriate for the assignment.
The complexity of multimodal elements and/or volume of multiple multimodal elements is less significant than whether such elements advance and enhance the purpose of communication.
PLEASE REFER TO THE DETAILS PROVIDED IN THE TASK SHEET: A2 Multimodal Composition Task Sheet.docxDownload A2 Multimodal Composition Task Sheet.docx
Note: The text must go through the text match tool for academic integrity. The text part only of your MMA should be put on a Word document and submitted for text matching. Appropriate changes should be made if high on the similarity report. Once satisfied with the text match report, incorporate the text in your MMA. Finalise your MMA as a group.You will be marked down if not submitted.
Dealing with collaboration issues.docxDownload Dealing with collaboration issues.docx

Part 2: e-Professionalism (Individual task)

Complete the e- professionalism module Individually through the link. https://web.library.uq.edu.au/research-tools-techniques/digital-essentials/eprofessionalism
Complete the Quiz individually at the end of the module, take a screenshot and submit it through the submission link.

Getting ready for the assessment:

Step 1: Students will form groups ( ideally 4 to max 5 members ) at the start of the trimester. The sign-up process for the group report will commence in the Week 1 workshops.

Step 2: All students must be confirmed in a group by Week 4. Students enrolled on-campus MUST form groups with other on campus students. Same is applicable to the OL students (use Teams to communicate with fellow OL students). Failing to join a group will lead to not meeting the assessment requirement and not being eligible to pass the course.

Step 3: A template for a Group Behavioural Contract is available to assist in organising your group report. Since all members will be graded equally regardless of individual efforts, it’s crucial to outline each member’s expectations, responsibilities, and deadlines clearly. The contract includes sections for filling in these specifics and also addresses essential aspects of managing team conflicts. A group contract MUST be uploaded to the submission point by the end of week 5. Although the group contract has no marks, without a signed and submitted contract, this assessment will not be marked.


Group Sign-up Options
There are a few options for forming a group:

Option A: You already know who you want to work with, either because you know people in the course, or you met people in the first three workshops

Follow the instruction for joining a group
Click on the sign-up link below to sign up as a group
Using your team’s private discussion board, share your most reliable point of contact (mobile, Facebook, etc).
Option B: Find team members via Teams channel (mainly for OL students)

A channel has been added to the Teams course site titled Group Formation. In that channel, introduce yourself in the post, sell yourself why you are a desirable group member, or even describe your previous experiences of teamwork.
Identify 2-3 other people with whom you would like to work with to complete the group report, start contacting them and show your interest in forming a group.
Click on the sign-up link below to sign up as a group.
Use your private Teams to get connected with each other and share your most reliable point of contact (mobile, Facebook, etc).
Group formation instruction.pdfDownload Group formation instruction.pdf

Further information: https://www.griffith.edu.au/vle-help/student/assessment/group-assessments

Join a group:

Group contract template: Group Contract T1, 2024.docxDownload Group Contract T1, 2024.docx

Group contract submission point: A2: Group Contract

Group Conflict Management Process
Every team member will be awarded the same mark for the group report, regardless of their individual contributions. Thus, it’s essential to establish clear expectations, tasks, and submission deadlines for each team member before commencing teamwork to ensure everyone understands their responsibilities. Additionally, drafting a written agreement outlining expectations, tasks, responsibilities, and team norms is crucial. Regularly consulting this agreement throughout the assessment process is also important.

In the event of a conflict arising within your team, the initial step is to endeavour to resolve the issue collectively within the team itself. It’s expected that teams will have made efforts to address any difficulties and can provide documentation of these attempts before seeking assistance from the tutor or convenor. If there’s evidence of consistent poor performance or communication, the team may request the convenor’s intervention to remove the team member.

Teams can request the removal of a team member until Friday, April 19th, at 5 pm. This deadline aligns with the expectation that by this time, teams should have gathered adequate data and resources and be preparing to commence report writing. It’s crucial to note that beyond these deadlines, the convenor will not intervene. Therefore, regular team meetings and adherence to performance standards are essential.

Removing a group member is subject to an application process, which must be supported by documented evidence:

Your group must provide evidence that a group member is underperforming against the criteria you have specified in this group agreement, hence the requirement to take the group agreement seriously.
Your group must provide a written record demonstrating your attempts to resolve any difficulties with the team member, prior to contacting your tutor/convenor.
Your group must provide evidence of previous mediation involving your tutor, demonstrating a failure to adhere to agreed terms.
If a request is made to remove a student from the team, the convenor will assess the evidence provided and give the student an opportunity to respond. If significant exceptional circumstances leading to poor performance are found, the tutor/convenor will collaborate with the group and individual to find a mutually acceptable solution, which could involve an alternative task. If the student fails to provide evidence supporting exceptional circumstances, they will be removed from the team and unable to complete the task. Note that if a student is removed, the remaining members must complete all relevant components and ensure the work originally assigned to the removed student is finished; no further allowances will be granted.

If you’re a student removed from the group due to insufficient progress towards agreed obligations, you won’t be able to complete the group report, a significant assessment component. To prevent this, it’s vital to maintain regular communication with your group, reaching out at least once a week, and contribute reasonably to the assessment item as outlined in the group agreement.

Effective communication is essential for this assessment task and can help prevent potential issues. It’s important to maintain regular contact with all group members, meaning you should communicate with each member at least once per week.