Agile Scrum Master course by analyzing a hypothetical organization

Weather (Without Jira)


The purpose of the project is to apply the concepts learned in the Agile Scrum Master course by analyzing a hypothetical organization.

Participants are encouraged to apply the techniques learned during the program but can also be creative in applying other techniques from other sources.

The steps may not always be carried out in the same sequence in real life. Participants may iterate through steps, as they may uncover ideas as they proceed from one step to the next.


Project Description

GTM systems is a large IT company with offices all around the world. The company delivers software products and services to corporate clients. One of the reasons for its enduring success and consistent performance over the years is the ability to leverage technology and find innovative applications for it.



With climate change increasing the unpredictability of local weather conditions, there has been great demand for technology that can provide reliable weather information. Weather conditions impact several organizations and businesses – ranging from agriculture, outdoor event management, hospitality, travel and tourism, and healthcare.

While GTM has no expertise in meteorology, it proposes to aggregate weather data from multiple providers and use analytics to correlate it with meaningful conclusions for businesses.

Example use cases could be generating forecasts based on local weather conditions around:

  1. Consumption of hot versus cold beverages depending on cold, sunny or rainy weather
  2. Number of visitors to a tourist site or an open-air entertainment event
  3. Likelihood of seasonal illnesses such as flu in particular locations

The main system will comprise a web portal and a set of “apps” available on the popular mobile operating systems. Apart from this, clients can ask for specific services or apps based on the insights that the analytics can generate.


Backlog for the main portal

Work items
Enable registration for free and paid users
Build integrations with public weather services around the world
Detect locations based on GPS (if on a device) or IP
Create a schema and a database for storing weather data based on location
Build logic to reconcile and aggregate data from multiple service providers
Access control for paid services
Provide severe weather advisory to registered users on the portal
Have provisions for advertisements on the portal and apps
Show current weather at a location
Show forecasts for five, ten, and fifteen days at a location
Provide seasonal forecasts like seasonal precipitation and temperatures
Show satellite images
Show time-lapse videos of satellite forecasts
Make a responsive design for the portal (usable for different devices and form factors)
Publish API or Services for client apps
Create apps for iOS and Android phones


Project task

Based on the above scenario, you are expected to perform the following tasks.

  1. Write three personas for the users of the portal mentioned above. The personas should include: Name, Role, Goals, Typical system usage, Preferences, and any other information relevant to the product.
  2. Identify at least five epics and 15 user stories from the case above (use your interpretation and independent research). Link the stories to the epics.
  3. Identify the minimally viable product considering the goal of the organization is to launch quickly and rapidly improve and expand the product footprint.
  4. Propose a scaling model for this team given that different teams might be working on development of the main system, interfaces and integrations, bespoke apps, maintenance and support.