After a careful analysis of the backed logic provided, the following are noted;
• The database schema is okay though there is not relationship between tables.
• The restful APIs created only provide for register, login and login. The project requires users to create conferences, share conferences, and invite attendee, record conferences, upload video and pdf documents, etc. yet no restful APIs and logic created for all this operations.
• The 3 restful APIs (register, login, and logout) created are okay through I would recommend the use of sequelize ORM for mysql database that is promise-based instead of using vanilla sql code.
• The server set-up and configuration logic, business logic and API end points should put in different files (modules) for easier management of the code and understandability.
• The frontend was to be implemented using the Angular framework as indicated by the client hence no angular project provided so that we can now link the frontend with the pages created and the backed logic.
Industry relationships is an important part of the OPAIC philosophy, and as part of ongoing development an applied research conference is being planned for all staff from the three campuses (both academic and management staff), and all research active students to showcase current and recently completed industry projects to our industry partners. As such the academic staff, any operational staff that have research as part of their role, and all research active students at the three campuses will get together during term 5 in 2021. The three-day conference will be held in Hamilton and will showcase both previous and current industry projects. There will also be separate sessions for individual schools to run specific research with question-and-answer sessions as well as workshops where industry partners can discuss their future staffing needs.

Learning Outcome(s) Assessed
1. Critically assess project management methodologies and select a suitable methodology for a specific organisational project in the Aotearoa New Zealand context.
2. Critically apply estimation techniques and develop planning and scheduling processes to minimise costs and risks for a project.
3. Critically analyse the role of project management in achieving successful outcomes for a major project.

To prepare for this assessment you will need to use one of the case studies provided in assessment 1. Your chosen project will need to give you the scope to meet the requirements of this task and must be relevant to an organisation in the Aotearoa New Zealand context

For this assessment you will produce a Project Management Plan and a Microsoft Project Gantt and Network diagram, which together will:
a. Critically apply a project management methodology as the basis for your project management plan
b. Critically apply estimation techniques and develop planning and scheduling processes to minimise costs and risks for this project.
c. Develop a project management plan and a graphical view of your project based on your findings above.
d. Critically analyse how the project manager can achieve successful outcomes for a major project, including analysis of how each of the major parts of the plan aid in this success.
Use contemporary literature to support and justify your recommendations in each part.