Analytical Essay on Korean Song Lyrics

I am looking for a capable and knowledgeable freelancer who can write an engaging essay about the lyrics of the Korean song, “trauma (aquarium)” by “ONEWE”. The purpose of this essay is to shed light on and explain the different dimensions and aspects of this particular song. Key areas to focus on: – The Meaning of the Lyrics: Provide a comprehensive interpretation of the lyrics. What messages, themes and ideas can be gleaned from the lyrics? how does the lyrics make you feel ? – The Context of the Song: Trauma healing isn’t linear and most of all, isn’t easy. Even choosing to avoid it is a huge effort. Making trauma as a theme for a song is tricky – Personal Interpretation: Give me your personal interpretation of the song. How does it convey personal growth and self-reflection? What feelings, emotions or thoughts does it evoke? did the lyrics had any impact on you ? (for example, comforted you, made you wanted to overcome your own traumas..) – Descriptive Word: If you could describe this song in just one word, what would it be and why?