analyze a real-life organization through the lens of key organizational behavior concept

This Project challenges you to analyze a real-life organization through the lens of key organizational behavior concepts covered in the course. By focusing on job attitudes, emotions and moods, personality differences, motivation, and overall organizational culture. You will assess how these factors influence organizational dynamics and effectiveness. This Project requires you to conduct a group research project to investigate how various values and attitudes influence public opinion and policies concerning gender equality and equal opportunities in the workplace. You will explore the organizational behavior aspects of this topic, integrating theoretical concepts with practical implications. Project Objectives:

• Analyze the impact of different values and attitudes on public perceptions of gender equality.

• Evaluate how these perceptions influence organizational policies and practices. • Apply organizational behavior theories to understand and propose strategies for promoting gender equality in the workplace.

Project Components: 1. Group Formation and Topic Selection


o Form groups of 3 – 4 students.

o Choose the topic of “Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities in the Workplace” for your research. 2. Literature Review

o Conduct a comprehensive literature review on:

▪ Theoretical frameworks of organizational behavior related to gender equality.

▪ Studies on how values and attitudes shape public opinion and influence policies.

▪ Best practices and case studies of organizations promoting gender equality.

3. Research Methodology

o Define your research methodology, including:

▪ Data collection methods (e.g., surveys, interviews, secondary data analysis). ▪ Justification for chosen methods and sampling techniques.

4. Data Collection and Analysis o Collect relevant data to analyze:

▪ Public attitudes towards gender equality in the workplace.

▪ Policies and practices implemented by organizations to promote gender equality.

▪ Comparative analysis of different organizational approaches. Term Project – Organizational Behavior Dr. Rimal Abutaha 2 5. Findings and Discussion

o Present your findings based on data analysis.

o Discuss the implications of different values and attitudes on public opinion and organizational policies. o Use organizational behavior theories (e.g., attitudes, organizational culture) to interpret your findings.

6. Recommendations

o Propose actionable recommendations for organizations to enhance gender equality and equal opportunities based on your findings.

o Consider the practical implications and feasibility of your recommendations. Project Format: • Submit a comprehensive research report between 2500-3000 word. • Include an executive summary, introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion, recommendations, and conclusion.

• Use APA for referencing and citation.

• Include appendices for any supplementary materials (e.g., survey instruments, interview guides). Submission Guidelines:

• Submit your research report electronically by Moodle.

• Ensure clarity, coherence, and academic rigor in your writing.

• Acknowledge group contributions and adhere to ethical research practices. Evaluation Criteria:

• Depth and breadth of literature review and theoretical application.

• Methodological rigor and appropriateness of research methods.

• Clarity and coherence of findings and analysis.

• Practicality and innovation of recommendations.

• Overall structure, organization, and presentation of the research report

• Copying and plagiarism are not accepted. In the case of any you will get a zero.

• Late Projects will not be accepted.


Term Project (1)