Annotated bibliography focused specifically on science journals revolving around ADHD


An annotated bibliography is like taking notes (i.e., annotations) on a list of references (i.e., bibliography). This assignment will give you a chance to collect and take notes on research to help you answer the research question you posed in your first assignment. Our objectives are to continue the process where we will:

  • appraise how the current major research issues and findings related to adolescent development can be applied to make teaching and learning more impactful (How do we design research, policy, and programming?)



You will be evaluated on your ability to reference, summarize, and evaluate peer-reviewed research. Only annotations of peer-reviewed research articles from scholastic journals will be graded.


Criteria : The article is thoroughly summarized, describing in detail all the key components (e.g., purpose, methods, results) needed to comprehend the study. The evaluation is in-depth, clearly demonstrating how the study is directly relevant to the research question, describing specific limitations with the design of the study, and identifying lingering questions or additional information needed to answer the specific research question.

8 to >0.0 pts

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeA rticle 2

10 to >8.0 pts

Great job. Keep it Up.

The article is thoroughly summarized, describing in detail all the key components (e.g., purpose, methods, results) needed to comprehend the study. The evaluation is in-depth, clearly demonstrating how the study is directly relevant to the research question, describing specific limitations with the design of the study, and identifying lingering questions or additional information needed to answer the specific research question.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle 3

10 to >8.0 pts

Great job. Keep it Up.

The article is thoroughly summarized, describing in detail all the key components (e.g., purpose, methods, results) needed to comprehend the study. The evaluation is in-depth, clearly demonstrating how the study is directly relevant to the research question, describing specific limitations with the design of the study, and identifying lingering questions or additional information needed to answer the specific research question.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle 4

10 to >8.0 pts

Great job. Keep it Up.

The article is thoroughly summarized, describing in detail all the key components (e.g., purpose, methods, results) needed to comprehend the study. The evaluation is in-depth, clearly demonstrating how the study is directly relevant to the research question, describing specific limitations with the design of the study, and identifying lingering questions or additional information needed to answer the specific research question.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle 5

10 to >8.0 pts

Great job. Keep it Up.

The article is thoroughly summarized, describing in detail all the key components (e.g., purpose, methods, results) needed to comprehend the study. The evaluation is in-depth, clearly demonstrating how the study is directly relevant to the research question, describing specific limitations with the design of the study, and identifying lingering questions or additional information needed to answer the specific research question.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

5 to >4.0 pts

Great job. Keep it Up.

APA style is used to list references, with all components present and correctly formatted. Writing is concise, clear, and well-organized. If errors are present, they are minimal and do not interfere with the reader’s ability to understand the summary. Tone is objective.