Annotated Bibliography

What Goes into Project 2b: Annotated Bibliography?


1. A Title: Annotated Bibliography for __[Title or Topic of Project 2]__


2. A citation for the source, including hanging indent


3. An indented 100-200-word paragraph consisting of:


Summary of article: what are the main points? What are highlights your audience


should know about article? (1-3 sentences)


Written in your own words, except for key words or key phrases


Evaluate source for strengths and/or weaknesses, as well as credibility, which


might include biases. (1-3 sentences)


Reflect on source. How might you use this source in your paper? How did your


understanding on the topic evolve after reading this source? (1-3 sentences)


4. Repeat steps 2-3 for another source.


The sources should be ordered alphabetically by author’s last name.


One source must come from a library database.


Example. Gray=Summary Underline=Evaluation Plain=Reflect


Annotated Bibliography for the Effects of Essential Oils


Manion, Chelsea R., and Rebecca M. Widder. “Essentials of Essential Oils.” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, vol. 74, no. 9, 2017, pp. E153+. Gale Academic OneFile,


Manion and Widder’s article addresses the increased application of essential oils among patients and the need for clinicians to understand essential oils so they can guide their patients in the use and safety of application. It also addresses how the FDA views essential oils. Although the article is written for clinicians, it is straightforward in nature and easy to understand. It appears to present a balanced argument with the focus on patient care and the role providers can play to encourage wellness. This article is credible, because the American Journal of Health System Pharmacy is well-respected peer-reviewed journal. In addition, the authors are experts in the fields of therapeutics and pharmacology. This is the only article that addresses the FDA’s perspective, which will be helpful in my questions concerning safety. Furthermore, it has statistics on the efficacy of essentials oils, which will highlight the effects.