Assignment 1

Assignment 1 (of 2) 40% weighting for the grade.

Project Development

Build a project plan to a baseline that demonstrates a preferred business/value case for a project.  Use Gantt, Cashflow and Risk tools to illustrate the detail (templates for these tools are provided for you).

Present your work in a power point document (examples of what these might look like are provided to help you).

Include a final 1 or 2 slides that bullet point your reflective learning, based on the reading in the module and comparing this to your experience of developing a project plan.




Assignment 2 (of 2) 60% weighting for the grade.

Project Feasibility

Taking your assignment 1 baseline plan, analyse the project to test various feasibility options.

Show how you have improved both the efficiency effectiveness, reduced risk and added value potential with those options.  As you did with assignment 1 Use Gantt, Cashflow and Risk tools to illustrate the detail (templates for these tools are provided for you).

Present your work in a power point document (examples of what these might look like are provided to help you).

Include a final 1 or 2 slides that bullet point your reflective learning, based on the reading in the module and comparing this to your experience of developing a project plan.




On page 4 and 5 is a checklist for minimum details you need to include, but we can review this in class.

Assignment One: Case study to Baseline plan (Create a power-point with these screenshots in)

    1. Project Case study start point, illustration & description (reveals the benefits being sought)
    2. Problem Definition Report
      1. A summary report word report (1 slide) along the lines of those in the slide format & the ‘project tools’ template
      2. Appendices of the detail of the problem definition:
        1. Screenshot with text box notes Risk (RAID);
        2. Screenshot with text box notes Cash-Flow;
        3. Screenshot with text box notes Gantt or Other schedule (i.e. calendar or xls version of Gantt)
    3. Baseline Project Definition Report
      1. A summary report word report (1 slide) along the lines of those in the slide format & the ‘project tools’ template
      2. Appendices of the detail of the project definition:
        1. Screenshot with text box notes Risk (RAID); updated with notes to highlight key concerns
        2. Screenshot with text box notes Cash-Flow; updated with notes to highlight key concerns
        3. Screenshot (each of the screens noted below) & add suitable text box notes Gantt;
          1. WBs build; Add tasks; Add duration estimates; Add logic between tasks within work packages; Add logic links between task across work packages; Format to Reveal critical path; Format to Reveal slack/float; Add resources (report on resource conflict); Fix a temporary Baseline (do this is the tracking Gantt view); Use smoothing (levelling within available slack), screenshot report; Use levelling then screenshot report, noting slip from baseline; Fix the resource conflict, show notes to explain how you did that. Screenshot the re-baselined Gantt.
  1. Reflective learning notes (1 or 2 slides)
  2. Reference list of reading (To Harvard)

Assignment Two: Beyond the Baseline plan (Create a power-point with these screenshots in)

  1. Baseline Project Definition Report (reworked/improved using feedback from assignment one)
    1. Illustrations of the gaps and areas of the baseline plan, that ideally would be improved.
    2. Any supporting commentary.
  2. A Programme Report that summarises the new modelled/plans in the
    1. Stakeholder and interests list/Map
    2. List of ideas – demonstrating your creativity in use of lateral thinking and any other methods to generate innovation – these can add benefits, reduce costs or time, or lessen risks to time/cost or to benefits being realised.
    3. Reviewed and updated general risk matrix (Based on the points 1 & 2 above).. with any helpful annotations


  1. Project Report (Show alternative project[s] that might bring similar or more VALUE, because it
    1. adds more benefits
    2. new benefits
    3. – less cost/time
    4. – or less risk – to the previous baseline version)
  2. A summary report word report describing the change you are modelling (one slide) along the lines of those in the slide format & the ‘project tools’ template – ONE FOR EACH MODELLED PROJECT OPTION!
    1. Each of these ideas will be illustrated in detail in the Appendices of the detail of the project change you are modelling:
      1. Screenshot with text box notes Risk (RAID); Show changes from Baseline
      2. Screenshot with text box notes Cash-Flow; Show changes from Baseline
      3. Screenshot with text box notes Gantt or Other schedule (i.e. calendar or xls version of Gantt) Show changes from Baseline as slippage
    2. Reflective learning notes (1, 2,3 or 4 slides)
    3. Reference list of reading (To Harvard)