Architectural Design Specifications

  1. Introduction

For our project, “ATM Transaction System”, we aim to design and implement a robust and secure Automated Teller Machine (ATM) system. This system will provide users with essential banking functionalities such as cash withdrawals, balance inquiries, and transaction history checks, while also incorporating advanced features like generating Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) for new ATM cards and facilitating secure password changes with One-Time Passwords (OTPs) sent to registered mobile phones.


  1. Architectural Overview:

The Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Transaction System is designed to provide users with secure and efficient banking services. The architecture follows a client-server approach, where ATM Machines act as clients, interacting with a central server to facilitate transactions and manage user accounts.


2.1 Components:


  1. ATM Machine (Client):


Graphical User Interface (GUI):

Responsible for user interactions, presenting options, and gathering input.

Displays transaction details, account balances, and prompts for PIN entry.

Card Reader:

Reads information from the user’s ATM card, facilitating user identification.

Cash Dispenser:

Dispenses cash to users based on successful transaction requests.


  1. ATM Server (Server):


Transaction Manager:

Manages the processing of ATM transactions.

Validates user authentication, authorizes transactions, and updates account balances.


Stores and manages customer account information securely.

Records transaction history and updates account details.



2.2 Deployment Diagram




  1. Functional Test Plan


3.1 Objective:

The objective of the functional testing is to ensure that the ATM system meets its specifications and provides a secure and reliable service, including the generation of PINs for new ATM cards and secure password changes with OTP.


3.2 Test Strategy:

The test strategy for the ATM system project involves outlining the overall approach to testing, including the testing levels, testing types, and the resources and schedule required. The strategy aims to ensure thorough and effective testing while considering the specific requirements and features of the project.


3.3 Test Cases:


1.User Authentication:

Verify that only authorized users can access the ATM services.

Test PIN entry and validation.


2.Card Reading:

Test the ability to read and recognize ATM cards.

Ensure correct handling of damaged or invalid cards.


3.Cash Withdrawal:

Test the withdrawal process.

Verify correct deduction from the account balance.

Ensure the appropriate dispensing of cash.


4.Balance Inquiry:

Confirm accurate display of account balances.

Ensure that the balance is updated after transactions.


5.Transaction History:

Test the retrieval of transaction history.

Ensure it displays correct and chronological information.


6.Security Tests:

Attempt unauthorized access to the ATM system.

Test encryption and secure communication.


7.Error Handling:

Test system responses to unexpected inputs.

Verify that appropriate error messages are displayed.


8.Network Interruption:

Simulate network outages.

Ensure the system handles these situations gracefully.


9.Transaction Timeout:

Test the system’s response to transactions taking too long.

Verify that the system cancels or alerts appropriately.


10.New ATM Card Activation:

Verify the successful activation of a new ATM card.

Test the generation of a unique PIN for the new card.

Ensure the PIN is securely communicated to the user.


11.PIN Generation:

Test the generation of a unique PIN for a new ATM card.

Verify that the generated PIN meets security standards.

Ensure the PIN is associated with the correct card.


12.Password Change with OTP:

Test the process of changing the password for an ATM card.

Verify that the user receives an OTP on their registered mobile phone.

Confirm that the OTP is required and validated during the password change process.


13.OTP Delivery:

Test the delivery mechanism of OTP to the user’s registered mobile phone.

Ensure timely delivery of OTP.

Verify that the OTP is valid for a limited time.


14.Invalid OTP Handling:

Test the system’s response to entering an invalid OTP during password change.

Confirm that the system rejects an invalid OTP and provides appropriate feedback.


15.Successful Password Change:

Verify that a user can successfully change their ATM card password using a valid OTP.

Confirm that the password is updated securely in the system.


16.OTP Expiry:

Test the system’s response when attempting to use an expired OTP.

Verify that the system does not accept expired OTPs for password changes.


17.Mobile Phone Unavailability:

Test the system’s response when a user’s registered mobile phone is unavailable.

Ensure the system provides alternative methods or instructions for OTP retrieval.