biographical or psychological analysis essay

I’m looking for a talented writer to write a 750-1000 word essay on the poem “After Great Pain”. The essay should focus on a biographical or psychological analysis of the author, taking an author’s perspective. Initially, it should look into the historical context to gain a better understanding of the poem and its author. Once this has been established, the essay should focus in to the details of the poem, looking at its language, literary devices, themes and symbolism, and connecting them back to the author’s own life experiences. The essay should be constructed in a clear and concise way, providing compelling arguments supported by evidence. Lastly, the essay should provide a conclusion summarizing the main points of the essay and the chosen author’s viewpoint. Imagine a peer as your reader. Make your essay interesting to an intelligent friend who is not in our class. – Use MLA (Modern Language Association) formatting. – Include a Works Cited page. On that page, you must have at least three secondary sources (in addition to the primary source of your poem) that you cite in your paper. Those sources must come from the Collin College library and database resources. – Use the Library Guide for easy access to a number of databases, ebooks, and more. (For our last paper, our librarian Beth Atkins did the work of finding scholarly and reputable sources for the short story “Winter Dreams.” This time, students will need to find articles.) Click around on the Library Guide page for videos of how to search for articles, and do some research for yourself using the online catalogues and databases. – You must use in-text citations (also known as parenthetical references) for any summaries, paraphrases, and direct quotations. You must use sources that The Everyday Writer would classify as “credible.” (I’m making things simple by requiring you to use articles you find in our Collin library resources.) Your paper should be about three pages long. However, I have no strict page or word limits for you. Say what you want to say concisely and clearly. Make sure your paragraphs are unified, developed, and coherent. Incorporate your quotations correctly. ——- 2 PAPER TOPIC: Choose one of the poems referenced below, and write a paper that shares with your imagined peer reader at least five intriguing things you learned from your research.