Biological Anthropology Research Paper

***Guidelines for Independent Research*** 1. Write a double-spaced paper on a topic of your choice pertaining to biological anthropology. It helps if you have research questions in mind . . . are you trying to answer some questions or are you seeking to explain some aspect of biological anthropology? This will help you sort out what information you need to find. 2. Your topic will explicitly demonstrate the following objectives: How is your topic anthropological? What is the purpose (how or why did you choose this topic)? Define the topic clearly – what is the topic about? What are the objectives/problems being solved? What kind(s) of data is needed to meet the objectives? 3. Method: use a combination of the following methods for collecting your data: Research (library!!, TV programs such as PBS, Nature, NOVA, History, Discovery Channel, etc.), the Internet, magazines, newspapers, interviewing individuals who are familiar with the topic of your choice, photography, video camera, field notes, other? Note, if you use websites, .gov, .org, and .edu are the better choices. Note, we have an awesome library filled with awesome staff that can be a huge help, make full use of them! 4. Analysis: Accurate description and critical analysis of the data – hypothesis and theorybuilding. Demonstrate critical thinking. 5. Results and conclusions: Critical thinking and cross-cultural understanding / problemsolving – did you solve the problem and does it integrate with the course objectives? Did your experience generate more questions? (Usually, you’re on the right track if you generate more questions after you’re done with your paper!) 6. References and bibliography: You are to use the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) in-text author-date format (Smith, 2002) references with a bibliography (not end-notes), for further information see,diffe rent%20than%20CMS%20Footnotes%2FEndnotes. Also include the complete URL for any websites you use and your download date. Use of complete citation of all references and sources is required in the text of your paper. This includes all persons, printed materials, websites, electronic, photographic, and digital materials, and any other sources of information that are contained in your research paper. Your bibliography should be scholarly. – Minimum of five reference sources is required. Wikipedia is NOT allowed as a source. If you cite Wikipedia you will fail the assignment