
What Do Good Teachers Do

  In 800-1000 words,  What do good teachers do?    You should particularly focus on Standard 10. Communication, Standard…

West Side Story

  West Side Story Individual Assignment Watch “In America”  (see link below) and review the lyrics (see link below)…

Wendy Lewis 3

Review Josh’s recorded video of his intake interview with therapist Dr. Amy Wenzel, and complete the attached biopsychosocial assessment. 

Wendy Lewis 3

Chapter 1 1.Is there a difference between the terms diagnosis and assessment? How would you define the diagnostic assessment,…

Wendy Lewis 3

  As a counselor, you will be making decisions on how to select evidence-based treatments. In your essay, demonstrate…

Wendy Lewis 2

  What are the common stereotypes and or misconceptions of alcohol and opiate use and withdrawal? What current advocacy…