
Wendy Lewis 2

In what ways do people treat their own symptoms of anxiety disorders, and trauma and stress disorders? Review the…

Wendy Lewis 2

Oftentimes, the presentation of mental illness is regarded as scary or threatening. How is this concept perpetuated in the…

Wendy Lewis 2

You are conducting a research study on the long-term effects of functional family therapy on promoting gang-affiliation resistance within…

Wendy Lewis 1

  In the DSM-5, Gambling Disorder was moved from the “Impulse Control Disorders” category to the “Substance-Related and Addictive…

Wendy Lewis 1

Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (e.g., hoarding disorder) have gained popularity in the media in recent years. How do portrayals…

Wendy Lewis 1

  Choose one of the following client statements and write an example of how you would respond using each…

Wendy Lewis 1

  According to the 2014 ACA code of ethics “Counselors respect the diversity of clients, trainees, and research participants…

Wendy Lewis 1

Describe and discuss the differences among qualitative and quantitative research reports. What is the purpose of qualitative research as…


   WELLS FARGO  WORD DOCUMENT:  You need to answer all these questions and write no more than 2-page (single…