

Please read the article Constitutional Rights and Protecting Children. Where do you stand on the issue? Does the state…


Read Starting Smart: How Early Experiences Affect Brain Development. How does this information impact the study of juvenile justice?…


On May 2, 1927, the United States Supreme Court, in Buck v. Bell, made eugenic sterilization a constitutionally sanctioned…


Dr. Gary Slutkin, a physician and epidemiologist, employs disease control and behavior change methods in establishing the nonprofit Cure…


Our text shares with us that “acting-out behavior – running away, attempting suicide, engaging in self-mutilation, becoming sexually promiscuous,…


Please read Chapter 2: “Children are Different” (pp. 9-18) from the report “From Time Out to Hard Times: Young…

Jj Non Profit

Select two Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) to research based upon your findings in the Community Analysis Paper. These should not…

Jim Crow And Segregation

  This week we will focus on Resistance to Jim Crow and Segregation: 1. Watch the video The Rise…

JE- 3

   Some of the known factors for poor or bad decisions include decision fatigue, emotions, analysis paralysis, and lack…