
Written Analysis Assignment

Self-evaluation of your portfolio, identifying why you selected each item; how you believe that item reflects positively on you,…

Written 8

     1. In which devices can electronic evidence be found? 2. List five types of files that may be…

Written 7

     What is cyberterrorism?   Who is a hacktivist?   What is cyberwarfare?   Can a universal definition of…


Write two pages case studies from the attached documents. The case studies should talk about: 1- Policies review in…

Writing Styles

  For this discussion, complete the following prompts. Describe the similarities and the differences in between the scholarly article…

Writing Outlines

  For this discussion, complete the following prompts: Identify best practices for organizing your article writing. Include at least…

Writing Notebook

  Each week you will have an opportunity to practice different aspects of the writing process in this writing…