BTEC International Level 2 qualifications in Information Technology



Authorised Assignment Brief Unit 7 Aims A, B and C – Issue 1 – April 2021




Assignment title Travel Website
Date issued
Final deadline
Duration (approx.) 16 hours
Qualification suite covered Pearson BTEC International Level 2 qualifications in Information Technology
Units covered Unit 7: Introduction to Web Development
Learning aims covered Learning aim A: Understand the uses and features of websites. Learning aim B: Design a website to meet user requirements. Learning aim C: Develop and test a website to meet user requirements.
Safety guidance for the teacher
Scenario You are working as a junior web developer for a small local company that creates websites for businesses.Your client is a travel blogger and social media influencer called Erica, who uses social media to document her adventures/travel. She does not yet have a website and thinks this would be a good addition to provide more information on the planned destinations for the next few years.The purpose of the website is to promote the travel blogs and her social media channels for Erica’s travels to different destinations.Erica has a list of possible places to visit, and updates a travel blog as well as adding photos to social media. Information on some of these locations will be needed for the new website:Hong KongMacauNew ZealandRome (Italy)Madrid (Spain)Moscow (Russia).Erica has asked you to develop a website that contains a minimum of five pages to help her to promote the travel blogs and to promote her social media channels. The website pages should cover some (or all) of the destinations and may provide information on:Things to see and doHow to get thereWhen to go.


BTEC International Level 2 qualifications in Information Technology


Authorised Assignment Brief Unit 7 Aims A, B and C – Issue 1 – April 2021




The website must contain an appropriate navigation system and a consistent look across all pages. It should also contain a range of images, appropriate text, and any other multimedia assets.


Task 1: Erica is keen to have a high-quality website and has asked you to provide her with information about how other sites meet the needs of the site owners.You should research two websites that have a different purpose or are in a different area of business.For each website you must:consider its purpose and review how effectively it meets this purposeconsider the key components and performance, how these help the website tomeet its purposeprovide evidence to support your views.You should consider both the frontend and backend components of the two sites. Use specific examples of these to support the points you make in your report.
Evidence you must produce for this task Informal report on investigation into two websites.
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: Unit Criterion reference
Outline key purposes of different websites used by organisations. 7 A.P1
Outline the key components of different websites used by organisations. 7 A.P2
Explain purposes and key components of different websites used by organisations. 7 A.M1
Evaluate the effectiveness of different websites used by organisations in relation to their purposes and key components. 7 A.D1


Task 2: Erica would like to see some initial designs for the website before you start developing it.Create designs for the website that include:User requirementsDesign documentation:o UX & UI designso list of original/ready-made assetso frontend/backend website components.You must also provide a rationale for the design that details the decisions you have made, and shows how the design will meet the user requirements and be fit for purpose. This could be in the form of annotations on the designs or as an additional piece of written evidence.You should use what you learned through your research in Task 1 to inform your designs.


BTEC International Level 2 qualifications in Information Technology


Authorised Assignment Brief Unit 7 Aims A, B and C – Issue 1 – April 2021




Evidence you must produce for this task User requirementsDesign documentation
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: Unit Criterion reference
Identify the purpose and user requirements for a given website brief. 7 B.P3
Produce a basic website design to meet user requirements. 7 B.P4
Produce a detailed website design for a given brief. 7 B.M2
Produce a comprehensive website design for a given brief. 7 B.D2


Task 3: You must now develop the website for Erica. During the development of the website, you must:create the website (minimum five pages) using suitable tools, content andprocessesuse appropriate test plans, test schedules and data to test the site for:o functionalityo usability (including user testing).You must also seek feedback to improve the quality and appropriateness of your website. You must:show your site to othersgather and analyse the feedback you receiveidentify areas of the site that could be improvedfurther develop/improve your site using the feedback given, justifying anychanges made and further improvements.
Evidence you must produce for this task Documentation to evidence a completed website.Testing documentation.Written rationale of changes made and further improvements.
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: Unit Criterion reference
Develop a website using own design, testing and refining for functionality, quality and usability using feedback from others 7 C.P5
Explain reasons for changes made to website following feedback and testing. 7 C.P6
Develop a website using own detailed design, refining the website against the test results, including rationale for changes made. 7 C.M3
Develop a website using own comprehensive design, refining against the test results, including a justified rationale for changes and further improvement. 7 C.D3


BTEC International Level 2 qualifications in Information Technology


Authorised Assignment Brief Unit 7 Aims A, B and C – Issue 1 – April 2021




Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration


This sheet must be completed by the learner and provided for work submitted for assessment.


Learner name: Assessor name:
Date issued: Completion date: Submitted on:
Assessment reference and title:

Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration).


Task ref. Evidence submitted Page numbers or description
Comments for note by the Assessor:


Learner declarationI certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.Learner signature: Date:
