BTEC International Level 2 qualifications in Information Technology

Authorised Assignment Brief Unit 10 Aim C – Issue 1 – April 20211


Assignment title Boulevard Animal Clinic Database System Review
Date issued
Final deadline
Duration (approx.) 2 hours
Qualification suite covered Pearson BTEC International Level 2 qualifications in Information Technology
Units covered Unit 10: Introduction to Database Systems
Learning aims covered Learning aim C: Review the effectiveness of the database system in line with user requirements
Safety guidance for the teacher
Scenario The database system has been designed and developed for Boulevard Animal Clinic.Before Sam implements the new database, he has asked you to evaluate the success of the database system in meeting user requirements.


Task 1: Complete a review of the effectiveness of the database and the software tools and techniques used to meet user requirements.Your report should cover the following points:how the purpose and requirements of the database were metthe constraints of the databasehow the database fulfilled user needsthe use of database software tools and techniques used to meet userrequirementsstrengths and improvements of the database.Provide a range of relevant examples of the software tools and techniques used to support your conclusions.
Evidence you must produce for this task Report with a range of relevant examples to support the conclusions.


BTEC International Level 2 qualifications in Information Technology


Authorised Assignment Brief Unit 10 Aim C – Issue 1 – April 2021




Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to: Unit Criterion reference
Evaluate the effectiveness of the database software tools and techniques are used to meet user requirements. 10 C.D3
Assess the effectiveness of the database software tools and techniques are used to meet user requirements. 10 C.M4
Describe the ways in which the database software tools and techniques are used to meet user requirements. 10 C.P4


BTEC International Level 2 qualifications in Information Technology


Authorised Assignment Brief Unit 10 Aim C – Issue 1 – April 2021


Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration


This sheet must be completed by the learner and provided for work submitted for assessment.


Learner name: Assessor name:
Date issued: Completion date: Submitted on:
Assessment reference and title:

Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration).


Task ref. Evidence submitted Page numbers or description
Comments for note by the Assessor:


Learner declarationI certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.Learner signature: Date:
