Business Administration Programmes


Assignment 2
Course: OPER903 Supply Chain and Project Management
Lecturer: Dr John Tan
Streams: 219 & 220 – 222
Due date: 4.00pm Wednesday September 11, 2024 (softcopy submission
through Moodle only)
1. There are 100 marks for this assignment which is 40% of the final course grade.
2. The word limit for this assignment is 3,000 words (+/-10%) excluding references.
3. Use Arial or Times New Roman font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing.
4. Use the standard title page template. A reference list is required.
5. Ensure you follow academic citation and referencing requirements as failure to do so may
invoke penalties. Use APA (7th ed.).
6. You are also required to reference the use of any tools/software/application used. This
includes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to paraphrase or proofread, which requires a
statement where applicable.
7. Upon submission your assignment will be checked for copied materials as well as the use
of AI (artificial intelligence), with penalties to be applied where appropriate and if not
appropriately referenced. You may submit your assignment once as a draft submission
(Moodle/Turnitin) to check similarity prior to making your final submission.
8. Late submissions incur a 5% penalty (2 marks out of 40) for each 24-hour period up to 96
hours (after that time a mark of zero will be recorded).
9. An extension may be granted if, within the prescribed timeframe, you submit an
‘Assignment Extension Application’ form with supporting documentation (e.g., a medical
certificate) to the BA Office.
10. As part of pass requirements for this course, you are required to pass each learning
outcome at least once in this course.
Learning Outcomes:
As set out in your Course Outline, this assignment requires you to:
• LO4 Evaluate and apply key project management concepts and principles; and
• LO5 Integrate and critically evaluate the four stages of the event model within the
parameters of time and budget to the satisfaction of client and stakeholders.
You are a member of a team of people who have been tasked with the hosting of a wedding
for a rather well-to-do Indian family residing in Auckland. However, this is one of your more
unusual jobs as although the celebrations kick off at 9 a.m., the actual ceremony (exchange of
vows, blessings and signing of marriage certificates) has been specifically scheduled for
precisely 11.31 p.m.! The client has indicated that they would also like a horse carriage
procession down one of the streets that leads to the wedding venue. There will be about 200
people in attendance and a fireworks show will follow the wedding ceremony. While your
company has organized weddings before, most of them have not been this elaborate and none
has ever been held near midnight and with such precise time considerations. This will also be
your first Indian wedding.
1. You will need to prepare a project report for this event. In writing this report, you are
to demonstrate that you are able to integrate the four stages of the Event Operations
Model (EOM) (Tum, Norton & Wright, 2005) through a comprehensive analysis
covering the following aspects. (Please note that this list of aspects is not exhaustive
but must be addressed. Please also note that research done to support your
discussions must be real and not imagined):
a. An internal and external analysis of the relevant factors
b. A robust review of the critical success factors which will be at play in this
c. Challenges in location selection
d. Risk assessment and management
e. Possible people power issues
f. Capacity and layout planning
(50 marks)
2. You will need to provide a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the event, as well as
integrate this into a Gantt chart. (20 marks)
3. Discuss the factors that will need to be considered when you critically evaluate the
execution of the event within time and budget parameters and stakeholders
expectations. (20 marks)
4. You are expected to express your ideas in the form of a formal business report and to
integrate relevant academic theories and concepts.
10 marks will be allocated to the following:
i. the way the report was written (4 marks),
ii. to referencing (4 marks) and
iii. to the formatting of the report (2 marks)
Tum, J, Norton, P & Wright, J. N. (2005). Management of event operations. Elsevier:
Marking Rubric
0% – 30%
0 – 9
31% – 49%
9.01 – 14.9
50% – 64%
15 – 19.4
65% – 79%
19.5 – 23.9
80% – 100%
24 – 30
Task 1 – LO5
The Event
Operations Model
(50 marks)
The discussion on the four
stages of the Event
Operations Model or were
not up to expectations and
requirements or were
inaccurately evaluated.
Does not integrate theories
or uses irrelevant theories
to support arguments.
The discussion of the four
stages of the EOM were
incompletely evaluated or
contained key errors.
Few relevant theories
integrated which are not
directly relevant in
supporting arguments.
The discussion of the four
stages of the EOM were
appropriately evaluated
and at least three aspects
listed were attempted.
Integrates relevant theories
into discussion to support
A range of at least 4 of the
aspects listed were
considered through the
application of the four stages
of the EOM were clearly
Clearly integrates a range
of relevant theories into
discussion to support
A wide range (at least five)
of the listed aspects were
insightfully evaluated.
There was effective
integration and critical
evaluation of the four stages
of the EOM.
integrates a wide range of
relevant theories into
discussion to support
0% – 30%
0 – 9
31% – 49%
9.01 – 14.9
50% – 64%
15 – 19.4
65% – 79%
19.5 – 23.9
80% – 100%
24 – 30
Task 2 – LO4
Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS)
and the Gantt chart
(20 marks)
Does not or does not
accurately consider project
management WBS or the
GC or any discussion was
demonstrative of
consideration from a very
narrow perspective.
Does not integrate theories
or uses irrelevant theories
to support arguments.
Incompletely evaluates, or
evaluates with some errors,
the WBS. Integration with
the GC was from a rather
narrow perspective.
Few references integrated
which are not directly
relevant in supporting
While there was an
appropriate level of
consideration of WBS and
integration with GC.
Integrates relevant theories
into discussion to support
Clearly discusses the
integration and interaction of
the WBS and the GC.
Clearly integrates a wide
range of relevant theories
into discussion to support
Comprehensively and
insightfully discusses the
integration and interaction of
the WBS and the GC.
integrates a wide range of
relevant theories into
discussion to support
0% – 30%
0 – 9
31% – 49%
9.01 – 14.9
50% – 64%
15 – 19.4
65% – 79%
19.5 – 23.9
80% – 100%
24 – 30
Task 3 – LO4/LO5
Critically evaluate
(20 marks)
Discussion of the evaluation
of the parameters of time,
budget and stakeholder
expectations were missing
or inappropriate.
Does not integrate theories
or uses irrelevant theories
to support arguments.
Appropriate but weak and
insufficient discussion of
the evaluation of the
parameters of time, budget
and stakeholders was
Few references integrated
which are not directly
relevant in supporting
Appropriate discussion of
the evaluation of the
parameters of time, budget
and stakeholders was
presented but it was rather
Integrates relevant theories
into discussion to support
arguments but the linkages
were not always clearly
Effective discussion of the
evaluation of the parameters
of time, budget and
stakeholders was presented.
The discussion was mostly
Clearly integrates a good
rage or theories with wellestablished linkages to the
case although there were
some sections which were
not well articulated.
Highly effective and
consistent discussion of the
various elements involved in
considering the parameters
of time, budget and
Comprehensively integrates
a wide range of relevant
theories into discussion to
support arguments.
0% – 30%
0 – 0.6
31% – 49%
0.62 – 0.9
50% – 64%
1 – 1.2
65% – 79%
1.3 – 1.5
80% – 100%
1.6 – 2
Follows professional
and academic
writing conventions
Formatting (2
Organisation and
structure unclear or
Organisation and
structure often unclear.
Organisation and
structure clear.
Organisation and
structure consistently well
Organisation and
structure consistently well
presented to a high
0% – 30%
0 – 1.2
31% – 49%
1.3 – 1.9
50% – 64%
2 – 2.5
65% – 79%
2.6 – 3.1
80% – 100%
3.2 – 4
Follows professional
and academic
writing conventions
APA Referencing
(4 marks)
APA referencing is not
present or is inaccurate.
APA referencing has some
APA referencing accurate
with some minor errors.
APA referencing is
APA referencing is
0% – 30%
0 – 1.2
31% – 49%
1.3 – 1.9
50% – 64%
2 – 2.5
65% – 79%
2.6 – 3.1
80% – 100%
3.2 – 4
Many mistakes in Consistent mistakes in Accurate grammar and Accurate grammar and Exemplary grammar and
Follows professional
and academic
writing conventions
Grammar (4 marks)
grammar and spelling. grammar and spelling. spelling with minor errors. spelling. spelling.
Learning outcome achievement Achieved – Yes/No
Learning Outcome 4
Learning Outcome 5


OPER903 Assignment 2 MME 219 and 220 to 222-C