Business poster

Choose one business that you purchase from (or plan to purchase from). This business must have a vision/mission/purpose statement. The business must also have stated values. Then fill in the your chosen poster template with the following sections: About the business: Name Website address What do they do or sell? What did you purchase (or plan to purchase)? The business’s vision OR mission OR purpose statement. If the business does not have one, please choose another business. Module 1 is very helpful for this section. Why and how does this vision OR mission OR purpose statement influence your purchase decision? The values of the business. If the business does not state or have obvious values, please choose another business. Module 1 is very helpful for this section. Why and how do these business values influence your purchase decision? The stakeholders of the business. Why and how does the business’s stakeholder approach influence your purchase decision? The social and/or cultural trends that the business aligns with. Why and how are these social and/or cultural trends important to you and why do they influence your purchase decision?