business presentation for e-commerce site

I need a business presentation for e-commerce site.  I need you to write a business presentation or a pitch deck for an e-commerce website. I’m the founder of a Canadian multi-vendor e-commerce marketplace and I would like to discuss with you regarding the pitch deck.

We are a web development startup located in Montreal, Canada. The platform is finished but we need to attract investors in order to continue the adventure.

So basically, it’s an e commerce such as eBay. But quite different technologically.

Number of slides: 10 slides maximum.

Our targeted market is the state of Quebec for now. We can provide fresh statistics. And we can also provide technical details regarding our platform. But we haven’t done any official presentation yet. It’s all technical for now. We are a small team operating since 2017. Under the company Arobase-Rouge Inc. We can provide documentation regarding our profile. Basically, we build software and we offer IT services for now. This e-commerce platform is our principal product. This task is of more presentation than technical writing. We want to speak about e-commerce market in Quebec and why we developed our platform. After that we will give details on the platform. Something simple for quick readers. We need this document to attract investors.

This is our website:

We build project under this service. It’s quite complicated because we do Cybersecurity and under Cybersecurity, we develop software. But we require a presentation only for the e-commerce platform that we built. We don’t want to talk about other services or products. Our main focus is to promote our secure e-commerce.

The e commerce site

We sell services in order to build our e commerce. We don’t have any loan or something like that. But the product is now finished. We are finalizing the mobile apps. You must speak about the fact that the platform is very secure. Because we built a web application firewall around it inside the source code. I will give you more technical details tonight. The website looks basic but it is immune to SQL attacks for example DDoS, Etc. We want to use these as marketing points. Investors are more interested with secure software and secure source code. That’s why we started to build software.

More Information

I’m more looking for something like this

Something that speaks about the e-commerce and how it works. We must speak about the problem and the solution too. Why digiprix Not why Quebec and for the statistics, please use more recent data because we are in post COVID-19 and it’s a different set of data

I want to talk about it in the context of covid and for Quebec yes. Digiprix is developed to help local businesses to sell their products on internet. Digiprix is meant to be without any commission or any hidden fees such as transaction fees, etc. Digiprix is also developed in order to redirect Quebec’s Amazon customers into our platform. The platform is well protected yes but we prefer to speak about the security of the customers information more than Cybersecurity. You know it’s not an antivirus.

What is the solution found to meet this need? How do you plan to generate income? Explain to us the technological innovation of the project. We need to answer to these questions. That’s all what they need. We are targeting an incubator that will help us going through this project. That’s the purpose of the presentation. I gave you a lot of info, but you must crunch it a little bit because it’s a lot technical.

We don’t charge any fixed transaction fee. Only monthly subscriptions. Such as Netflix. Every subscription has its own quantity and staff limits. No hidden fees at all ! Let’s speak about service fee and not hidden fee. Let’s name it service fee as described on the site. 0% commission / 0$ service fee. Only monthly subscriptions. Transaction fees will be charged by third parties. PayPal, Stripe, It depends on the usage of the vendor. They can also enable only cash on delivery or Bank transfer to avoid transaction fees. We also don’t hold the money. It’s very important to say. We don’t act as a man in the middle thats why we don’t charge commission or fees. Payments go directly from customers to vendors. On digiprix, you open a vendor account, you get 30 days free and after that you must select the subscription. If subscription is OFF, the store will disappear automatically from Digiprix until the payment of subscription.

We must answer to those questions:

  • What is the solution found to meet this need?
  • How do you plan to generate income?
  • Explain to us the technological innovation of the project
  • Are you going to deliver to me a PowerPoint document such as the last one?

We must just say that the code is secured and we follow industries best practices regarding Cybersecurity. You also speak about a great range of products. We have no product to sell at all. The platform has more than 1500 categories under master category groups. It’s just a marketplace, if there is no vendor available, you will find no product. Discounts are under the control of the vendor. So it’s not really a benefit for the customer.

The benefit for the customer for example will be the fact that he can find anything he wants locally. Using a subscription system isn’t Innovative technologically at all, it’s just a business model. I think I need to create for you an account. A customer and a vendor account in order to see all the potential. There is a lot to speak about. For example, the message system, the chat system, the litigation system. The possibility to add multiple delivery companies, Etc.

It’s important to speak about the catalog of categories. Very important. It’s also important to say that it’s developed in Montreal.


Digiprix doesn’t look innovative for you maybe, but I live in Quebec. You can’t understand. No one use Etsy, vinted. Everyone buy on Amazon here. Digiprix is meant to counter Amazon locally/ Simple as that. It’s for Quebec’s enterprises only. Small and medium businesses that can’t afford to have a website. On digiprix, you pay only 9$ a month and you can sell 20 products. The vendors will also get a custom URL shop (redirect) to share on social media.

It’s all about local business. The government will deploy a local marketplace that looks like digiprix soon. We must go first. They will use the Shopify framework. We built our own. Without financial help of anyone. Our mobile app is super innovative too. But we still developing it. And it’s all made in Quebec. It’s important to highlight because they will not ever look at my project.

The website isn’t mobile friendly. It’s difficult to make a core e-commerce platform mobile friendly. So, we built the iOS and Android customer apps. We plan to build vendor apps in the future but it’s out of scope for now.

We would like to get accepted by an incubator. We aren’t asking for financial investment

We are asking for incubation. If the incubator doesn’t understand the project, we will not pass the selections. It’s for a long-term relationship between them and us. If the project is successful, they will help us getting financial investments. But we must get accepted by the incubator


Digi Prix info



Digiprix is a modern and secure multi-vendor e-commerce platform developed in Montreal by Arobase-Rouge Inc.

Digiprix is available on the web through its secure website, and is also available as a mobile application for iOS and Android.

The Digiprix platform distinguishes itself from other e-commerce platforms through many advantages, such as the total absence of the market commission,

as well as the absence of any hidden fees. Digiprix is a classic e-commerce platform. It hosts a large database of product categories and sub-categories (more than 1500).

It will be offered to companies specialized in wholesale and retail trade, as well as to end consumers. Digiprix will therefore adopt a hybrid commercial approach (B2B) + (B2C).

Digiprix places great emphasis on the security of its users and their data by adopting best practices in cyber security and security development.


How It Works:

Merchants Register to Sale Their Products:

We have packed everything that your vendors need to run a successful business on your marketplace.

Digiprix has a beautiful merchant landing theme with modern Price Table, Faqs and many other required features that will influence your vendors to register.

Vendors need just a minute to become registered and start selling their products.


Vendor Key Features:

The vendor admin panel is fully packed with essential features for a vendor. Merchant has full control over the system from adding staff members and giving permissions,

manage the listings, create own shipping zones, adding own payment methods, managing orders and more. More new features will be added gradually.


Multiple Ways of Earning:

The primary earning source is the auto-renewal monthly subscriptions fees ($/month) based on the total of products on the marketplace.

Also, we can charge a fixed transaction fee ($) per transaction basis. The sales commission and transaction fees are optional; these two options are out of scope for now.


Best Shopping Experience:

To provide a better shopping experience Digiprix has many features like Fast Checkout option to eliminates boring steps to checkout, Ajax based shopping cart for

smooth shopping, Guest Checkout for buyer who doesn’t like to share personal information, Separate shopping cart for each vendor to easy manage the payment system,

integrated order tracking system are few of them. The Guest checkout feature can boom the marketplace sales volume.


Wide Range of Payment Options:

A wide range of international payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe,, Paystack, Instamojo and more. Cash on delivery (COD) and wire transfer option

are also available. We’re adding more and more payment gateways regularly.


Catalog System Like Amazon:

The catalog system is inspired by Amazon. That includes features like:

  • Single product many vendors
  • Three levels of categories
  • Features categories
  • Dynamic product attributes etc.



Advanced Product Search Algorithm:

Research says 72% of E-commerce sites fail because of bad search expectations. We know its important to you. So our advanced product search algorithm features

will help to increase your marketplace sells volume. This feature includes –


  • Fuzzy search algorithm
  • Dynamic filters
  • Linked items
  • Related items
  • Trending and popular items


The fuzzy search will show the results even if customers misspell the search keywords.



Better Customer Engagement:

Returning customers are the real assets of a business. We have included many features so that you can ensure better customer engagement.

Vendors can offer discount coupons to specific customers/shipping zones. Also, the coupons can open to all customers.


The marketplace also have great features to encourage customers to return.


  • Wishlist
  • Newsletter
  • Gift cards (Coming soon)


Complete Customer Support System:

We know that a happy customer builds the business. So a good customer support system is very important to grow your marketplace.

Digiprix offers a complete customer support system that includes modules like :


  • Ticket system
  • Messages
  • Dispute system



Detail Report:

An effective & detail reports help to summarize the entire scenario of your business. Digiprix gathers all information to create reports that can give you the

big picture of the business. Amin can view/control visitors and also can integrate Google Analytics for a more detail report.


Some marketplace admin reports are:

  • Key Performance
  • Top Vendors and Customers
  • Visitors Graph &
  • IP table


Also, vendors will have their own reports on their dashboard about their shops and listings.


More Notable features:


  • Multilingual supports
  • Role Based Permissions
  • Resource allocation
  • Vendors Dashboard
  • Social Media Login
  • Vendor Landing Theme
  • Ratings System
  • Manufacturers Profile
  • Announcements
  • Import/Export Data
  • Import Customers
  • Email Notifications
  • Buyer-Seller Communication
  • Different Login Interface
  • Blog
  • SEO Optimized
  • Performance
  • Google Maps Ready
  • Amazon S3 Ready




Digiprix uses an intelligent algorithm (similar to the ones used by major industry companies) to detect all known hacker attacks as well as new unknown threats

using code recognition and patterns, and automatically takes action.


Security Features:

SQLi Protection: Protection from SQL Injections (SQLi) and XSS Vulnerabilities (Cross-Site Scripting).

Proxy Protection: Protection from Proxy, VPN and TOR Visitors or so-called people hiding behind proxies.

Spam Protection: Protection from Spammers and Spam Bots that aim to spam your website.

Input Sanitization: Protection Module that automatically sanitizes all incoming and outgoing requests and responses. Real-time scanning of all requests.

Bad Words Filtering: Protection module that filters profanity, bad words, bad links, bad sentences and other bad content in real-time.