Business process modelling

Here is a summary of the task:

**Task: Model and Analyze a Business Process in the Procurement Domain**

1. **Process Modeling:**
– Utilize the WoPeD tool to create a WF-Net that accurately represents a procurement process from an organizational perspective.
– The model should include a brief description of the process flow and identify the resources and roles involved.
– The design should be realistically complex, incorporating various constructs like XOR, AND, loops, unstructured splits, and joins. It should include at least 20 tasks and five different resource roles.

2. **Process Verification:**
– Verify the soundness of the model using WoPeD, ensuring it meets established correctness properties.
– Demonstrate knowledge of these properties by creating examples of incorrect models that violate soundness criteria. Include how these violations are detected using verification techniques.
– The final report should include only the verified/sound process model as a pnml file and evidence of the testing and verification process, including screenshots of unsound models.

3. **Capacity Planning:**
– Propose two realistic capacity planning scenarios reflecting different caseloads.
– Perform capacity planning analysis using WoPeD, and discuss the results and insights within the report.

4. **Quantitative Simulation:**
– Propose two business scenarios your organization could face.
– Conduct a quantitative simulation for each scenario using WoPeD, discussing the results and potential implications for business process improvement.
– If necessary, simplify the model to facilitate the simulation, and discuss any impacts from these changes.

5. **Deliverables:**
– A comprehensive written report of up to 20 pages detailing the processes modeled, analyses performed, and insights gained.

This task requires thorough modeling and analysis of a procurement process using specific tools and methodologies, aimed at enhancing organizational understanding and efficiency.