Business Requirements Document



Business Requirements Document


Implementation of WASFATY Prescription System for HPCs and Provider Integration Solution


Table of Contents


Document Information. 2

Document History. 3

Document Approval 4

  1. Executive Summary. 5
  2. Overview. 5
  3. Scope. 6
  4. Requirements Summary. 6
  5. Requirements Details. 18
  6. Security. 319
  7. Table of Acronyms. 320
  8. Appendix. 321



REQ ID REQ Description (Arabic)
RQ-032 In the settings of my prescription system, you should provide the possibility of adjusting the prices of the drug by brand name.
RQ-035 In the settings of my brand system, you must provide the possibility of adding and adjusting the base price of each item to be used in the presentation of financial reports.
RQ-036* In the settings of my prescription system, you must provide the possibility of adding and adjusting the profit ratio of pharmacies for each item to be used in the presentation of financial reports.
RQ-038 Before you save the data of any drug by scientific name, you must make sure that it does not exist in advance based on nobco’s number.
RQ-039 Before keeping the data of any drug by brand name, you must make sure that it does not exist in advance based on the FDA’s number.
RQ-040 Alerts must be issued if there is a pre-registered drug similar to the ministry of health number or additional identification number
RQ-049 You must provide the activation or deactivation of drug suppliers with the drugs they supply.



1.   Requirements Details


Req. ID RQ-032
Related Systems MDR, OI, LMU
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير إمكانية تعديل أسعار الدواء بالاسم التجاري. In WASFATY system, admin should be able to modify Drugs prices


Details ·        Ability for system admin to add and update the trade name price

·        Supplier price and alternative price and SFDA price.

·        All fields exist in MDR just need to rename the fields Name.




1-     need the following fields about price and cost.


Old Label Name New Label Name Validation
Price Supplier Price +ve decimal: 6 digits with 4 decimals


Also, can accept zero.


Alt Price SFDA Price +ve decimal: 6 digits with 4 decimals


Also, can accept zero.

cost Cost +ve decimal: 6 digits with 4 decimals


Also, can accept zero.

TAX VAT (%) format is “9” to “999” (Tax value can be 0% to 999%)


Net Price Net Price +ve decimal: 6 digits with 4 decimals


Also, can accept zero.



2-     Need to add a flag “Is Contracted”

Is contracted” field will be used to select the price to be used for the transaction as the following:

o   If True, will use supplier price and Supplier price will be mandatory field

o   If False, will use the SFDA price. And SFDA price will be mandatory filed

3-     Add a label as a net price under the generic code in MDR.

·        The Net Price will be mapped based on the flag of contracted or not contracted.


Is Contracted Net Price value
YES = Supplier price
NO = SFDA price




Expected Results


 At MDR: User can modify the Trade Prices in the below screen shot


All fields to be added to drug list on MDR report.


LMU: to sync all fields from drug to drug list from MDR

OI: Fields update on RQ-002 data mart sheet- drug information


Assumptions NA
Dependencies RQ-035
Constraint NA
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Req. ID RQ-033
Related Systems MDR, LMU, PP, OI
F013Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير إمكانية التحكم في إظهار أو عدم إظهار الاسم التجاري في شاشة الطبيب عند كتابة الوصفة WASFATY Admin should have an option to show or hide the brands connected to the generic at Prescription page


Details To control the showing of the brands connected to the generic at Prescription page.

MDR: to have a flag at generic to determine the assigned trades to be displayed at Physician side

LMU: To add a column at Generic for display the Trade

To add a column for display trade at trade list

PP: if Display Trade is checked the Physician will be able to see the Trade drugs assigned to the generic.

·        If the Option for showing Brands is enabled for the physician: he will be able to see the active brands name next to the generic name, (physician can’t edit or select, brand drug only for view, content to be Grey colour not bold)

·        In case the generic connected to different Brands drug the system should show all the brands.

Expected Results


·         At MDR WASFATY admin to check the flag to display Trade:


·        At PP when the physician selects the Generic name, system will display the assigned Trades to the generic with no action on it (if the drug is checked to be displayed.




OI: At LMU lists Generic information

(RQ-002- Data mart sheet)

Assumptions To consider all permission level like:

·        The system must show only the active branded drugs.

·        The system must consider the division of the drug.

·        The system must consider the speciality level.


Dependencies RQ-122
Constraint NA
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Req. ID RQ-034
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير إمكانية التعديل و الإضافة على محتويات الورقة  اللاصقة للدواء (Label) In WASFATY there should be the option to edit and update on the printing labels of the medicines


Details For the patient prescription label, NUPCO admin should be able to change the layout and content of the label by adding/removing fields, free text, image from it with adjusting the font size

list of required fields (refer to prescription page contents).

·        Patient Profile (patient id, patient name, contact number, gender, weight, patient file no, DOB

·        Facility name, facility id, city

·        Physician: Physician name, physician id, physician contact #

·        Pharmacy: pharmacy name, pharmacy id

·        Pharmacist: pharmacist name, pharmacist id

·        Prescription Data:  eRx #, Start date, generic name, trade name, ROA, Instruction, Dispense quantity


Expected Results


WASFATY Admin will at CP to configure the label layout contents

·        From a predefined list, drag and drop fields on the label layout, change field location, remove fields from layout


For example: admin user, can predefined list to drag it in the required places as below:


·        after assigning the fields, Admin can view a test label for check and confirmation


Constraint ·        # of added fields and content at the label due to the size of it

·        Label Size1 and label size 2

·        If the Pharmacist use his POS this will not be applicable

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Req. ID RQ-035
Related Systems MDR, LMU, CORE, PP, OI, TMB, CP
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير إمكانية إضافة وتعديل السعر الأساسي لكل صنف ليستخدم في عرض التقارير المالية Ability to edit and modify the Price for each item to be used at Financial reports


Details ·        Ability to edit and modify the Price for each item to be used at Financial reports

·        All prices should be able to be displayed OI, TMB and API service



Expected Results


Prices fields to be displayed at OI, TMB and API services (financial calculations)



·        Cost

·        VAT

·        Net Price



for the POS Dispensing system, need to take into consideration to sync with drug price (Net and VAT).



Assumptions NA
Dependencies RQ-032
Constraint The modified price will be reflecting on the new transaction only after the modification.
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Req. ID RQ-036
Related Systems MDR, LMU, OI
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير إمكانية إضافة وتعديل نسبة الربح للصيدليات لكل صنف ليستخدم في عرض التقارير المالية At WASFATY, system should be able to Add/ edit the profit percent for the pharmacy for each item which will be used for the financial reports.

Function System affected Changes
Set the price based on NUPCO / SFDA price MDR- Trade Name Need to change the label name at MDR to match the new naming from NUPCO as detailed in RQ-032




Price for authorization

(Net price)

PP, CORE, TPO The price (Net Price) for Auth. Request and Claim Submission transactions on (Core, PP, TPO)


Track the change in price CORE Once price change at MDR, should be synced to core


Track the change in price OI Reports need to show the price of the medication based on the price of the period report generated.

Need to consider expanding the businesses in the future as below

·        Starting with private sector.

·        Starting with insurance company.

·        Integrating with payment engine.


Where the pricing will be configure based on net price with margin depend on the provider or insurance company network and co-payment policy





Expected Results


At OI:


WASFATY Admin, should be able to add the pharmacy profit margin for all pharmacies

And to be calculated in the financial report

·        Total price with the profit in the required Report as below, where he can build the question and add the column needed


·        Total Price= net price + (profit %* net price)








Dependencies RQ-032,035
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Req. ID RQ-037
Related Systems MDR, LMU, TMB, PP
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تحميل مجوعة أدوية إلي النظام من ملف (Excel) There should be an option to upload medications in the system using excel files
Details In MDR, the admin user should be to load bulk trades at one time from an excel sheet.

The uploaded file must reflect on all WASFATY components.

·        Will be used for new or updating drugs.

Expected Results


At MDR: functionally for uploading bulk of trades one time


·        Will provide templates for adding new drugs.

·        NUPCO admin should Fill in the template all mandatory fields as its ID


Package type: Blister Pack, will fill the ID =87



·        Terminology will part of the ,






·        Added trade should be linked to an existing Generic code.

·        Multiple Divisions, ingredient and strength should be separated by |,

·        System will validate the data and




·        Once the drug released, it will be active on all other system.




·        NUPCO, MOH, SFDA, NHIC codes will be added to drug list in LMU


·        NUPCO, MOH, SFDA, NHIC codes will be added to drug list in LMU



Dependencies Template Will be provided as CR 22,27,29,36,31 delivered to match all mandatory field and apply the required validation, before starting the development of the requirement.
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Req. ID RQ-038
Related Systems MDR
Business Need Summary يجب التأكد قبل حفظ بيانات أي دواء بالاسم العلمي أن لا يكون موجود مسبقاً بناءً على رقم نوبكو For adding any generic drug, system should validate the new added drug is not available in the system, based on NUPCO drug code.


Details ·        For adding any new generic drug, system should validate if the drug is already available in the NUPCO system, based on NUPCO code.

·        Adding validation in the NUPCO number (duplication).


Field Translation Available in system Type Mandatory
تعريف وزارة الصحة، رقم تعريف نوبكو Should have field for each of the following

1-     MOH Code

2-     NUPCO code



Code Mandatory Unique


(none is considered as value)



Expected Results



·        Once system define new generic, NUPCO code will have empty value.

o   system will warn the User to fill the values needed for new generic in   order to activated once trade codes saved.


o   Another validation level at release page, before release the drugs.



Rejection Message:

·        Added MOH code already registered with another generic name,


·        Added NUPCO code already registered with another generic name,




·        NUPCO and MOH code will be added to generic list in LMU


·        NUPCO and MOH code will be added to generic list in LMU




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Req. ID RQ-039
Related Systems MDR, LMU
Business Need Summary يجب التأكد قبل حفظ بيانات أي دواء بالاسم التجاري أن لا يكون موجود مسبقاً بناءً على رقم هيئة الدواء و الغذاء While adding any new Trade drug, system should validate if the drug is already available in the system, based on SFDA #



Details ·        For adding any new Trade drug, system should validate if the drug is already available in the system, based on SFDA #.

·        Adding validation in the SFDA number (duplication)


Refer to RQ-031 for adding SFDA code

Expected Results




User will be able to configure the at component page at drug level with below setup


Code Mandatory Unique Warning level
SFDA 1-     Yes

2-     No

1-     Yes

2-     NO

1-     Warning

2-     Rejection



Once adding new drug and assigning the SFDA code

The system must show user, the notification if he wants to continue saving the drug.

SFDA # Can be added even if duplicate


Upon adding new trade, the system must show user, the notification if he wants to continue saving the drug in case the code (SFDA code) is already register with another generic name.

Notification Message: Added SFDA code already registered with another generic name

Are you sure to continue?

If press yes: will save the drug

If press no: need to change the code




·        NUPCO, MOH, SFDA, NHIC codes will be added to drug list in LMU


·        NUPCO, MOH, SFDA, NHIC codes will be added to drug list in LMU




Dependencies RQ-031
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Req. ID RQ-040
Related Systems MDR, LMU
Business Need Summary يجب إصدار تنبيهات في حال كان هنالك دواء مسجل مسبقاً متشابه في نفس رقم وزارة الصحة أو رقم تعريف إضافي


System should generate alert in case added drug is same as the MOH # or any additional #
Details ·        System should generate alert in case added drug have if it has same MOH # or any additional #

·        Validation needs to be added (If there are any drug with the same code)

·        Validation should be applied on the different code terminology. E.g.: SFDA code, NUPCO code, MOH code


Refer to RQ-031 for adding SFDA code

Expected Results



User will be able to configure the at component page at drug level with below setup


Code Mandatory Unique Warning level
XXXX 1-     Yes

2-     No

1-     Yes

2-     NO

1-     rejection

2-     warning


When saving a new drug, notification will appear if they are any existing drug has any similar codes (all codes)

Upon adding new, the system must show user, the notification if he wants to continue saving the drug in case the code (MOH code) or (one Additional code is already register with another generic name.

Notification Message: Added NUPCO code already registered with another generic name

Are you sure to continue?

If press yes: will save the drug

If press no: need to change the code




·        NUPCO, MOH, SFDA, NHIC codes will be added to drug list in LMU


·        NUPCO, MOH, SFDA, NHIC codes will be added to drug list in LMU




Dependencies RQ-031
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Req. ID RQ-041
Related Systems MDR
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تفعيل او إلغاء تفعيل الأدوية بالاسماء العلمية System should have ability to activate /deactivate generic drugs


Details ·        System should have ability to activate /deactivate generic drugs in MDR.

·        System should sync with LMU, PP, CORE.



Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-042
Related Systems LMU, PP, CORE, TMB.
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تفعيل او إلغاء تفعيل الأدوية بالاسماء التجارية System should have ability to activate /deactivate Trade drugs


Details ·        System should have ability to activate /deactivate Trade drugs.

·        System should sync with LMU, PP, CORE, TMB.


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-043
Related Systems LMU, PP, CORE.
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تفعيل او إلغاء تفعيل في القطاعات الصحية للأدوية بالاسماء العلمي Functionality to activate/ de-activate the assigned division for generic drug


Details ·        Functionality to activate/ de-activate the assigned division for generic drug.

·        System should sync with LMU, PP, CORE.



Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-044
Related Systems LMU, PP, Core, TMB
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تفعيل او إلغاء تفعيل في القطاعات الصحية للأدوية بالاسماء التجارية Functionality to activate/ de-activate the assigned division for Trade drug



Details ·        Functionality to activate/ de-activate the assigned division for Trade drug.

·        System should sync with LMU, PP, CORE, TMB.





Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-045
Related Systems MRD, LMU, PP
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تفعيل او إلغاء تفعيل في المراكز الصحية أو المستشفيات للأدوية بالاسماء العلمية The option to deactivate and activate Generic drugs from PHC’s and hospitals


Details Reference to RQ-30. Prescribing authority for

·        PHC

·        Hospital

·        All

To (add, modify, delete) the generic drug prescribing based on facility type: PHC or Hospital or both, and this will be synced to LMU and will be synced to PP and TMB.


Expected Results


Nucpo Admin can enable the genrci name to allow to prescribe at PHC,Hopsital or both .

Example: Once authority is All

At LMU authority configured per code in the LMU-generic

Authority Code Facility Type
1 Clinic
2 Hospital





LMU-GENERIC (mock-up)







( list ) (mock-up)




Dependencies RQ-030
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Req. ID RQ-046
Related Systems MDR, LMU, PP, TMB,CORE
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تفعيل او إلغاء تفعيل في المراكز الصحية أو المستشفيات للأدوية بالاسماء التجارية The option to deactivate and activate trade drugs from PHC’s and hospitals


Details Reference to RQ-30 Prescribing authority for generic, required to apply rule at trade

·        PHC

·        Hospital

·        Pharmacy

To define (add, modify, delete) the trade drug prescribing based on facility type: PHC or Hospital or pharmacy



Authority Code Facility Type  
1 Clinic Check box
2 Hospital Check box
3 Pharmacy Check box


This to enable the drug to be dispensed per hospital or clinic pharmacies


Expected Results


At MDR: to define the trade drug to be dispensed per provider level as below


Authority Code Facility Type  
1 Clinic Check box
2 Hospital Check box
3 Pharmacy Check box


At LMU: a new column at LMU with authority code for the trade, with multiple Value


At PP:

Drug will be shown at dispensed provider if the authority code checked matched the provider type.

This to enable the drug to be dispensed per hospital or clinic pharmacies.


·        If the (clinic/hospital) using WASFATY system for dispense, drug will be active based on the above setup

·        If the (clinic/hospital) using their HIS for dispense (or POS), eRx dispense authorization to WASFATY is included non-authorized item, authorization will be rejected from dispense.


Dependencies RQ-031
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Req. ID RQ-047
Related Systems LMU, PP, CORE, TMB
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تفعيل او إلغاء تفعيل في الصيدليات وفروع الصيدليات للأدوية بالاسماء العلمية Ability to assign generic drugs to the chain pharmacy and their branches


Details ·        Ability to assign Generic drugs to the chain pharmacy and their branches

·        System should sync with LMU, PP, CORE, TMB.


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-048
Related Systems LMU, PP, CORE, TMB.
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تفعيل او إلغاء تفعيل في الصيدليات وفروع الصيدليات للأدوية بالاسماء التجارية  

Ability to assign trade drugs to the chain pharmacy and their branches


Details ·        Ability to assign trade drugs to the chain pharmacy and their branches

·        System should sync with LMU, PP, CORE, TMB.


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-049
Related Systems MDR
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تفعيل او إلغاء تفعيل موردين أدوية مع الأدوية التي يوردونها System should have the functionality to Activate or deactivate suppliers with all drugs they supply


Details WASFATY system should have the functionality to activate or deactivate a supplier with all drugs related to him at once.
Expected Results



·        WASFATY Admin (user) can select activate or de-activate supplier,

·        If he de-activate the supplier all Active drugs supplied by him will be discontinued

·        When activate the supplier all Active drugs supplied by him will (as registered in the MDR) will be activate and user will be having the option for release all item or some of them.

·        Validation will be applied in case a generic only linked to one trade and the trade deactivated, system will alert the user to check the related generic





·        Supplier list (Agent) to be added in LMU (ID, Description and status)

·        MDR to sync the list to LMU

OI: add a supplier list in LMU list at data mart (RQ-002)



Dependencies N/A
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Req. ID RQ-056
Related Systems CP, OI
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير شاشة لإضافة وتعديل وحذف وتفعيل وإلغاء تفعيل حسابات المستخدمين In the settings of the system you must provide a screen to add, modify, delete, activate and deactivate user accounts
Details The WASFATY admin user needs to have the rights to add, edit, activate and deactivate any user accounts.
Expected Results


At CP: WASFATY Admin has the privilege to


·        Activate and De-activate user


·        He should be able to search for a user with below fields

§  User ID (National id)

§  Medical License

§  User Type

§  Username




·        Add new user: once the user activated an SMS /email will be sent to the user for notification him for the activation of his account.

·        Edit user data and privilege: all validation for all filed to be applied.


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-009,10,11,12, 154
Constraint User will not be deleted from the system, only set as inactive
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Req. ID RQ-057
Related Systems CP, PP, OI
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير شاشة لإضافة وتعديل وحذف صلاحيات حسابات جميع المستخدمين In the settings of system, should provide a screen to add, modify, delete the privilege for all user accounts
Details WASFATY admin user needs to have the capabilities to assign or edit users account .
Expected Results




WASFATY Admin has the privilege to add/edit/remove user’s privileges accounts (for all accounts based on specific role) and this will reflect on PP, CORE, LMU, OI.

·        Can assign Main Role for predefined Roles based on user profession



·        Can select custom role and assign any privilege from the available roles in the list.



Admin user at Admin Page, can add user, and assign privilege to him



Assumptions Possibility to add (Core, LMU) to Keykloak to setup all users privilege from CP
Dependencies RQ-058,011
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Req. ID RQ-058
Related Systems CP, PP, OI
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير شاشة لإضافة وتعديل وحذف صلاحيات حسابات المستخدمين لمدراء المراكز والصيدليات Facility Admin should have a Screen to add, edit, delete privilege for user accounts at PHC and Pharmacy chain


Details Facility Admin should have a Screen to add, edit, delete privilege for user accounts

The admin users need to have rights to add modify and deactivate any facility admin user privileges.


Expected Results


: WASFATY Admin has the privilege to add/edit/remove users privileges accounts

For any systems (CP, PP, OI, LMU, CORE)

·        Assign new privilege or role to user.

·        Remove privilege



Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-057
Constraint N/A
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Req. ID RQ-059
Related Systems OI, PP, CP
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير إمكانية تحديد زمن عدم الاستخدام اللازم لإلغاء تفعيل الحسابات WASFATY admin should be able to define the retention time for inactive user account to deactivate the account.
Details In WASFTY system settings, WASFATY admin should be able to define the retention time for inactive user account to deactivate the account.

retention time per Days range from (30 Days to 3650 days)


Expected Results


At CP, Admin will have an access at user management Configuration to define the retention time per Days range from



The retention time will be implemented for all users (PP and CP user).

·        Retention time will be counted from last user login.

·        OI must contain report for all deactivated user by retention time.

·        The mentioned deactivation doesn’t include the licenses expiry date (only user account).


Assumptions NA
Dependencies RQ-060
Constraint User will not be deleted from the system, only set as inactive
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Req. ID RQ-061
Related Systems PP, TMB
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير إمكانية تحديد أقصى حد للأدوية المصروفة في الوصفة الواحدة The option to limit the maximum number prescribed
Details WASFATY should have the option (functionality in the system) to limit the maximum number of generic drugs being prescribed by a physician in a single prescription.

Minimum # of activity by default =1 integer

Maximum # of activity = 50 integers

Expected Results


UI at system to Configure the maximum number of activities by Prescription


At PP: when Physician added an activity exceeding the setup value a message will show to him that he exceeds the maximum allowed Activity per prescription.


English message: “you Exceeded maximum number of drugs per prescription (maximum number of drugs per prescription is 10)”

Arabic message:


“لقد تم تجاوز أقصى كمية مسموحه لعدد الأدوية في الوصفة الواحدة (أقصى عدد مسموح للأدوية للوصفة هو 10)”



System should reject any eRx from HIS if it exceeds the limit max value to be mapped from CP to TMB to reject any eRx includes prescribed medication more than setup value.


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint N/A
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Req. ID RQ-062
Related Systems PP, TMB
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير إمكانية تحديد أقصى حد للتشخيصات في الموصفة الواحدة System should be able to set the maximum # of Diagnose per prescription




WASFATY admin should have the option (functionality in the system) to limit the maximum number of diagnostics being prescribed by a physician in a single prescription.


Minimum # of Diagnose by default =1 Integer

Maximum # of diagnose Activity =20 integer

Expected Results



UI at the system to Configure the maximum number of Diagnose by Prescription

At PP: when Physician added a Diagnose exceeding the setup value, a message will show to him that he exceeds the maximum allowed Diagnose per prescription.


English message:

you Exceeded maximum number of Diagnose per prescription (maximum number of Diagnose per prescription is 5)”

Arabic message:

“لقد تم تجاوز أقصى كمية مسموحه لعدد التشخيصات في الوصفة الواحدة (أقصى عدد مسموح للتشخيصات للوصفة هو 5)”




System should reject any eRx from HIS if it exceeds the limit max value to be mapped from CP to TMB   to reject any eRx includes diagnosis more than setup value


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint N/A
Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  











Req. ID RQ-063
Related Systems CP, LMU, PP,
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير إمكانية تحديد أقصى عدد مستخدمين لكل صيدلية In the system settings, it should have the ability to limit the maximum number of users per Pharmacy.
Details NUPCO to define the Maximum Number of users under the facility in LMU.

The Facility admin can’t add users more than the above defined value for this facility.

Expected Results


At CP:

Setup will be on Facility level

When adding new Pharmacy branch NUPCO Admin will setup the maximum number of users for this branch

At CP: Facility Admin can’t exceed the setup value with a message appear to him that the pharmacy branch exceeded number of assigned users


Action Message (English) Notification Message (Arabic) User Access the system
Rejection message Pharmacy branch exceeded number of assigned users.

User can’t be added

فرع الصيدلية تعدى الحد المسموح به لعدد المستخدمين.

لا يمكن اضافة مستخدم جديد



OI: Will sync the facility information from LMU that includes maximum # of users

Table: facility list (RQ-002) includes max # of user per facility


Dependencies RQ-064, RQ-019
Constraint ·        The number should reflect the active number of users.

For previous configured facility admin can’t add new users until the number of active user under his/her facility become less than Maximum Number of active users that defined on LMU level for the same facility.

·        The limit should be in integers only. With default value

o   Zero (0) value means unlimited # of users.

Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  





Req. ID RQ-064
Related Systems CP, LMU
Business Need Summary في إعدادات نظام وصفتي يجب توفير إمكانية تحديد أقصى عدد مستخدمين لكل مركز صحي In the system settings, should have the ability to limit the maximum number of users per PHC.
Details ·        NUPCO of users under the facility in LMU.

The Facility admin can’t add users more than the above defined value for this facility.

Expected Results



Setup will be on Facility level

When adding new PHC, NUPCO Admin will setup the maximum number of users on this PHC branch

At CP: Facility Admin can’t exceed the setup value with a message appear to him that the pharmacy branch exceeded number of assigned users


Action Message (English) Notification Message (Arabic) User Access the system
Rejection message Facility exceeded number of assigned users.

User can’t be added

المنشأة تعدت الحد المسموح به لعدد المستخدمين.

لا يمكن اضافة مستخدم جديد



·        The limit should be in integers only. With default value

o   Zero (0) value means unlimited # of users.


OI: Will sync the facility information from LMU that includes maximum # of users

Table: facility list (RQ-002) includes max # of user per facility



Dependencies RQ-063, RQ-019
Constraint ·        The number should reflect the active number of users.

·        For previous configured facility admin can’t add new users until the number of active user under his/her facility become less than Maximum Number of active users that defined on LMU level for the same facility.

·        The limit should be in integers only. (More than zero).

Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  



Req. ID RQ-065
Related Systems CP, TMB
Business Need Summary يجب توفير إشعارات (انتهاء ترخيص منشأة) لمستخدمين إدارة النظام Notices (expiry of a facility license) must be provided to system management user
Details ·        System should send notification email to WASFATY Admin and facility admin, before 30 days of facility expiry date.

·        System should give warning message in user login to inform the user about the facility expiration that defined to user account.


Expected Results


At CP:

·        to configure the system to send an email to facility admin notify for facility licence        expiry before X days from expiry.

·        once user login to system to notify him about facility Expiration before 30 days

·        once facility licence expired user can’t access the system.


Action Message (English) Notification Message (Arabic) User Access the system
After Expiry Dear user:

You Can’t access the Portal.

Your facility licence is expired, kindly notify your facility admin for renewal.

عزيزي المستخدم:

لا يمكنك الدخول الى المنصة.

رخصة المنشأة

منتهية يرجى ابلاغ مدير المنشأة لتجديدها


Near to expire Dear user:

Your facility licence is near to expire, kindly notify your facility admin for renewal.

عزيزي المستخدم:

رخصة المنشأة ستنتهي قريبا

يرجى ابلاغ مدير المنشأة لتجديدها




TMB Should also reject any transactions submitted on expired facility and return a clear error message mentioning that facility license has expired please contact the system admin.

Dependencies RQ-070
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Status*   Approval Date  




Req. ID RQ-066
Related Systems CP, LMU, PP
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خصائص التعديل والحذف والإضافة للمراكز الصحية وبياناتها. System should provide the functionality to add, edit, deactivate PHC and its data
Details WASFATY the functionality in the system to add, edit, hide and deactivate any facility entry.
Expected Results



Wil add new module for adding Facility with its details as RQ-020

WASFATY Admin will be able to add, modify and deactivate facility.

·        For hiding facility, it must hide from user assigned and report dropdown list.

·        For deactivated facility, the facility needs to be identified in all dropdown list in all systems.


Refer to RQ-021


Dependencies RQ-019,021,069,070
Constraint ·        Delivery for the integration API’S will depend on its available from ZAWAYA.

·        Hiding for facility with or without transaction.


Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  





Req. ID RQ-067
Related Systems CP, LMU, OI, PP, CORE
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية إضافة فرع صيدلية  لمدراء الصيدليات، مع إمكانية عدم الإضافة الي النظام حتى التعميد من قبل نوبكو. The option to allow pharmacy chain admin to add pharmacy branch and shouldn’t be activated on system till get approved by NUPCO admin.
Details ·        The to add a pharmacy branch by a pharmacy chain administrator.

·        NUPCO should have the functionality to approve the activation of the pharmacy branch once it’s been created.


Refer to RQ-022

Expected Results


At CP to have a functionality to add Facility

·        Facility admin for pharmacy chain to log in and add new facility and fill all required data as in RQ-21

·        Once NUPCO Admin approves and activate the Facility, the facility admin will get notification via SMS / Email with activation code

·        Facility admin can start adding and assign user to the created facility.

·        If NUPCO Admin reject the registration for the user, an email should be sent to the user with reason for rejection.



Dependencies RQ-019, RQ-022
Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  





Req. ID RQ-068
Related Systems PP, CP, LMU, CORE, MDR
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية تعديل الوقت اللازم لتسجيل الخروج الإلزامي في حالة عدم الاستخدام. The option to control the session time out period of the page for no use on the system


Details WASFATY should have the option to define the idle time of a system. The system is supposed to log off once the idle time is over. (session time out)


Example: Once the PP is inactive and not in use for 25 minutes, PP will log off automatically.

Expected Results


At CP:


·        Below configuration should be applied to all system component (PP, CP, LMU, CORE, MDR)

the duration of session time out.

·        Before 2 minutes of session timeout, system should notify the user of an auto-logout after 2 minutes,

·        After the 2 minutes, the system must log out the user if there is no action from the user.



Message Arabic English Action
Before سيتم انتهاء الجلسة خلال دقيقتين Your session is about to expire within 2 minutes No action, message will be reset if any activity in the system
At Time out تم انتهاء الجلسة Your session has times out. Log f the user from system



Message English Action
At Time out Your session has times out. Log f the user from system


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint The notification time must be less the session time duration.
Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  



Req. ID RQ-069
Related Systems CP, PP, LMU, TMB
Business Need Summary قبل تسجيل الدخول يجب التأكد من صلاحية ترخيص المستخدم (أطباء، صيادلة) The license validation of the physician/ pharmacist needs to be done before login to the system.


Details ·        The system should validate the license of the physician and pharmacist before login to the WASFATY system.

·        Before last 10 days from the expiry date (everyday), system must show user a notification as a reminder to the expiry date.


Expected Results



At Login Page once the user enters his credential, system will check the facility license   expiry date:


·        If the license is valid, he will be logged in to system

·        If license is near expire, system will notify the user with message for near expiry

o   Before last 10 days from the expiry date (everyday), system must show user a notification as a reminder to the expiry date.

·        If the license is expired, user will be able to login to CP but he will not be able to access any other systems

o   Message to the user: as table below


Action Message (English) Notification Message (Arabic) User Access the system
After Expiry Dear user:

You can’t access the portal

Your license has expired, update and contact the admin.

عزيزي المستخدم:

لا يمكنك الدخول الى المنصة

رخصتك الطبية قد انتهت يرجى تحديثها والاتصال بمدير المنشأة


Near to expire Dear user:

Your license near to expire, update and contact the admin.

عزيزي المستخدم:

رخصتك الطبية على وشك الانتهاء يرجى تحديثها والاتصال بمدير المنشأة





·        To validate the transactions from PP and external vendors (HIS, POS) regarding the clinician’s licences for below transaction:

o   Post New prescription

o   Edit new prescription

o   Cancel prescription (for another physician)

o   Request authorization for Dispense

o   Claim dispenses

·        TMB to reject any transaction if the clinician licence is expired with below denial code

The transaction is denied, because your licence is expired, kindly update and contact the admin. تم رفض المعاملة، بسبب انتهاء صلاحية رخصتك الطبية، يرجى التحديث والاتصال بمدير المنشأة.



Validation Clinician with NHIC:

·        Register new Clinician at CP system

ü  Admin/user to fill the user document ID and Date of birth

ü  CP will call NHIC API, if user has valid licence with status active, data retrieved from NHIC will be auto refill in CP system.

o   User can’t fill any data that should be filled by NHIC.

o   User should fill the fields that is not retrieved from NHIC.


·        Issue an e- Prescription (Physician) (PP& integrated vendor)

o   Once Prescription posted in TMB, TMB will call the NHIC API to validate for the clinician licence

ü  If licence is valid and user is active, prescription will be approved

ü  If licence is not valid prescription will be rejected with return message to the user

“User license is expired, kindly check with NHIC for more details”

الرخصة الطبية منتهية الصلاحية، يرجى مراجعة هيئة التخصصات الصحية لمزيد من المعلومات


·        Request authorization for dispense (Pharmacist) (PP& integrated vendor)

o   Once user send a request for dispense in TMB, TMB will call the NHIC API to validate for the clinician licence

ü  If licence is valid and user is active, prescription will be approved

ü  If licence is not valid prescription will be rejected with return message to the user

“User license is expired, kindly check with NHIC for more details”

الرخصة الطبية منتهية الصلاحية، يرجى مراجعة هيئة التخصصات الصحية لمزيد من المعلومات


Assumptions Validation for clinician licence can be

ü  Real-time with NHIC.

ü  Near-real time: where system will call the NHIC once every x hours and update the facility data on the LMU

ü  If NHIC is down, system should have an option to validate on LMU data without calling NHIC.

ü  System could be switch between option 1 or option2


Dependencies RQ-070
Constraint Delivery for the integration API’S will depend on its available from ZAWAYA.


Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  


Req. ID RQ-070
Related Systems CP, PP, TMB
Business Need Summary قبل تسجيل الدخول يجب التأكد من صلاحية ترخيص فرع الصيدلية التي يتبع لها الصيدلي System Should validate the pharmacy license expiry for the user at login.
Details ·        If the pharmacy license is expired, user cannot login to the system of that pharmacy.

·        If the user is assigned to two or more pharmacies, he can login only to the active (license not expired) pharmacy.

·        Message to the user: Your facility licence is near to expire, kindly notify your facility admin for renewal.

·        Before last 10 days from the expiry date (everyday), system must show user a notification as a reminder to the expiry date.

Expected Results



At Login Page once the user enters his credential, system will check the facility license   expiry date:

·        If the license is valid, he will be logged in to system

·        If license is near expire, system will notify the user with message for near expiry

o   Before last 10 days from the expiry date (everyday), system must show user a notification as a reminder to the expiry date.

·        If the license is expired, user will be able to login to CP, but he will not be able to access any other systems

o   Message to the user: as table below



Action Message (English) Notification Message (Arabic) User Access the system
After Expiry Dear user:

You Can’t access the Portal.

Your facility licence is expired, kindly notify your facility admin for renewal.

عزيزي المستخدم:

لا يمكنك الدخول الى المنصة.

رخصة المنشأة

منتهية يرجى ابلاغ مدير المنشأة لتجديدها


Near to expire Dear user:

Your facility licence is near to expire, kindly notify your facility admin for renewal.

عزيزي المستخدم:

رخصة المنشأة ستنتهي قريبا

يرجى ابلاغ مدير المنشأة لتجديدها



Selection of facility must be before login is complete.



·        To validate the transactions from PP and external vendors (HIS, POS) regarding the Facility licences for below transaction:

o   Post New prescription

o   Edit new prescription

o   Cancel prescription (for another physician)

o   Request authorization for Dispense

·        TMB to reject any transaction if the facility licence is expired with below denial code

The transaction is denied, because your facility licence is expired, kindly notify your facility admin for renewal. تم رفض المعاملة، بسبب انتهاء صلاحية ترخيص منشأتك، يرجى إبلاغ المسؤول لتجديدها.




Validation Facility with NHIC:

·        Register new facility at CP system

ü  Admin/user to fill the facility  data

ü  CP will Call NHIC API, if facility has valid licence with status active, data retrieved from NHIC will be auto refill in CP system.

o   User can’t fill any data that should be filled by NHIC.

o   User should fill the fields that is not retrieved from NHIC.

·        Issue an e- Prescription (PP& integrated vendor)

o   Once Prescription posted in TMB, TMB will call the NHIC API to validate for the Facility licence

ü  If licence is valid and user is active, prescription will be approved

ü  If licence is not valid prescription will be rejected with return message to the user

“The facility license is expired, kindly check with NHIC for more details”

“رخصة المنشأة منتهية الصلاحية، يرجى مراجعة هيئة التخصصات الصحية لمزيد من المعلومات



·        Request authorization for dispense PP& integrated vendor)

o   Once user send a request for dispense in TMB, TMB will call the NHIC API to validate for the Facility licence

ü  If licence is valid and user is active, authorization for dispense will be approved

ü  If licence is not valid, authorization for dispense will be rejected with return message to the user

“The facility license is expired, kindly check with NHIC for more details”

“رخصة المنشأة منتهية الصلاحية، يرجى مراجعة هيئة التخصصات الصحية لمزيد من المعلومات





Assumptions Validation for Facility licence can be

ü  Real-time with NHIC

ü  Near-real time: where system will call the NHIC once every x hours and update the facility data on the LMU

ü  If NHIC is down, system should have an option to validate on LMU data without calling NHIC.

ü  System could be switch between option 1 or option2



It must be aligned with the RQ-086 and RQ-156.



Dependencies RQ-069, RQ-065
Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  





Req. ID RQ-071
Related Systems PP, OI, TMB
Business Need Summary يجب تسجيل كل تواريخ وأوقات التعديلات التي تحدث من قبل المستخدمين على كل الوصفات الوصفة. System should log all modification with dates and times on prescription by all users
Details Any update on any prescription must be recorded (audit log) in the database with the following details:

·        The type of the update

·        The user who updates the prescription

·        The time and the date

·        The details of the update.:

i)       Update (add or remove) patient allergy

ii)      Update patient chronic diseases

iii)    Update

iv)    Update patient weight & height

v)     Add/ delete activity

vi)    Edit quantity per activity

vii)   Edit instruction per activity

viii) Edit indication per activity

ix)    Editing physician comments


Refer to RQ-139-143, any update on the prescription to be registered in the log

Expected Results


At PP:

Log section per prescription level to show the physician all modification happens for the prescription


Log time (date, time)

dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss

Update type Display name for user Details of update
12/02/20 09:01:00 eRx creation xxxxx Prescription created
12/02/20 09:01:00 Cancel xxxxx  
12/02/20 09:01:00 Activity update (delete, add, or quantity modification) xxxxx Add new activity: paracetamol xxx
12/02/20 09:01:00 Update diagnoses xxxxx Add new diagnose favor
12/02/20 09:01:00 Update patient allergy xxxxx  
12/02/20 09:01:00 Update patient chronic disease xxxxx  
12/02/20 09:01:00 Update patient weight & height xxxxx  



·        Audit log record must be available based on the user log.

to any prescription.



 Log must be available as table to above to save the prescription as well received from external HIS.


 At OI

to reflect same log in the report extracted from TMB data (Refer to RQ-139).



Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-193, RQ-,139 140,141,142,143
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  




Req. ID RQ-072
Related Systems CP, PP, MDR, CORE, LMU, OI
Business Need Summary يجب تسجيل كل تواريخ وأوقات تسجيل الدخول والخروج لكل المستخدمين. System should log dates, login, logout for all users to the system
Details ·        Each system should provide audit log section to show login, logout activity for the users with date and time (dd/mm/yyyy, hh:mm:ss)

·        Recommend to used centralized audit log for all solutions to use and to give holistic view on all action performed by users on all different systems.

Audit log should have a filter allowing to search by User, system component, subcomponent, and date.

Expected Results



each Systems to access the login- logout section for the: CP, PP, MDR, CORE, LMU, and OI

Below screen from CP:



OI: to have centralized login logout history for each system, where user can select the    system, Table: User logging. (RQ-002 excel sheet)



Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  




Req. ID RQ-073
Related Systems CP, PP
Business Need Summary يجب تسجيل كل تواريخ وأوقات كل التعديلات على البيانات المستخدمين System should log all modification with dates and times on user’s data.
Details ·        System should log all the activities performed on the users account information (Add, update, activate, deactivate, etc).

·        Recommend to used centralized audit log for all solutions to use and to give holistic view on all action performed by users on all different systems.

Audit log should have a filter allowing to search by User, system component, subcomponent, and date.

Expected Results


At CP: Admin can view logs for the users account modification with modification values




OI: to have a report to view users account modification from CP

Table: user edit log (RQ-002, excel sheet)


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-004 to RQ-012
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Status*   Approval Date  







Req. ID RQ-074
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary  يجب تسجيل كل تواريخ وأوقات كل التعديلات على بيانات المرضى System should log all modification with dates and times on Patients data
Details ·        System should log all activities performed (Add, update, delete, etc.) at patient registry file

·        Recommend to used centralized audit log for all solutions to use and to give holistic view on all action performed by users on all different systems.

Audit log should have a filter allowing to search by User, system component, subcomponent, and date.

Expected Results



NUPCO Admin can check the logs for patient file registry for any modification on patient file

·        Example: one user change patient mobile #, the log will show the date of change and type of change and who did the change

·        NUPCO admin can give a user right to any user to check patient data.


Date, time User display name Patient ID Type of modification View (old & new Values)
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss xxxxx 11111111 edit  
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss xxxx 111111 ADD  



OI: to have a report to view patients file data modification from pp

Table: Patient registry log (RQ-002, excel sheet)


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-099, CR037, PMI CR
Constraint N/A
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Req. ID RQ-075
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary التأكد من تسجيل أو عدم تسجيل المستفيدين قبل حفظ بياناتهم(عدم التكرار) Ensure that beneficiaries are registered or not registered before saving their data (not repeating)


Expected Results




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Status* Delivered Approval Date  


Req. ID RQ-076
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary رفض تسجيل المستفيدين المسجلين مسبقاً بناءً على رقم الهوية System should reject to register pre-registered beneficiaries based on ID number
Expected Results




Client Verification   Comments


Status* Delivered Approval Date  



Req. ID RQ-077
Related Systems PP, AIMS, TMB, OI
Business Need Summary يجب توفر إمكانية تسجيل بيانات المستفيدين التالية عند تسجيل مستفيد جديد (الاسم أول، الاسم الثاني، الاسم الثالث، اسم العائلة، رقم الهوية، رقم الصحة الوطني، تاريخ الميلاد الهجري، تاريخ الميلاد الميلادي، رقم ملف المريض، الجنسية، نوع الإقامة ، نوع إثبات الهوية، رقم الجوال، الجنس، فصيلة الدم، العنوان، الحالة الاجتماعية، اللغة المفضلة، رقم جوال الحالات الطارئة (أحد الأقارب)، البريد الإلكتروني) The following beneficiary data must be registered when registering a new beneficiary (first name
Details Need to add below fields to the patient file

·        Patient Name

1.      Should have:  FIRST (Mandatory), SECOND, THIRD, FAMILY (Mandatory).

2.      Name can be in Arabic or English, if the user adds first name in Arabic all other fields for the name should be mandatory Arabic and same for English

3.      Should not accept numbers or special character except (- and ‘)

·        DOB

1.      No DOB should be accepted less than year 1900 Georgian or 1320 lunar.

2.      DOB format to be DD/MM/YEAR (21/03/1990), (21/03/1399)

·        Patient E-health ID.

·        Document ID: Need to be set based on Nationality and Residency type

·        Saudi National: Residency Type should be Citizen, and document type should be national card by default and locked and document ID # should start with 1xxxxxxx, to be only 10 digits.


·         For non-Saudi as follow

1.      2.If residency type selected resident, document type should be locked Resident Card and Document ID # should start with 2xxxxx to be only 10 digits


2.      3.If residency type is visitor and document type boarder number, Document ID # should start with 3xxxxx or 4xxxxx to be only 10 digits.



3.      For Visitor and document type passport, keep field with


4.      For GCC, Document ID # should be number and accept from 8 to 15 digits.

5.      Add new Nationality (Not defined – بدون)

If select (Not defined – بدون) in the nationality field, the fields of Residency Document ID will be using facility ID + file no at facility ID as a temporary solution.


·        Contact number:

1.      It should accept only numerical digits.

2.      The default “ xxxxxxxxx” needs to be locked to 14 digits.


3.      For International code , field will accept any numericals and no limitation on the number of numericals.

4.      For domestic code, it should start with 0 with only 10 digits.

5.      If the entry is 0 followed by any non- zero number, then the limitation is of 10 digits.

·        The default “Preferred Language” needs to be “Arabic”. For all Saudi patients the preferred language needs to be Arabic.


Expected Results


Will require to have below data at patient registration file



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Status* Delivered Approval Date  












Req. ID RQ-078
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary التحقق من صحة البيانات المدخلة في حقول بيانات تسجيل المريض قبل الحفظ. To Validate the data entered in the patient registration data fields before saving.


Details As captured in RQ-077.
Expected Results




Client Verification   Comments


Status* Delivered Approval Date  



















Req. ID RQ-079
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary التحقق من عدم وجود بيانات مشابه للبيانات المسجلة للمريض الجديد على سبيل المثال(رقم الهوية) Check that there is no data like that recorded for the new patient, for example (ID number)


Expected Results




Client Verification   Comments


Status* Delivered Approval Date  




















Req. ID RQ-080
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary الحقول الإلزامية  عند تسجيل المريض كما يلي:( اسم المريض، رقم ملف المريض، تاريخ الميلاد (الهجري)، تاريخ الميلاد (ميلادي)، الجنسية، نوع الإقامة، نوع إثبات الهوية، رقم الهوية، رقم الجوال، الجنس) Mandatory fields when the patient is registered as: Patient’s name, patient file number, date of birth (Hijri), date of birth (AD), nationality, type of residence, type of identification, ID number, mobile number, sex)
Details As captured in RQ-077.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-081
Related Systems , TMB
Business Need Summary يجب إسناد رقم الملف إلى المركز الصحية أو المستشفى التي زارها المريض عند حفظ البيانات. The file number should be assigned to the health center or hospital visited by the patient when the data is saved in the system.
Details ·        While defining the patient file number it must be assigned to the facility that the user logins.

·        The system should have the ability to add more than one file number based on the facility the patient visits.


Field Type Mandatory Validation Remarks
Patient File # String Y If the files exist for the facility should be populated, if not, user need to add file ID for the patient Patient will have unique file number for each facility he visited
Facility ID Drop List Y Facility ID, should be populated reference to the facility id of the login user  



Expected Results


PP: When opening patient registration data, it must show the patient file number of this facility (the user login) only.

·        When patient visited new Facility, system should force the Physician /receptions to add a new file number assigned to the new facility.

·        Facility # will be populated by the system based on the user facility.



OI: for each patient transaction, patient file number relating to the issuing facility to be added in the transaction.

Table: Patient visits (RQ-002 excel sheet)



To add “Patient File #” field to the schema, and to be part of eRx Post Request in the “Encounter” tag.


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint Patient file number has no validation.
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Req. ID RQ-082
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير إشعارات وتنبيهات  بالآتي: على سبيل المثال(أخطاء الإدخال، نقص البيانات المطلوبة، وجود البيانات مسبقاً)، أثناء تسجيل المريض. Provide notifications and alerts: for example (input errors, lack of required data, data presence in advance), while the patient is registered.


Details As captured in RQ-077.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-083
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يجب أن يتم رفض تسجيل كل البيانات في حال  كان رقم الهوية مسجل في نظام من قبل و إخطار مدخل البيانات بوجود بيانات  المريض مسبقاً All data must be denied registration if the ID number is previously registered in a system and the data portal must be notified of the existence of the patient’s data in advance.


Details As captured in RQ-077.

Duplicated with RQ-079

Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-084
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يمكن  تسجيل أكثر من مريض برقم جوال واحد لكن لا يمكن تسجيل أكثر من مريض رقم هوية واحدة. More than one patient can be registered with a single contact number, but no more than one patient can register a single ID number.


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-085
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary توفير خاصية تمكن من عدم قبول تسجيل المريض في النظام قبل إرسال رسالة نصية برقم تأكيد على رقم جوال المريض وتسجيل رقم التأكيد في النظام لإكمال عملية التسجيل. ويجب أن تكون هذه الخاصية قابلة للإيقاف والتشغيل For any new patient registration to the system, will require to send SMS activation code (OTP) to the patient Mobile #, to activate the patient registration file.

Admin can enable of disable this functionality


Details ·        For any new patient registration to the system, will require to send SMS activation code (OTP) to the patient Mobile #, to activate the patient registration file.

·        NUPCO to activate or deactivate this functionality.

The Default is the de-active.

·        OTP Expiry time is 4 minutes

·        System can resend the OTP if expired, or patient didn’t receive the SMS.

Expected Results


At CP new UI for WASFATY admin will have an option to enable /Disable OTP for Registration to be Configured as below

o   On system level

o   On Group level (Ex. MOH)


PP: if OTP for Patient registration is Active:


1-     When the user registers new patient, with the required data.

2-     User can add and save the patient but with inactive status.

3-     System will send SMS (OTP) to the Patient mobile #

4-     User with Registration rights will enter the activation code sent to patient

5-     If the OTP entered wrongly, system to popup a message with rejection reason (activation code is incorrect, please re-enter again)

6-     If the code is correct Patient file registration will be activated

7-     In case any problem in patient’s mobile, WASFATY support team can provide an OTP (auto generated and change every time for one use only) to the registration module to complete the register.

8-     The register must have the ability to resend the OTP.

9-     Once file activated, a SMS message will be sent to patient for confirming the activation of the file


based on the system level, or Group level (based on group requirements) by NUPCO Admin user.





Type Arabic English
OTP for activation رمز التفعيل هو: 11111 Your activation code is: 111111
Activation message تم تسجيل بياناتك بنجاح Your information is registered successfully




Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  



Req. ID RQ-086
Related Systems PP, CP, TMB
Business Need Summary يجب إجبار الطبيب قبل الشروع في كتابة الوصفة الطبية على اختيار اسم المركز الصحي في حال كان يعمل في أكثر من مركز.


System must ask the physician to choose which facility needs to be logged in before using the system in case of being assigned to many facilities
Details In cases where a physician has accesses to more than one facility, The WASFATY system should mandate the physician to choose a facility for which he would be prescribing for a patient.
Expected Results


At PP or CP: System must ask the physician to select the facilities that he is assigned to in the following event:

·        After every Login

·        After every session timeout


Arabic English
اختر اسم المنشأة التي تعمل فيها الان  Select the facility you are working now



·        To validate the transactions from PP and external vendors (HIS, POS) regarding the clinician’s assigned facility for below transaction:

o   Post New prescription

o   Edit new prescription

o   Cancel prescription (for another physician)

·        TMB to reject any transaction if the clinician facility is not match the assigned facility with below denial code

The transaction is denied, because you are not assigned to this facility, kindly contact the admin. تم رفض المعاملة، لأن المستخدم غير تابع لهذه المنشأة، يرجى الاتصال بمدير المنشأة.



Dependencies RQ-156
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Status*   Approval Date  












Req. ID RQ-087
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية إضافة مريض جديد في شاشة الطبيب.


Physician should be able to add new patient at Physician page
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-088
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary إمكانية البحث عن المريض لإضافة الوصفة الطبية باستخدام أي بيان مما يلي (الاسم، رقم الجوال، رقم الهوية، رقم الملف، رقم الوصفة) Ability to search for the patient by one of below:

1-     Patient name

2-     Patient file number

3-     Patient ID

4-     Patient mobile #

5-     e-Rx number


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-089
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary عند البحث عن مريض توفير خاصية البحث حسب حالة الوصفة، أو التاريخ أو الجنسية أو الجنس


Ability to search for the patient using the below criteria:

1-     e-Rx Status

2-     Date

3-     Nationality

4-     Gender


Details Ability for physician to search for the patient using the below criteria:

1-     e-Rx Status (Drop list: Requested, approved, partially approved, canceled, rejected)

2-     Date (Start date- end date: in Georgian calendar, date from time of search and earlier)

3-     Nationality (Drop Down List)

4-     Gender. (Drop Down List)

Expected Results


At PP: to have below filed for searching for prescription, attached screen shot.



Assumptions Search already available and need to add search by (nationality and by gender)
Dependencies N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  



Req. ID RQ-090
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير بيانات المريض (الاسم، العمر، الجنس، الجنسية، آخر زيارة)، أثناء عملية كتابة الوصفة الطبية دون الحاجة للخروج من الشاشة. Patient Information should be available for physician during prescribing without leaving the screen (Name, age, gender, nationality, last visit)


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-091
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف حساسية للمريض


Ability to add/ edit patient allergy


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-092
Related Systems PP, LMU, OI,
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف مرض مزمن للمريض Availability for adding and removing any chronic diseases for the patient.


Details ·        Availability for adding and removing any chronic diseases for the patient.

·        Chronic List should read from Predefined list, usually it’s a sub list from ICD10-AM (Not the full ICD10-AM list).

·        Same functionality as exists for allergies, Physician can Add, delete from the List.

·        Should be loaded when Choosing the Patient record.

·        A new list to be added for Chronic diseases drop down options in LMU

·        Should be added to WASFATY E-prescription report.


Expected Results


Can be added like the allergies option in the patient information part:


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Req. ID RQ-093
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف وزن للمريض Availability for adding /editing patient Weight
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-094
Related Systems PP, TMB, OI
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف طول للمريض Availability for adding /editing patient Height
Details ·        Option for adding or editing or removing patient height.

·        Same as Weight functionality.

Should be available on Pharmacy side also, same as weight

Expected Results





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Req. ID RQ-095
Related Systems PP, TMB, , CCE
Business Need Summary   توفير إمكانية إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف ضغط الدم للمريض Availability for adding /editing patient blood Pressure


Details Required to add fields for registering the patient blood pressure per visit.

·        Vital sign (add/modify) must be considered as a user privilege to be added to any user role.

·        It should be accessed by user with certain privilege (view, add, edit, delete any vital sign).

·        Physician must have the ability to add/modify a vital sign without closing the prescription for the same visit date

·        Vital sign is not mandatory.

·        System must ask for a double confirmation if he is sure to continue without entering the vital sign

·        Vital sign must be sent to the pharmacist with the prescription data.


Expected Results


At PP:

Need to add new fields at patient profile menu (new prescription tab next to height/ weight/ active drugs as optional fields) under the Vital Signs for blood pressure and blood sugar, to be registered at each prescription by physician.


Blood Pressure

ضغط الدم


Field Type Mandatory Validation Remarks



Integer N # of digit =3

Systolic: 0-220

Unit type in mmgh


Patient will have a file number for each facility visit.


Integer N # of digit =3

Diastolic: 0-180


Unit type in mmgh





At TMB: All added field to be added to patient profile in the schema to consider the integration with other HIS.


OI: for each patient transaction, vital signs data to be added in the transaction

Table: eRxR-eRxA (RQ-002 excel sheet)



Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-096
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  



Req. ID RQ-096
Related Systems PP, TMB,
Business Need Summary  

توفير إمكانية إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف نسبة السكر في الدم للمريض

System to allow add/ edit /editing patient blood sugar.
Details Required to add fields for registering the patient blood pressure and blood sugar per visit.

Required to add fields for registering the patient blood pressure per visit.

·        Vital sign (add/modify) must be considered as a user privilege to be added to any user role.

·        It should be accessed by user with certain privilege (view, add, edit, delete any vital sign).

·        Physician must have the ability to add/modify a vital sign without closing the prescription for the same visit date

·        Vital sign is not mandatory.

·        System must ask for a double confirmation if he is sure to continue without entering the vital sign

·        Vital sign must be sent to the pharmacist with the prescription data.


Expected Results


At PP:

·        Need to add new fields at patient registration menu under the Vital Signs for blood sugar, to be registered at each patient visit to the clinic

·        Data to be added on the e- prescription printout



Blood Sugar:

Field Type Mandatory Validation Remarks


Integer N # of digit =3

 From 20-999



Patient will have a file number for each facility visit.


Drop list



N IF value if filled unit should be filled  



At TMB: All added field to be added to patient profile in the schema to consider the integration with other HIS.


OI: for each patient transaction, vital signs data to be added in the transaction

Table: eRxR-eRxA (RQ-002 excel sheet)


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-095
Constraint N/A
Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  


Req. ID RQ-097
Related Systems PP, TMB, OI
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف احتياجات خاصة للمريض The option to add, edit and delete patients’ special notes
Details ·        The system should have the functionality to add, edit and delete the patient special notes after its been created in the patient profile

·        We need to consider the following:

o   The special case must be a drop-down list

o   More than one special case can be added or removed

o   Special case is not mandatory.

o   Special case must be shown in the pharmacist and physician role.

o   Drop down list

Arabic English
إعاقة حركية Physical impairment
إعاقة عقلية أو ذهنية Mental/ intellectual disability
إعاقة سمعية Hearing impairment
إعاقة النطقية Speech impairment
إعاقة بصرية Visual impairment



Field Type Mandatory Physician Pharmacist Receptionist
Special Needs: احتياجات خاصة Drop list, with multiselect field N Add, edit, Delete View Add, edit, Delete



Expected Results


PP: adding new fields at patient profile with label Special Needs with predefined list.

·        Physician page, Physician needs to register any   special needs on patient profile

·        Pharmacist can view patient special needs with no modification



·        TMB to add the special needs on patient profile schema with same selection options from above (coded values).


OI: for each patient transaction, special needs data to be added in the transaction

Table: eRxR-eRxA (RQ-002 excel sheet) and at patient visit table



Assumptions N/A
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  




Req. ID RQ-098
Related Systems PP, CCE, , TMB
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف الحالات الخاص مثل (الحساسيات، التقرحات، الحمل، الرضاعة). The option to add, edit and delete patients’ special needs
Details ·        The system should have the functionality to add, edit and delete the patient allergies after its been created.

·        About pregnancy, it would not be a mandatory list. The list contains (T1, T2, T3, NONE).

·        About lactating, it would not be a mandatory list and the list must contain Yes/ NO.

·        The above two points must be considered in the decision support system.

·        About “التقرحات،” (ulcers) it will be with special cases.

·        About allergy, we need to consider the following:

o   The allergy must be from the SNOMED list for both post level.

o   The allergy must be sent to the pharmacist

o   The allergy can add or removed.

o   The allergy can be none (The none value must be added in the SNOMED list).

o   The allergy is mandatory to be added.

o   The allergy must be considered in the decision support system for the warning and the physician advisory.

o   Any allergy should have a severity level to be entered by the physician as the following: SEVERE, MODERATE, MILD.


Field Type Mandatory Validation Physician Pharmacist Receptionist


Drop list

( T1, T2,T3 Or none)

N ·        Enabled only for Female

·        Whenever the pregnancy checked, system should ask the physician about Trimester

Physician need to select the T type for each visit (like the weight)


Add, edit, Delete View Add, edit, Delete


Yes or No N Enabled only for Female Add, edit, Delete View Add, edit, Delete



Expected Results


At PP:

·        Physician should be able to add, modify or delete the pregnancy or lactating status of the female.

·        CCE: Need to check any drug to pregnancy/lactating interaction for the prescribed drug, workflow applied as Drug-diagnose interaction, etc…

·        Pharmacist should be able to view the allergy, special needs, pregnancy and

Lactating status.

the allergy, special needs, pregnancy and Lactating status should be views at

prescription print out.




·        TMB to add to patient profile and to consider HIS integration for adding/modifying/deleting conditions.


OI: for each patient transaction, special cases data to be added in the transaction

Table: eRxR-eRxA (RQ-002 excel sheet) and patient visit table



Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  







Req. ID RQ-099
Related Systems OI, PP
Business Need Summary تسجيل وتحديث وحفظ كل الإضافات من قبل الطبيب في السجل المريض مع التاريخ والمكان واسم الطبيب System to register, update, and save all addition to patient file with date, facility, and Physician name done by the physician
Details The system should have the ability to allow the physician to edit any patient profile data and the system should be able to track (have an audit trail) the changes that are being made by that physician.


Refer to RQ-074

Expected Results


In the report, any event or action can be done by physician on patient profile, it must be logged and reported per user and time.


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-74
Constraint N/A
Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  























Req. ID RQ-100
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary توفير بيانات وتواريخ الوصفات الطبية السابقة وحالاتها (موافقة، رفض، إلغاء، صرف، صرف جزئي، انتهاء صلاحية) الصادرة من جميع الأطباء لمريض، أثناء عملية كتابة الوصفة الطبية دون الحاجة للخروج من الشاشة. To provide all previous prescription with its status for the patient (Approvals, rejections, cancellations, dispensed, partially dispensed and expired) from all physicians while writing new prescription for the patient on the same prescription page.
Details The physician should be able to see all previous visit history (Approvals, rejections, cancellations, dispensed, partially dispensed and expired) of that patient while prescribing for a patient.


·        All historical information of a patient to be displayed.

·        A new link called “Historical information” to be created in patient profile, that will be shown after the physician open patient profile.

·        The “To date” will be populated default from the system date and the “From date” will be populated as 1 month before the system date.


Expected Results


At PP: Physician can view old Prescription History for the patient

·        Default View:

·        Physician can search for older prescription by selecting from to date search. (end date must not exceed start date).

·        Physician can view single prescription details by clicking on view button.

o   System should retrieve the below data per prescription


• eRx Reference ID
• eRx Reference Number
• Prescription Date
• eRx Status (Not dispensed, partial    dispensed, canceled, expired, rejected, blocked)
·        Denial code if the prescription status is rejected)
• Physician EN Name
• Physician AR Name
• Physician facility AR/EN
• Patient EN Name
• Patient AR Name
• Patient ID
• Weight (Kg)
• Height (cm)
• Date of Birth
• Patient Contact Number
• Patient File Id
• Cancel Time (if canceled)
·        Expiry date if the prescription is expired
• Diagnosis
CCE triggered messages
•Activity 1
Activity Status: Not dispensed, partial    dispensed, canceled, blocked, rejected
1. Drug Name
2. Instructions
3. Quantity
4. Dosage Unit
5. Rout of Admin
6. Refills
7. Generic Drug Status
8. Indications
Trade Drugs:
1. Trade Drug Name
2. Dispensed Unit type
3. Dispensed Quantity by Pack
4. Dispense Date/Time
5. Pharmacist instructions
6. Trade Drug Status
Physician Comments


·        In the history details will show the prescription/activity status as below

o   Prescription Status

ü  Dispensed (All activity has been dispensed with their refills)

ü  Partially dispensed (if any activity/refill not dispensed yet)

ü  Cancelled (All activities have been cancelled)

ü  Blocked (All activities have been blocked)

ü  Not dispensed (none of the activity has been dispensed yet)

ü  Expired


o   Activity Status

ü  Dispensed (Activity has been dispensed with its refills)

ü  Partially dispensed (Activity dispensed partially, or one of refill still not dispensed)

ü  Cancelled (Activity has been cancelled)

ü  Blocked (Activity has been blocked)

ü  Not dispensed (Activity has been dispensed yet)



Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-101
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  




Req. ID RQ-101
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary توفير بيانات وتواريخ الزيارات السابقة للمريض، أثناء عملية كتابة الوصفة الطبية دون الحاجة للخروج من الشاشة. Providing patient visit history to the physician on the screen, without leaving patient page
Details System should register all patient visits and their prescriptions with its dates.

Patient history visits with default of active prescription


Expected Results


At PP: Physician should be able to see the date of visits or prescription of the patients for the active prescription.

Physician should be able to search for a visit or prescription for specific period

Period for search shouldn’t be more than 365 days.

View: prescription with its detail will populate

Status: Active: prescription still valid and contains active drugs for the patient.


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-100
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  








Req. ID RQ-102
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير بيانات الحساسية والأمراض المزمنة لمريض، أثناء عملية كتابة الوصفة الطبية دون الحاجة للخروج من الشاشة. Providing patient Allergy, chronic disease for the physician without leaving the screen


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-103
Related Systems PP, TMB
Business Need Summary توفير بيانات الأدوية الموصوفة حالياً للمريض، أثناء عملية كتابة الوصفة الطبية دون الحاجة للخروج من الشاشة. Patients active prescribed medications should be showing while writing new prescriptions for them
Details Patients active prescribed medications should be showing while writing new prescriptions for them.
Expected Results





·        Physician should be able to see the history by Clicking on




Assumptions Active Prescription means (Dispended transactions where the drug duration for any of the activities still Active).
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Req. ID RQ-104
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير خاصية إظهار التشخيص بكتابة أول حروف اسم التشخيص Diagnose description to be shown on system by providing first three character
Expected Results




Product Manager Comments Systems Impacted


Product Manager Comments
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Status* Delivered Approval Date  





Req. ID RQ-105
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary إمكانية إضافة أكثر من تشخيص System should allow adding more than one diagnose
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-106
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير خاصية إظهار قائمة الأدوية بكتابة أول حروف اسم الدواء Drug list to be shown on system by providing first three character
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-107
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary إمكانية إضافة أكثر من دواء بالاسم العلمي. System should allow adding more than one drug for prescribing


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-108
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary التحقق من صحة البيانات المدخلة في حقول البيانات عند كتابة الوصفة الطبية System should validate the prescribed data during prescribing


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-109
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف توجيهات خاصة باستخدام الأدوية للمريض. System should allow adding/editing special instruction for using the drugs


Expected Results




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Status* Delivered Approval Date  





















Req. ID RQ-110
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary إمكانية إضافة أكثر من تشخيص وأكثر من اسم علمي. System should allow to add more than one

Diagnose and generic name


Expected Results




Client Verification   Comments


 Duplicated with RQ-105
Status* Delivered Approval Date  




















Req. ID RQ-111
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفر قوائم منسدلة لتسريع عملية الإدخال، وتوفير خاصية الإكمال الآلي مع إدخال الحروف الأولى للكلمة، أثناء عملية كتابة الوصفة الطبية وتفادي الإدخال اليدوي قدر الإمكان. System should facilitate probable three entries while the physician is entering the diagnosis and Drugs.
Details System should facilitate probable three entries while the physician is entering the diagnosis and Drugs.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-112
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary إمكانية منع الطبيب من وصف أكثر من الكميات المسموح بها حسب الفترة الزمنية، العمر والكميات المصروفة سابقاً (Active) إلا بعد إعادة التأكيد من قبل الطبيب (Double Check) وإضافة تعليق يوضح السبب. The ability to hint and stop the doctor to submit the request if there is an overdose in prescribing according to duration, age, active dispensed quantity unless doctor added a comment to mention the reason to be added in the prescription for reference
Details Please refer to RQ-030.

The system should have the ability to send out a warning to the physician whenever there is an overdose in prescribing according to duration, age, active dispensed quantity.

Expected Results




Client Verification   Comments


 Implemented with requirement bug on RQ-30.3
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Req. ID RQ-113
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary توفير خاصية إضافة مفضلات للطبيب على سبيل المثال التشخيصات. System should enable the physician to create a favorite list, like Diagnoses


Details System should enable the physician to create a favorite list:

·        Allergies

·        Diagnosis

·        Medications

·        Indications

·        Comments: predefined drop list

Expected Results


PP: New feature for favourite diagnose and drugs to be on physician screen

·        The physician will have a screen where he will define his favourite list for the below from the original lists:





Example screen shot:


And for comments: he will add his predefined comments to table.



Enter Favorite Comments 1
Enter Favorite Comments 2
Enter Favorite Comments 3
Enter Favorite Comments 4


·        The physician can switch between the below three lists:

All List


Physician Favourite list (default list)





Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  


Req. ID RQ-114
Related Systems MDR, LMU, PP, TMB, OI
Business Need Summary توفير خاصة اختيار توصيل منزلي للدواء في حالة أن الدواء مسموح بتوصيله منزلياً. The option of choosing home delivery service, in case of eligibility of the service to the prescribed drug
Details ·        In MDR, need ability as an option in the system to flag the prescription to be

o   home delivery OR

o   not allowed for delivery OR

o   None

·        Allowing the flag based on the drug configuration on MDR.

·        At least one generic drug on the prescription must be allowed in MDR to be delivered.

·        At least one generic drug on the prescription marked as not allowed for delivery, will disable the home delivery option on a prescription level.

·        If there are no drug allowed to be delivered, system must show a notification message.

·        The data of this flag and all prescription data must be designed to be integrated to other systems.


System Affected Changes
MDR NUPCO has the ability to setup the drug to Generic for home delivery options.
LMU LMU will have the value of “home delivery options” on generic Synced from MDR


TMB Should have a new field to accept on prescription level. (field Boolean “Yes” and “NO”).
OI to pull the delivery options flag for the reports related
PP Should have a new field to accept on prescription level. (field Boolean “Yes” and “NO”).



Expected Results


MDR: at Generic Name will add the below:

Is delivery Flag
Home delivery
Not allowed for delivery


LMU: new list to include the is Delivery columns (generic and trade)


PP: to sync the new field instantly to manage the delivery validation on prescribing level- Doctor


On dispensing Level – pharmacy PP should show the future refills with the details (generic, date, quantity, duration)


TMB:  to have the Items Flagged and return the remain Refills on activity level including the delivery flag every time the transaction is downloaded by the pharmacy


This should be reflected in the lookup table to allow ocean insight to pull the needed reports


Ocean insight: to generate a report with the delivery items including the details related (Prescription ID, Activity ID, code, duration, quantity, member ID, National ID, Clinician ID, Contact Number)



The integrated providers should do the same steps on the system they are using, however for the reporting on Ocean insight, the above deliver items will be covered

·        The Flag for delivery to be true or false based on the below workflow rules on prescription level.




Prescription Flagged with home delivery:

·        Can be dispensed by patient from Pharmacy

·        Can be home delivery



Assumptions ·        WASFATY will not be responsible for the tracking process of delivery

·        Prescription valid for delivery is not meant that it is dispensed.

·        Dispense for delivery should be through WASFATY system


Dependencies RQ-115


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Req. ID RQ-115
Related Systems MDR, LMU, PP, TMB, OI
Business Need Summary –توفير خاصية اختيار التوصيل المنزلي لكل صنف وليس لكل الوصفة، في حالة أن الصنف مسموح بتوصيله منزلي


Choosing the home delivery option should be per activity not the whole prescription, in case one of the activities added is eligible for the service
Details Home Delivery option to be on activity level,


Refer to RQ-114.

Expected Results


MDR: at Generic Name will add the below:

Is delivery Flag
Home delivery
Not allowed for delivery


At PP will follow req114 as below workflow




Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-114,130,131
Constraint Reference to Req114, Home delivery will be enabled to the whole prescription based on the workflow above, depend on activity configuration
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Req. ID RQ-116
Related Systems TMB, PP
Business Need Summary توفير تنبيهات في الشاشة الرئيسة للطبيب بحالات الرفض والصرف للأدوية في الوصفات السابقة للمرضى. System to provide alerts to physician, for old e-Rx status (rejection, dispensing)


Details System should alert the physician for previous prescription with status of

1-      Dispensing or Partial Dispense

2-      Rejection (at prescribe or dispense).

When: notification while he is accessing the system, if he was offline, once he login to get all notification.

Expected Results



·        Will Develop a notification sevrer where any change in the prescription from physician side or from dispense side will be pushed to it.

·        Notification server will retain any new changes recived up to 3 days.

·        Provider Portal will be able to get the notification for the  changes in the prescription real time by connetcing to the notification server.

·        External HIS will be able to get the notification for the  changes in the eRx real time by

·        PP will establish a real time connection with  notification server to get any changes in prescription loged and send it to a notiofcation Panel built in PP.

·        Notification Center at PP will be able to save notifciation and to be viewed by the physician user with below configuration:

o   Notifcation will be expired on the Notification center after xx days

o   Notifcation center will be able to show the leatest xx notifctaions to the Physician.

o   Notifcation Center will allow physician to filter the notification by status

ü  Blocked

ü  Cancelled

ü  Dispensed.

·         At Provider Portal , for any prescription status changes, prescription satatus will be updated and physician will be able to review the updated prescription status once recived from the notifciation server.


Note: Sample Mock-up might change during development

Assumptions Will require to have new infrastructure for building the notification server
Dependencies N/A
Constraint N/A
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Req. ID RQ-117
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary إمكانية تغيير اسم المركز الصحي للطبيب في حال كان يعمل في أكثر من مركز. System should force the physician to select the correct facility if he is assigned for more than one facility


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-118
Related Systems CP,OI
Business Need Summary توفير إحصائيات لعدد الوصفات المصروفة والمرفوضة من قبل الطبيب في شاشته الرئيسية. Availability of a dashboard showing number of approved and rejected prescriptions in the physician main screen.
Details The system should have functionality (dashboard) in the physician main screen which would help him to view the number of prescriptions that are approved and rejected.
Expected Results




·        CP System will integrate with OI to show the statistics dashboard for user

·        Any Physician   authorized to issue prescription in WASFATY SYSTEM will have an access on CP portal and will be able to see the number for dispensed and rejected prescriptions for PP and other HIS for a standard period.

·        User should be able to view statistics for all transactions issued by him, using WASFATY provide portal, or using external integrated system


·        The user can change the period of the number of the statistics.


·        Dashboard should show only the transactions for user accessing the CP only


The physician can change the period of the number of the statistics.



Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-192
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  





Req. ID RQ-119
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary إمكانية إضافة تعليمات المتابعة للطبيب Ability to add physician instruction
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-120
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary إمكانية إضافة ملحوظات للطبيب Ability to add physician Remarks
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-121
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند إضافة دواء بالاسم العلمي من قبل الطبيب يجب توفير إمكانية تسجيل البيانات التالية (الاسم العلمي للدواء (Generic Name)، وحدة الدواء (Medicine Unit)، التركيز (Concentration)، توقيت الجرعة (Dose Timing)، عدد مرات الاستخدام (Frequency of Use)، مدة الأيام (Duration in Days)، طريقة الاستخدام (Route)، كمية الجرعة (Dose Quantity)، عدد مرات إعادة الصرف (Refill)، ملاحظات الطبيب على الدواء، التوصيل المنزلي في حال يسمح بتوصيل الدواء منزلياً) Prescribing for generic name should allow physician to add full drug using instruction
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-122
Related Systems MDR, LMU, PP,
Business Need Summary عند اختيار الطبيب لدواء بالاسم العلمي يجب توفير إمكانية إظهار الاسم التجاري أو الاسماء التجارية المقابل له دون التعديل فيها System should have the ability for physician to see the trade names assigned to the generic name, without selecting or editing.
Details ·        At MDR add new flag on generic (view trade).

·        In prescription page the doctor should be able to check the related trade drugs of the selected generic drug, if the generic drug has option to show the trade based on the previous point.

·        The details of the shown trade must include the following:

o   ROA Description.

o   Unite Type

o   Package Size

o   Strength.


Expected Results



·        At LMU: to add the show trade flag to generic list

·        At PP when the physician selects the Generic name, system will display the assigned Trades to the generic with no action on it (if the drug is checked to be displayed.






Assumptions To consider all permission level like:

·        The system must show only the active branded drugs.

·        The system must consider the division of the drug of the selected physician



Dependencies RQ-033
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Req. ID RQ-123
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يجب عدم حفظ الوصفة الطبية إن لم يتم إدخال بيانات تعليمات الصرف لكل دواء. e-RX should not be processed if instruction is missing.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-124
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يجب عدم حفظ الوصفة الطبية قبل التأكد من عدم التضارب مع وصفات أخرى مصروفة حالياً إلا بعد إعادة التأكيد من قبل الطبيب (Double Check) وإضافة تعليق يوضح السبب. System should check drug to drug interactions for new prescribed drugs and old double drugs.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-125
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary يجب توفير خاصية حفظ الوصفة الطبية عند الطبيب كمسودة (Draft) دون تأكيدها، وإمكانية الرجوع لها لاحقاً لإكمالها أو حذفها. System should save the incomplete prescriptions as draft and the ability to complete it later if needed.
Details Physician can save any prescription for a specific patient at any point of time as drafts and should allow the physician to go back to that prescription and complete it later.

Prescription will be draft under patient name and shouldn’t be viewed by another physician.

Max allowed saved draft per patient is 3 drafts

duration for keeping Draft: Until physician submitted or delete it.

Expected Results


PP: Once Physician fill a prescription and he didn’t confirm it, he can save it as draft under the patient name, and once he opened the patient file, he can view the drafted prescription and processed it, system should validate the prescription as normal.

·        Screen 1 for Save Draft

·        Screen 2 for using Draft



If another physician opens the patient, he should not see the Draft Prescription Saved by other physician

Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  


Req. ID RQ-126
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary خاصية إعادة الصرف لا تكون للوصفة كاملة، يجب أن تكون خاصية منفصلة لكل دواء. Refill functionality should be per activity level


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-127
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يجب أن لا تجاوز عدد مرات إعادة الصرف 2 مرات (توفير خاصية للمدير النظام لتعديل عدد المرات إن لزم الأمر) Refill shouldn’t be more than two times, and ability to admin to modify # of refills


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-130
Related Systems MDR, LMU, PP, TMB
Business Need Summary يجب أن لا يظهر خيار التوصيل المنزلي للأصناف غير المسموح بتوصيلها منزلياً. Home delivery service shouldn’t be available for the activities not applicable for the service

Refer to RQ-114

Expected Results




Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-114,115,131
Constraint Reference to RQ-114, Home delivery will be enabled to the whole prescription based on the workflow above, depend on activity configuration
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Req. ID RQ-131
Related Systems MDR, LMU, PP, TMB
Business Need Summary يجب أن لا يظهر خيار التوصيل المنزلي للأصناف المسموح بتوصيلها منزلياً إلا في حال كان الدواء لديه خاصية إعادة صرف. Home delivery service shouldn’t be applied even for the applicable activities for the service except if the prescription has refills
Details Refer to 114


Expected Results





Dependencies RQ-114,115,130
Constraint Reference to Req114, Home delivery will be enabled to the whole prescription based on the workflow above, depend on activity configuration
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Req. ID RQ-132
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يجب توفير تنبيهات بتأثيرات الأدوية المصروفة مع بعضها البعض. System should alert in case of Drug to Drug interaction


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-133
Related Systems PP, CCE
Business Need Summary يجب توفير تنبيهات بتأثيرات الأدوية مع الغذاء إن وجد تأثيرات. System should show alerts for food allergy, if there are any interactions between prescribed drugs and food.
Details ·        Food and Drug interactions alerts needs to be functional.

·        In the PP, the physician should be able to view the alerts (advisory warning) for any food and drugs interaction warnings if any.

·        NUPCO to provide the list of Food Allergy (is it SNO )


Expected Results


CCE: to configure food and drug interaction edit if available


·        need to add filed for Food allergy under patient profile, and to be entered by Physician

·        if Interaction detected between activity and food allergy, a message to the physician for this interaction.

Physician should change the activity or override the message by writing the reason of override in the physician comments.


·        The warning/ physician comments must appear to the pharmacist in clear position after immediately downloading the prescription.



Assumptions N/A
Dependencies CR025
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  



Req. ID RQ-134
Related Systems PP, CCE
Business Need Summary يجب توفير تنبيهات بتأثيرات الأدوية مع الأدوية المستخدمة حالياً في وصفات أخرى. System should alert in case of Drug to Drug interaction between prescribed drugs and old active drugs


Details System should alert in case of Drug to Drug interaction between prescribed drugs and old active drugs


Expected Results





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Req. ID RQ-135
Related Systems PP, CCE
Business Need Summary يجب توفير تنبيهات بتأثيرات الأدوية مع الحساسيات لدى المريض. System to check interaction between Patient allergy with prescribed drugs


Details System to check interaction between Patient allergy with prescribed drugs


Expected Results


At PP: when there is any contradiction between patient allergy and prescribed drug a notification for the physician for this interaction:


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Req. ID RQ-136
Related Systems PP, CCE, TMB
Business Need Summary يجب توفير تنبيهات بتأثيرات الأدوية مع المراض المزمنة لدى المريض. System to check interaction between Patient chronic disease with prescribed drugs


Details ·        System to check interaction between Patient chronic disease with prescribed drugs


Expected Results



System will provide a warning message to the physician in case there is a prescribed drug negatively interacts (drug to disease indication and drug to disease contradiction) with an existing patient chronic disease.

Sample CCE message:

Activity Generic 476101-117-074 [(NORETHISTERONE ACETATE: 5 MG_) TABLETS [ORAL]] is Contraindicated with Chronic diseases I26.90 [Septic pulmonary embolism without acute cor pulmonale] (History)


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint RQ-092
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Req. ID RQ-137
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يجب توفير تنبيهات عند تجاوز أقصي كمية مسموحة لصرف الدواء System to alert physician when exceeding the maximum daily dose
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-138
Related Systems LMU, MDR, PP, CORE
Business Need Summary يجب توفير تنبيهات عند تجاوز أقصي مدة زمنية مسموحة لصرف الدواء System to alert physician when exceeding the maximum duration for prescribed medication.
Details Part of RQ-030


Field Translation Available Type Mandatory
أقصى فترة زمنية للصرف Maximum dispensing duration of medicine usage. No Integer # of Days  



Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-139
Related Systems PP, TMB, CORE, OI
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية تعديل الوصفة الطبية من قبل الطبيب في حال لم يتم صرفها أو في حال رفضها. Provide the possibility of modifying the prescription by the doctor if it is not dispensed or if it is rejected.


Details Physician should be able to modify active prescription in case it was not dispensed or rejected

If the prescription is partially dispensed, the physician can modify only un- dispensed item

Prescription number should be remained with no change.

Prescription Status Allow edit eRx eRx reference no to be changed Rules for Edit Remarks
Dispensed No NA   Can user: Reuse function
Canceled No NA   Can user: Reuse function
Expired No NA   Can user: Reuse function
Rejected (Dispense) Yes No ·        Update patient profile (weight, height, allergy, chronic disease)

·        Diagnose (add, delete, update).


1.      Delete Activity

2.      Modified quantity on non-dispensed activity, modify the Dose/frequency /duration (as the quantity is calculated by the system for the default instruction)

3.      add new activity.

eRx number and not change
Partially Dispensed Yes No ·        Update patient profile (weight, height, allergy, chronic disease)

·        Diagnose (add, delete, update).


1.      Delete non-dispensed activity.

2.      Modified quantity on non-dispensed activity

modify the Dose/frequency /duration (as the quantity is calculated by the system for the default instruction)

3.      Not allowed to delete or modify any (dispensed/ partially dispensed activity

4.      to add new activity.

eRx number should be reserved and not change
Not Dispensed Yes No ·        Update patient profile (weight, height, allergy, chronic disease)

·        Diagnose (add, delete, update).


·        Delete Activity

·        Modified quantity on non-dispensed activity modify

·        Add new activity

eRx number should be reserved and not changed
Expected Results


At PP:

·        After the physician edit the prescription (Cancel /modify /add) activity

He will be able to view the updated eRx with the new changes on it.


·        Add a functionality at physician page to check the Prescription Status

·        As the physician Click Check Status, Prescription dispense status will be one

Of the following

ü  Dispensed (All activity has been dispensed with their refills)

ü  Partially dispensed (if any activity/refill not dispensed yet)

ü  Cancelled (All activities have been cancelled)

ü  Blocked (All activities have been blocked)

ü  Not dispensed (none of the activity has been dispensed yet)

ü  Expired (prescription turned expired automatically by system)



·        Physician can view each activity status by Click on the prescription Detail

ü  Dispensed (Activity has been dispensed with its refills)

ü  Partially dispensed (Activity dispensed partially, or one of refill still

not dispensed)

ü  Cancelled (Activity has been cancelled)

ü  Blocked (Activity has been blocked)

ü  Not dispensed (Activity has been dispensed yet)





·        Physician will be able to Edit the prescription which has the dispense status

Not Dispensed, partially dispensed or dispense rejected, with below action

o   Dispensed or partially dispensed item will be disabled for edit.

with message to Physician:

This activity can’t be deleted or modified”

“هذا الدواء لا يمكن حذفه أو تعديله “



o   Non dispensed Activity will be enabled for delete or qty modification

o   After physician modified the Prescription, prescription will be updated with the new changes, and keeping same reference number.

o   SMS will be sent to the patient updating him for the new changes


Prescription with the prescription number (i0271842) has been updated

For more details: (

تم تحديث الوصفة الطبية رقم (i9111665)

لتفاصيل الوصفة : o



o   SMS link status to reflect the same status of the prescription and each activity.


ü  Cancelled Activity: Cancelled

ü  New Activity /Modified: Not dispensed

ü  Dispensed Activity: Dispensed

ü  Partially Dispensed Activity: Partially dispensed


Note: find attached fie for SMS link drug status


o   Refill activity will follow the new changes on the eRx

o   System should validate all rules for changes in the prescription.

o   Any update in the eRx must be logged and reported.

o   When physician search for the edited prescription system should retrieve only one record for the prescription with latest update.






·        On current API, New Prescription type =” eRxEdit”.

·        Once edit action received, it means cancellation for the entire active activities, the cancellation will not include the dispensed or partially dispensed activities and create new prescription with the defined activities and assign the same reference number. This action internal in TMB.

·        TMB will link the original prescription with the new edited version in the database

So, it will be linked in the reports as well, to show all changes occur to the prescription.

·        User can’t edit expired, canceled, dispensed or partial dispensed activities.






·        When user search for any prescription system should retrieve only one record for the prescription with all changes occur on it.

·        Prescriptions will be updated as follow

o   Any activity will be having cancelled status

o   For Modified/ New Activity will have new status in the prescription as not dispensed

o   Core will sustain prescription id.



·        Physician prescribed 2 drugs in with prescription reference number PrescX

ü  Drug1

ü  Drug2

o   CORE will have PrescX and 2 activities approved

·        Physician will update PrescX

ü  Delete Drug2

ü  Add Drug3

·        On CORE will have one reference ID (one record) for the prescription with two transactions details.





·        AS TMB will link the original prescription with the new edited version in the database OI will be linked in the reports as well, to show all changes occur to the prescription.

·        Prescription count will not consider the edited transactions, example: when user will count for # of prescription per patient will consider the edited prescription as one record.

·        Prescription date columns as follow

o   Prescription issue date (first issue date for the prescription

o   Last modification date for the prescription)

·        For prescription need to identify

o   Fully Cancelled prescription for all activity.

o   For edited prescription (added activity, modified activity, cancelled activity) what change has been occurring on it.

o   For counting activity or prescription to count per activity status

Physician action per activity flag Status after action Column needed
Edit for not dispensed activity Modified

(For the old record)

Cancelled new and old data(instruction), qty

(for the new record)

Per the current status of the activity
Cancel with reason not modified Cancelled Reason for cancelling

o   For the current prescription status , will need to identify the partially dispense prescription as below table with refill .

Prescription reference # Prescription Status # of refill Refill # and status Remaining refill
Not dispensed 2 2
fully dispensed 2 0
Partially dispensed 2 1- dispensed
2- not dispensed
Partially dispensed 2 1- Partially dispensed
2- not dispensed


Note: Reports should reflect the above changes and layout will be provided to NUPCO for approval before building the report and before user acceptance test.

Assumptions ·        For the prescription expiry date: system should not extend the prescription expiry date and edited prescription will follow the expiry date from original prescription issue date

·        Prescription issue date should remain the same for all edited transaction on the prescription

·        All above changes applied before the dispensed completed for any prescription’s activity, including in any refill, and changed will be applicable on all coming refills

Dependencies RQ-140,141,142
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Req. ID RQ-140
Related Systems PP, TMB, CORE, OI


Business Need Summary في حال طلب التعديل على الوصفة الطبية من قبل الطبيب قبل الصرف أي دواء منها، يتم تحديث الوصفة الطبية بالتعديلات الجديدة. If the amendment to the prescription is requested by the doctor before any medication is exchanged, the prescription will be updated with the new modifications.
Details Physician should be able to modify active prescription in case it was not dispensed or rejected

If the prescription is partially dispensed, the physician can modify only un- dispensed item


Prescription number should be remained with no change.


Refer to RQ-139

Expected Results


Any modification on the Active eRx should keep same eRx number



Dependencies RQ-139,141,142
Constraint Should considered Integration flow
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Req. ID RQ-141
Related Systems PP, CCE, TMB, OI, CORE
Business Need Summary في حال طلب التعديل على الوصفة الطبية من قبل الطبيب بعد الصرف أي دواء منها على دواء لم يصرف، يتم تحديث الوصفة بالتعديلات الجديدة على الأدوية غير المصروفة. The system should allow the physician (or any user having prescribing privilege) to edit and enter additional medications for not dispensed medication only.
Details Physician should be able to modify active prescription in case it was not dispensed or rejected

If the prescription is partially dispensed, the physician can modify only un- dispensed item


Prescription number should be remained with no change.


Refer to RQ-139

Expected Results


Any modification on the Active eRx should keep same eRx number



Assumptions All above changes applied before the dispensed completed for any prescription’s activity, including in any refill, and changed will be applicable on all coming refills
Dependencies RQ-139,140,142
Constraint Should considered Integration flow
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Status*   Approval Date  






Req. ID RQ-142
Related Systems PP, TMB, CORE, OI
Business Need Summary في حال طلب التعديل على الوصفة الطبية من قبل الطبيب على صنف تم صرفه كاملاً أو جزئياً، يجب عدم السماح بالتعديل على الوصفة وإشعار الطبيب بإصدار وصفة طبية جديد لهذا الصنف مع مراعاة الكميات المسموح بها حسب الفترة الزمنية، العمر والكميات المصروفة سابقاً. Incase edits on issued prescriptions were on fully or partially dispensed activities, system shouldn’t accept the edit on the prescription and inform the physician to issue a new prescription for the needed activity in the consideration of the allowed quantity according to the duration, age, previous dispensed medications.
Details ·        System should not allow editing prescription for an activity with status dispensed or partial dispensed.

Any modification for the dispensed or partially dispend should create new prescription

And Notification for Physician for preventing this action of medication reason


Refer to RQ-139


Expected Results


At PP:

When Physician edit prescription, he will not be able to edit any dispensed or partially dispensed activity

Activity will be disabled with message to Physician:

“This activity can’t be deleted or modified”

هذا الدواء لا يمكن حذفه أو تعديله ”



Refer to RQ-139

Dependencies RQ-139,140,141
Constraint Should considered Integration flow
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Req. ID RQ-143
Related Systems PP, TMB, Core, OI
Business Need Summary تمكين الطبيب من إلغاء أي وصفة طبية مصروفة من قِبله أو من قِبل أي طبيب آخر، وهذا يشمل جميع الأصناف غير المصروفة ووصفات إعادة الصرف. Allow physicians to cancel any issued prescriptions whether if they were prescribed by the same physician or any other physician, and this includes all not dispensed activities and refilled prescriptions.
Details System should allow the physicians to cancel the previous prescriptions prescribed by the same physician or any other physician if the prescription is

·        not dispensed

·        partially dispensed and including the refill activity


Physician Type Edit Cancel
Same Physician Yes,

Refer to Req139 for deleting activity.

Yes, if the prescription has no dispensed activity
Any Physician

With Privilege of

Cancel Prescriptions for another prescriber

Not allowed Yes, to Cancel the prescription even it has a dispensed activity (Not fully dispensed)

Check the attached scenario in the file





Expected Results


·        At PP to grant physician a new privilege to access prescription issued by different physicians to cancel the whole prescription and to be able to issue new one



·        physician will need to insert the reason for cancelling from drop down list below


Prescription Cancellation Reasons أسباب الغاء الوصفة
An adjustment in dosage is needed هناك حاجة إلى تعديل الجرعة
Medication not providing the desired efficacy الدواء لم يوفر الفعالية المطلوبة
Alternate therapy & change for a more efficacious or therapeutically appropriate product التغيير لدواء بديل أكثر فعالية أو مناسب علاجياً
Medication is causing side-effect or allergic reactions تسبب الدواء في حدوث آثار جانبية أو حساسية
Medication is contraindicated with patient current condition or active medication الدواء يتعارض مع حالة المريض الحالية أو الأدوية التي يتناولها المريض
Alternate therapy due to medication availability issue in the market التغيير لدواء بديل لعدم توافر الدواء بالسوق
Completion of therapy; condition resolved; prescribed course no longer necessary الانتهاء من فترة العلاج لا حاجة لصرف الدواء
SFDA warnings or drug has manufacturer issues etc. تحذير هيئة الغذاء و الدواء من استخدام هذا الدواء
Medication ordered by mistake تم وصف الدواء عن طريق الخطأ
Other Reason سبب أخر

Note: (upon selecting “other” a free text textbox should appear to the user to enter the text, and the length will be 100 English /Arabic Character and numbers)


·        System should alert the prescriber for the eRx for cancel prescription

When: notification while he is accessing the system, if he was offline, once he login to get all notification.  This functionality is part of RQ-116 delivery.



·        SMS will be sent to the patient updating him for the new changes.

eRx with the prescription No: i0271842 has been cancelled

For more details: : (

تم الغاء الوصفة الطبية رقم  i9111665 :

لتفاصيل الوصفة : o




·        Any Cancelation for any eRx must be logged and reported and update prescription status.


Integration Flow:

·        The TMB will have an API to update the prescription status, to be synced with the originated HIS.

i)       If the cancel eRx initiated by the prescriber or other physician from same HIS, then:

·        HIS system should send the cancel eRx with original Prescription ID issued earlier by the initiator

·        In case it’s a different source Which will be cancelling, then the HIS must be able to get the transaction from the TMB by utilizing the View Pharmacy Prescriptions API as it will be applicable for the remaining activities  , in order to prepare the cancellation Request In case it’s not a different source which will be cancelling, then the HIS must either allow the utilizing the same Search and View methods, or allow the initiator to reload his same ERX that he submitted before in order to send it back to WASFATY system while changing the flag to eRx Cancellation.

ii)      If the Cancel eRx initiated by another physician at WASFATY Portal

WASFATY system should update the HIS provider with the Cancel eRx, this shall be obtained as an event-based approach by utilizing the CheckActivityStatus

iii)    For any cancel Physician should insert the reason, and this should be communicated between systems

(1)   A new field shall be built on the Schema for this need and shall be mandatory with the eRx Post Request type cancellation


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Req. ID RQ-144
Related Systems PP, TMB,
Business Need Summary يجب توفير إمكانية إيقاف أو تعديل وصفات إعادة الصرف للطبيب في حال لم يتم صرفها. System should have the option to cancel or edit activities in the refills of a prescriptions, in case of not being dispensed.
Details The PP should allow the physician to hold or edit or cancel and prescription and refill prescription if it’s not being dispensed already.


Type Remarks
Block Refer to RQ-143
Edit Refer to RQ-139
Expected Results


At PP:

The user with privilege should be able to block the prescription that has refill activity from dispense, refer to RQ-143 for more details

Also, the physician should be able to edit the prescription that has refill activity if it is prescription not dispensed, refer to req139 for more details.

Assumptions All above changes applied before the dispensed completed for any prescription’s activity, including in any refill, and changed will be applicable on all coming refills
Dependencies RQ-139,140,141,142,143
Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  



Req. ID


Dependency with REQ

Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير خاصية طباعة أي وصفة الطبية من قبل الطبيب مع شعار وصفتي وشعار وزارة الصحة. Provide the printing of any prescription by the doctor with the logo of the prescription and the logo of the Ministry of Health.
Details For further details, please check CR09.
Expected Results




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Req. ID


Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يجب إظهار أيقونة المساعدة عند كل نقطة إدخال توضح شروط الإدخال للطبيب. Need a tooltip for the physician to write the prescription.
Details For further details, please look at CR003.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-147
Related Systems CP, PP
Business Need Summary يجب إظهار زر مساعدة في صفحات جميع المستخدمين يوضح طريقة الاستخدام للنظام A help button should be displayed on all users’ pages that explain how the system is used.

·        Tooltip text on each field for describing the filed (Description / How to user).

·        Tooltip text should support Arabic & English.


Expected Results




Constraint ·        Update and latest user manuals to be available for user guidance in case needed




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Req. ID RQ-148
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير إشعارات وتنبيهات بالآتي: على سبيل المثال (أخطاء الإدخال، نقص البيانات المطلوبة)، أثناء كتابة الوصفة الطبية وقبل حفظ الوصفة. Provide notifications and alerts: for example (input errors, lack of required data), while writing the prescription and before saving the recipe.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-149
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary بعد إنشاء أي وصفة الطبية جديدة يجب إرسال رسالة نصية للمستفيد After creating any new prescription, you must send a text message to the beneficiary


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-150
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يجب أن لا يتم إرسال رسالة النصية بصدور وصفة طبية قبل الموافقة على الوصفة الطبية. A text message should not be sent with a prescription before the prescription is approved.


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-151
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يجب أن تحتوي رسالة إنشاء الوصفة الجديدة على رقم الوصفة وتحية للمستفيد The new recipe creation message must contain the recipe number and greeting the beneficiary


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-152
Related Systems PP, TMB
Business Need Summary يجب أن تحتوي رسالة إنشاء الوصفة الجديدة على رابط للمعلومات الإضافية عن الوصفة الطبية ومواقع الصيدليات. The new recipe creation message should contain a link to additional information about prescription and pharmacy locations.
Details Please refer CR-011.
Expected Results





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Req. ID RQ-153
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary يجب أن تكون تحية رسالة إنشاء الوصفة الجديدة تحتوي على آخر أربع أرقام من رقم هويته. For the SMS to the patient the greeting message should contains the last four digits of the ID number.
Details Once creating new eRx for the patient system should send SMS to the patient

The SMS text should contain the last four digits of the ID number.

Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-154
Related Systems CP
Business Need Summary يجب توفير شاشات لإدرة المراكز الصحية لمدراء المراكز الصحية Screens should be provided to the health center managers
Details to the health center managers to manage the user profiles through edits and modifications.


Refer to RQ-009.

Expected Results


At CP: Facility admin can access and

information and user privilage.

o   Upate facilty information

As the assigned role and privalge  to him



·        For the modification no need for WASFATY admin validation or approval

·        All filed modification not required approval from NUPCO except

1.      First name (for both Arabic and English)

2.      last Name, (for both Arabic and English)

3.      ID.

4.      Type of ID.

5.      Medical License.

6.      User Role




Dependencies RQ-009
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Status*   Approval Date  




Req. ID RQ-155
Related Systems CP
Business Need Summary في شاشات إدارة المراكز الصحية يجب توفير إمكانية إدارة حسابات مستخدمين المركز الصحي (تعديل، إضافة، حذف، تفعيل، إلغاء تفعيل، تعديل بيانات المستخدم) In health center management screens, you must provide the ability to manage the accounts of health center users (editing, adding, deleting, activating, deactivating, modifying user data)
Details In WASFATY system, admin user should have ability to manage (editing, adding, activating, deactivating) the facility users.


Refer to RQ-154

Expected Results



At CP: Facility admin can access and

o   edit user information and user privilage.




Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-009,154,069,070
Constraint N/A
Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  



Req. ID RQ-156
Related Systems CP, PP, TMB
Business Need Summary يجب إجبار الصيدلي قبل الشروع في صرف الوصفة الطبية على اختيار اسم فرع الصيدلية في حال كان يعمل في أكثر من صيدلية. System must ask the Pharmacist to choose which facility needs to be logged in before using the system in case of being assigned to many facilities
Details In cases where a pharmacist has accesses to more than one facility, The WASFATY system should mandate the pharmacist to choose a facility for which he would be dispensing for a patient.
Expected Results



System must ask the pharmacist to select the facilities that he is assigned to in the following event:

·        After every Login (based on the role clinician, pharmacist).

·        After every session timeout


Arabic English
اختر اسم المنشأة التي تعمل فيها الان  Select the facility you are working now



·        To validate the transactions from PP and external vendors (HIS, POS) regarding the clinician’s assigned facility for below transaction:

o   Request authorization for Dispense

o   Claim dispenses

·        TMB to reject any transaction if the clinician facility is not match the assigned facility with below denial code

The transaction is denied, because you are not assigned to this facility, kindly contact the admin. تم رفض المعاملة، لأن المستخدم غير تابع لهذه المنشأة، يرجى الاتصال بمدير المنشأة.
Assumptions N/A
Dependencies RQ-086
Constraint N/A
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Status*   Approval Date  



Req. ID RQ-157
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية البحث عن الوصفة الطبية لصرفها للمريض للصيدلي، باستخدام رقم الأهوية ورقم الوصفة At Pharmacy page, pharmacist to search the RX for dispense should use for search: Patient ID and eRx.
Details When pharmacist need to search to dispense an Rx for the patient,

Should insert below two fields to get the eRx detail: Patient ID and Rx number


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-158
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية البحث عن الوصفة الطبية المصروفة السابقة من قبل الصيدلي باستخدام الاتي: (رقم الهوية، التاريخ، الجنس، حالة الوصفة ورقم الوصفة). Provide the possibility of searching for the previous prescription by the pharmacist using the following: (ID number, date, sex, prescription status and prescription number).
Details To provide the possibility of searching for the dispensed prescription by the pharmacist using the following: (ID number, date, sex, prescription status and prescription number).



Expected Results


At PP: at pharmacy page to search for dispensed prescription

Functionality is available on the system needs to add the new search field by gender

Dependencies N/A
Constraint Based on his data access rights
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Req. ID RQ-159
Related Systems OI, PP, TMB
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب إظهار حالة الوصفة الطبية (غير مصروف، مصروفة بالكامل، تم إلغاؤها، مصروفة صرف جزئي، مرفوضة، منتهية الصلاحية) When opening the prescription by the pharmacist system should show the status of the prescription (not dispensed, fully dispensed, cancelled, partial dispensed, rejected, expired)

·        When downloading the prescription by the pharmacist system should show the following status of the prescription:

·        Dispensed

·        Not Dispensed

·        Partial Dispensed

·        Cancelled

·        Expired


Expected Results



When PP/ POS request to download the prescription, it should return the prescription status as  below data needed


System to show the status for prescription once download as Not dispensed, partially dispensed, dispensed, Expired or Rejected

·        In case of cancelled, need: who cancelled it and when. The message is “This prescription is cancelled by PHYSICIAN NAME on DATE: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss”

DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm   هذه الوصفة تم الغاؤها عن طريق الدكتور (: اسم الدكتور) بتاريخ


·        In case of expired, Need the created date and the expiry date. The message is “This prescription is expired on DATE: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss”

DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm   هذه الوصفة منتهية بتاريخ


·        In case of dispensed, the last date when it was dispensed the message is “This prescription is dispensed on DATE: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss”

DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm   هذه الوصفة مصروفة بتاريخ


In case of Rejected prescription, the date of rejection the message is “This prescription is rejected on DATE: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss”

DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm   هذه الوصفة مرفوضة بتاريخ


·           In case of partially Dispense prescription, the date of last dispense

The message is

“This prescription is partially dispensed on DATE: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss”

DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm   هذه الوصفة مصروفة جزئيا بتاريخ


·           In case of not dispensed prescription, the message is “This prescription is not dispensed”

“هذه الوصفة غير مصروفة ”




PP: When the Pharmacist download the Prescription below status message to display on screen

1-     Dispensed


2-     Expired


3-     Cancelled



4-     Not Dispensed

5-     Partially Dispensed

6-     Rejected




Dependencies N/A
Constraint N/A
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Req. ID RQ-160
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير بيانات الوصفة الطبية التالية (تاريخ الإنشاء، اسم المركز، رقم التواصل مع المركز) When opening the prescription by the pharmacist, the following prescription data must be provided (date of construction, name of center, contact number with the center)


Details When opening the prescription by the pharmacist, the following prescription data must be provided (date of construction, name of centre, contact number with the centre)




Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-161
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير بيانات الطبيب التالية (اسم الطبيب، رقم جوال الطبيب)  


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-162
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير بيانات الوصفات الحالية (Active) عن المريض  
Details ·        Showing active prescribed medications for the patients while downloading new prescriptions.

·        By Clicking the View Patient History, system should open the patient active prescription history, same as the behavior on Prescription Side when clicking update patient.


Expected Results


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Req. ID RQ-163
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير بيانات الحساسية لدى المريض  


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-164
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير بيانات الامراض المزمنة لدى المريض  
Details Chronic diseases should be showing in the patient information’s while downloading new prescriptions for them
Expected Results


To be showing under the allergies in the patient information part




Constraint View only, no modification allowed on pharmacy side.
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Req. ID RQ-165
Related Systems PP, OI, TMB
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير ملاحظات الطبيب After opening the prescription in the pharmacist page, pharmacist should view the doctor notes and comments
Details At Physician page, Physician needs to add comments on prescription level to the patient

those notes will be required to appear on Pharmacist page during dispensing.




·        TMB to add the needed field (physician comments) to prescription transaction schema.


·        Physician comments will be filled at physician screen.

·        At pharmacy side to get the filled comments from schema comments

·        Then PP will get the same comment from the same field at pharmacy side.


·        To add the physician comments in the OI reports schema.



Expected Results






Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint N/A
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Req. ID RQ-166
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير بيانات التشخيص  


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-167
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير الاسماء العلمية للأدوية System should show for the pharmacist, generic names for each drug.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-168
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير الاسماء الأدوية التجارية المقابلة لكل دواء علمي. System should show for the pharmacist, trade name for each prescribed generic name.


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-169
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير كميات كل دواء


System should show the pharmacist the quantity for prescribed for drugs.


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-170
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير طريقة استخدام كل دواء


System should show the pharmacist the instruction and timing for using the drugs.


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-171
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير أوقات استخدام  كل دواء خلال اليوم


System should show the pharmacist the instruction and timing for using the drugs.


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-172
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير فترة أو مدة استخدام كل دواء


System should show to pharmacist, the duration for each prescribed drug.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-173
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير تعليمات استخدام كل دواء


System should show to pharmacist the instruction for using each prescribed drug.


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-174
Related Systems PP, TMB
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير معلومات التوصيل المنزلي المستقبلي (موجودة أو غير موجودة، وقتها، كمياتها). When opening the prescription by the pharmacist, future home delivery information (existing or non-existent, then, quantities) must be provided.
Details If the Prescription is marked as home delivery

Should show to the pharmacist the below


Item Status
Ability to Home delivery Yes or no (information)
Refill # How many refills in eRx
Time of all next Refills Based on the Prescription time



Expected Results



·        once the pharmacist downloads the prescription, should show for the pharmacist.

For each activity as below table


  Item Status
Prescription level Ability to Home delivery Yes or no (information)
Activity level Refill # How many refills in eRx
Activity level Time of all next Refills Based on the Prescription time


·        when an external system downloads the prescription, above data in the label should be part of TMB schema to be downloaded for the requester



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Req. ID RQ-175
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير تعليمات إعادة الصرف لكل دواء


System should show to pharmacist instruction for the refill for each medication


Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-176
Related Systems PP, TMB
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير بيانات الأدوية المصروفة و المتبقية مع تواريخ الصرف لكل صنف.


Upon downloading the prescription System should show dispensed, remining drugs with quantity   with dates of dispensed for each drug.


Details When Pharmacist download the prescription, system should show the below

1-     Dispensed activity with dates

2-     Un-dispensed activity

3-     Partially dispensed activity with date of dispensed and remaining quantity and refills.


Expected Results


At PP: once Pharmacist Download the prescription, an added column with status for each activity




All below details need to be provided in TMB when download the prescription.

1-     Dispensed activity with dates

2-     Un-dispensed activity

3-     Partially dispensed activity with date of dispensed and remaining quantity and refills.


Assumptions NA
Dependencies RQ-159
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Req. ID RQ-177
Related Systems PP, TMB
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب عدم عرض أسعار الأدوية


Drug price shouldn’t be shown at pharmacists’ page
Details PP: Price value for the drug should note be shown for the pharmacist


Description English UI Arabic UI
Net   المجموع
Patient Share مشاركة المريض 0 0
Expected Results


When the Pharmacist download the prescription and select the Drug, no price should be shown in the page and the below should be appear as below


Assumptions N/A
Dependencies N/A
Constraint N/A
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Req. ID RQ-178
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب عدم عرض رقم جوال المريض


Patient mobile number should not be shown at pharmacy page
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-179
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير خاصية طباعة بيانات الوصفة كاملة + بيانات الصيدلية System should allow pharmacist to print the full prescription for the patient with pharmacy details


Details For further details please check CR009.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-180
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير خاصية طباعة ورقة تعليمات صغيرة لاصقة لكل دواء تم صرفه. System should print patient instruction label

For each drug in e-RX.


Details For further details, please check CR09.
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-181
Related Systems PP
Business Need Summary يجب أن تحتوي ورقة التعليمات اللاصقة على البيانات التالية:(اسم المريض، رقم الملف، الاسم العلمي للدواء، التركيز(Concentration)، الشكل(Form)، الجرعة (Dosage)، التوجيهات، طريقة الاستخدام، شعار وصفتي) System should print patient instruction label



Details For further details, please check CR09.
Expected Results





Dependencies It must be aligned with RQ-034
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Req. ID RQ-182
Related Systems MDR, LMU, PP, TMB, OI Drug label instructions


Business Need Summary -يجب أن تكون ورقة التعليمات اللاصقة باللغة المفضلة للمستفيد، مع إمكانية تغييرها من قبل الصيدلي System should print patient instruction label

preferred language

Details The PP should have an option to allow the pharmacist to choose the language preferred by the patient, before printing the drug label (English and Arabic) only.

Data content: should be translated by medical on MDR, published on LMU and accepted and viewed by PP, TMB, OI

Data such as:

1-     ROA

2-     Unite type

3-     Package type

4-     Dose timings

5-   Durations


Latest Update: For further details, please check CR009.

Expected Results


From PP – pharmacy page, after opening a prescription and clicking on printing button, a pop-up should appear to allow the pharmacist to choose the language (Arabic or English)


Label should have the data translated in the language chosen only


Integrated providers must do the same from their end


Constraint Not all content can be translated (drug name – generic and trade)
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Req. ID RQ-183
Related Systems MDR, LMU, PP, TMB, OI Drug label instructions


Business Need Summary عند صرف الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير إمكانية إضافة توجيهات خاصة باستخدام الأدوية للمريض على الورقة اللاصقة At dispensing pharmacist t should be able to add special instruction for using the drug on the label


Latest Update: For further details, please check CR009.

Expected Results




Constraint Not all content can be translated (drug name -generic and trade)
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Req. ID RQ-184
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير إمكانية صرف دواء واحد أو أكثر من قائمة الأدوية الموصوفة من قبل الطبيب. Pharmacist should be able to dispense partial e-Rx
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-185
Related Systems PP, TMB, CORE
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير إمكانية صرف جزئي للكمية موصوفة من الطبيب للدواء الواحد. Partial Dispense per activity level
Details ·        System should be able to give option for the pharmacist’s user to dispense partial quantity on drug activity level from the total prescribed quantity.


·        To achieve the Partial, dispense new requirement, below items should be applied on WASFATY system:

o   Provider Portal:

1.      Refill field on eRx request, should be mandatory (Physician Side).


2.      Enable the quantity field to be editable for pharmacist to enter the dispense quantity (Pharmacy Side).



3.      Validation on the dispensing value quantity should be less than or equal to the calculated dispensed quantity (Packs) by the system (after selecting trade drug) (Pharmacy Side).


4.      In sending the request authorization transaction, observation on activity level should be added with the Refill No (Pharmacy Side).



o   TMB:

1.      To enable the partially dispensed quantity on activity level (Drug).


2.      TMB should always reverse the calculation to calculate the remaining amount for the drug based on Dosage Unit, more details in attached excel sheet.


3.      Refill No should not be changed, until the total quantity on activity refill level is dispended completely and claimed even if that covered in more than one claimed.


4.      The existing logic and functionality for Prescription expiry should remain without changes.


·        Any prescription (with refill or without) if it’s not dispensed within the first X days (7 day must be changeable if needed) the status must be changed to Expired.


·        If patient dispense partial from eRx, he/she can still dispense the remaining Qty within eRx duration.



·        Any prescription with refill and it’s dispensed for the first time, it must be expiring after duration multiply by number of refills plus one. For example:

30 tablet for 30 days with refill 2 time  it will be expiring after 30 x (2+1) = 90 day


5.      TMB should sync with the Generic and Trade drug list from LMU to access all the needed information like Dosage Unit, Package volume, etc.


6.       TMB should validate the total dispensing dosage unit for all the partial dispensing transactions with the prescribed amount in physician order, the system should not exceed the prescribed amount except in case of minimum dispensing package, more details in attached excel sheet.


7.      TMB should always convert the dispensed quantity to dosage unit amount to calculate the remaining amount for the prescription.

o   CORE:

1.      Refill to Soon rules, should be updated to not check and not validate the same eRx Authentication request with the same Refill No for the same previous Authentication request transactions.

2.      Validation bases should be done on the items that are claimed (Dispensed), and therefore any claimed activities should be matching the Auth. (this might impact some rules on CORE such as bit limited to matching clinician between Auth and Claim).


Expected Results


Constraint ·        Trade drug package size could be different in the second partial dispense request (Maybe the Trade drug changed for the generic and based on that the package size also changed), so the quantity calculation could be changed for every time for the Auth Request.


·        Reversal on Claim level for the partial clamed can’t be done. With TMB.


·        For the last partial dispensing transaction, system could dispense more than the remaining quantity due to minimum dispensing package rounding up rule, which will mainly consider as waste in drug use.

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Req. ID RQ-186
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير تنبيهات بتأثيرات الأدوية المصروفة مع بعضها البعض. When the pharmacy opens the prescription for dispense, a warning message need to be shown at page if there is any drug interaction between prescribed drugs



Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-187
Related Systems CCE, PP, OI
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير تنبيهات بتأثيرات الأدوية مع الغذاء إن وجد تأثيرات. After opening the prescription in the pharmacist page, pharmacist should be able to view the alerts of drugs prescribed interactions with food if any.
Details In the PP, the pharmacist should be able to view the alerts (advisory warning) for any food and drugs interaction warnings if any.


Refer to RQ-133


Expected Results


The warning/ physician comments must appear to the pharmacist in clear position after immediately downloading the prescription.


Dependencies RQ-133
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Req. ID RQ-188
Related Systems CCE, PP, OI
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير تنبيهات بتأثيرات الأدوية مع الأدوية المستخدمة حالياً في وصفات اخرى. When the pharmacy opens the prescription for dispense, a warning message need to be shown at page if there is any Drug to Drug interaction between new prescription and dispensed drugs with unfinished duration or during refill too soon period for the patient
Details When the pharmacy opens the prescription for dispense, a warning message need to be shown at page if there is any Drug to Drug interaction between new prescription and dispensed drugs with unfinished duration or during refill too soon period for the patient.
Expected Results


CDS to return any warning if the prescribed medication will make negative affect with dispensed drugs with unfinished duration or during refill too soon period for the patient

Example: to be same as below warning came to Physician when he prescribed medication for different diagnose.



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Req. ID RQ-189
Related Systems  
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير تنبيهات بتأثيرات الأدوية مع الحساسيات لدى المريض. When the pharmacy opens the prescription for dispense, a warning message need to be shown at page if there is any drug interaction between new prescription and patient allergies
Details When the pharmacy opens the prescription for dispense, a warning message need to be shown at page if there is any drug interaction between new prescription and patient allergies
Expected Results




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Req. ID RQ-190
Related Systems CCE, PP, OI
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير تنبيهات بتأثيرات الأدوية مع الأمراض المزمنة لدى المريض When the pharmacy opens the prescription for dispense, a warning message need to be shown at page if there is any drug interaction between new prescription and patient Chronic Diseases that he has and registered in the system.


Details When the pharmacy opens the prescription for dispense, a warning message need to be shown at page if there is any drug interaction between new prescription and patient Chronic Diseases that he has and registered in the system.


Refer to RQ-136

Expected Results



CCE to return any warning if the prescribed medication will make negative affect for the chronic disease for the patient

Example: to be same as below warning came to Physician when he prescribed medication for different diagnose.



Dependencies RQ-136
Constraint This will require patient chronic disease to be register at his file like the allergy
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Req. ID RQ-191
Related Systems PP, CCE
Business Need Summary عند فتح الوصفة الطبية من قبل الصيدلي يجب توفير تنبيهات بالكميات المسموح بها حسب الفترة الزمنية، العمر والكميات المصروفة سابقاً (Active). While opening prescriptions by the pharmacists, there should be alerts for the allowed quantities according to duration, age, active dispensed quantity.
Details ·        Same CCE warning messages that appeared on prescription side, should be available to the Pharmacist when downloading the prescription.

·        The Physician comments to override the CDS warning messages should also be available for the Pharmacist.

·        The warning message must consider the current and previous active prescriptions.


Expected Results



The warning/ physician comments must appear to the pharmacist in clear position after immediately downloading the prescription.




Constraint The content of the warning message must be based on international references.
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Req. ID RQ-192
Related Systems CP,
Business Need Summary توفير إحصائيات للعدد الوصفات المصروفة والمرفوضة من قبل الصيدلي في شاشته الرئيسية. Availability of a dashboard showing number of dispensed and rejected authorizations in the pharmacist’s main screen
Details The system should have functionality (dashboard) in the pharmacist main screen which would help him to view the number of dispensed and rejected prescriptions


Same as RQ-118 but at pharmacist side

Expected Results




·        CP System will integrate with OI to show the statistics dashboard for user

·        Any pharmacist authorized to post authorization in WASFATY SYSTEM will have an access on CP portal and will be able to see the number for dispensed and rejected dispensed prescriptions for PP and HIS for a standard period.

·        User should be able to view statistics for all transactions issued by him, using WASFATY provide portal, or using external integrated system


·        The Pharmacist can change the period of the number of the statistics.


·        Dashboard should show only the transactions for user accessing the CP only



Dependencies RQ-118
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Req. ID RQ-193
Related Systems OI, PP
Business Need Summary يجب تسجيل عملية دخول أي صيدلي على كل وصفة مع العمليات التي قام بها في الوصفة. System should log every prescription related action done by the pharmacist and actions taken.
Details System should log all the activities performed on the Pharmacist screen (download, Add, update, delete, etc).

Audit log should have a filter allowing to search by User, system component, subcomponent, and date.


Actions on Prescription

1.      Download Prescription

2.      Show Active Drugs

3.      Select Drug

4.      Delete activity before sending authorization

5.      Changing the qty before sending authorization

6.      Adding reason (Refer to RQ-194)

7.      Adding pharmacist comments

8.      Send for authorization

9.      Edit pharmacy authorization

10.   Dispensed prescription

11.   Close prescription with no action

12.   Print label (with these details to be logged)

a.      Chosen Language

b.      Size

c.      Label Print activity

13.   Print eRx (with these details to be logged)

a.      Chosen Language

b.      eRx Print activity




·        The logged data will be accessed from OI.

·        Action 12 (Print label) and Action 13 (Print eRx), no needs to log how many times the print occurs, only need to register the last print action and to be per activity level.

Recommend to used centralized audit log for all solutions to use and to give holistic view on all action performed by users on all different systems.

Expected Results




Sample layout for logging activity



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Req. ID RQ-194
Related Systems PP, OI
Business Need Summary أي دواء موجود في أي وصفة تم فتحها من قبل الصيدلي لم يتم صرفها، يجب إجبار الصيدلي على إدخال سبب عدم الصرف For any e-RX that has been downloaded by the pharmacy and was not dispensed, system should force the pharmacist to insert the reason of not dispensing.
Details PP: Sometimes the pharmacist downloads the prescription and doesn’t perform a dispense transaction (fully or partial).

A Pop-Up screen will come to user and he need to select the reason for not dispensing drug based on drop list menu:



The reason to be filled

·        prescription level if the eRx has not dispensed at all

·        Partial dispense on eRx (some activity has not dispensed)

·        activity (drug) level. If it has partial refill (if not dispense all required quantity)


After download of the prescription and not dispensing the prescription no reason is submitted then the system will update as “No Reason is Submitted” (browser shut down).


Expected Results


PP to reject deleting the activates after downloading the prescription without the Reason specified, it should be stored in the DB for reporting purposes


Sample screen shot


OI to generate the generate the prescription activity report including this field


Constraint This above requirement to cover the current scope of work for PP and any other integrated system.


Dependencies RQ-195
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Req. ID RQ-195
Related Systems PP, OI
Business Need Summary يجب وضع الخيارات التالية لأسباب عدم الصرف في شاشات الصرف (عدم وجود الدواء، خطأ في الدواء، عدم وجود الكمية الكافية، أخرى Should have dropdown list for the reason of not dispensing at dispensing page.
Details Reference to RQ-194,


A Pop-Up screen will come to user and he need to select the reason for not dispensing drug based on drop list menu:

·        Drug Not available

·        Medical Error in Prescription

·        Not enough quantity for drug

·        Rejected by patient

·        Other reason: will need to add a text for not dispensing.

After download of the prescription and not dispensing the prescription, no reason is submitted then the system will update as “No Reason is Submitted”.


OI: Generate a report for download e-RX without dispensing report layout as following. File attached.

Expected Results


PP to reject deleting the activates after downloading the prescription without the Reason specified, it should be stored in the DB for reporting purposes


OI to generate the generate the prescription activity report including this field



Constraint This above requirement to cover the current scope of work for PP and any other integrated system.


Dependencies RQ-194
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Req. ID RQ-196
Related Systems CP,PP,TMB
Business Need Summary توفير إمكانية تفعيل وإلغاء تفعيل خاصية عدم صرف وصفة طبية من النظام، قبل إرسال رسالة نصية برقم تأكيد على رقم جوال المريض وتسجيل رقم التأكيد في النظام لإكمال عملية الصرف


Enable /disable functionality for sending OTP on Patient mobile # to be registered on the system for allowing download and Dispensed the eRx


Details ·        For any dispensing to the prescription, will require to send SMS activation code (OTP) to the patient Mobile #, to allow dispensing to the pharmacist.

·        NUPCO Admin user, should have the option to activate or deactivate this functionality.

The Default is the de-active.


At PP: Pharmacist once gets the approval to dispense, system will send OTP (one-time Password)

·        Pharmacist will enter the OTP received to patient mobile # and then he can       dispense the e-RX.

OTP: Time validity is: 4 minutes

Expected Results


At CP: WASFATY admin will have an option to enable /Disable OTP for Dispense.


TMB & PP: if OTP for dispense is Active:

1-     Once the Pharmacy send Request for Authorization for dispense

2-     TMB will validate the request,

·        if the request is rejected, authorization will be rejected, and no OTP should be trigger.

·        if the authorization request is approved TMB to send OTP to PP

o   As OTP received to the patient, pharmacist to insert the OTP in the required field

o   PP will send the OTP inserted to the TMB for validation

o   if OTP is valid, TMB will sent the approved authorization request to PP

and user will be able to dispense the prescription.

o   If OTP is not valid, a denial code to PP that OTP is not valid

Inserted OTP is not valid: الرقم السري المدخل غير صحيح


3-     In case any problem in patient’s mobile, WASFATY support team can provide a master OTP to the pharmacist to complete dispensing.

4-     The dispenser must have the ability to request resending the OTP after the elapsed time.



TMB & POS: if OTP for dispense is Active:

1-     Once the Pharmacy send Request for Authorization for dispense

2-     TMB will validate the request,

·        if the request is rejected, authorization will be rejected, and no OTP should be trigger.

·        if the authorization request is approved TMB to send OTP to POS

·        As OTP received to the patient, POS to send the received OTP to TMB for validation.

·        Once OTP Validated by TMP, POS will be able to call the GetNew API for this authorization dispense and user will be able to send a claim for the dispensed prescription.

·        If OTP is not valid, a denial code to be save for POS that OTP is not valid

Inserted OTP is not valid: الرقم السري المدخل غير صحيح


3-     In case any problem in patient’s mobile, WASFATY support team can provide a master OTP to the pharmacist to complete dispensing.

4-     The dispenser must have the ability to re-request and resend the OTP.



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Req. ID RQ-197
Related Systems TMP, PP
Business Need Summary بعد صرف أي وصفة الطبية سوى جزئياً أو صرف كامل يجب إرسال رسالة نصية للمستفيد، لإخطاره بإتمام عملية الصرف الكلي أو الجزئي System should send SMS to patient after dispensing the e-RX, fully or partially to notify him about the dispensing
Details Please refer to table below



Expected Results



New Prescription


Hello (Mohammed) A new prescription is created with a prescription number (i2632284) For patient (******3113)

Valid to xxxxxxxxx days For more details:

مرحبا /) فاطمة (

تم انشاء وصفة طبية بالرقم (i5216037) للمستفيد (******5417)

صالحة لمدة 7 أيام

لتفاصيل الوصفة : للصيدلية الأقرب إلى موقعك : ) نسعد بتواصلكم وسماع اقتراحاتكم وبلاغاتكم المتعلقة بصرف

الأدوية (920000932

Dispensed Prescription with the prescription number (i0271842) Is updated to (Dispensed) For more details: ( تم تحديث حالة الوصفة الطبية رقم (i9111665)

الى مصروفة

لتفاصيل الوصفة : o


Partial dispensed Prescription with the prescription number (i0271842) Is updated to (Partially Dispensed) For more details: ( تم تحديث حالة الوصفة الطبية رقم (i9111665) الى مصروفة جزئيا (

لتفاصيل الوصفة : o



Cancelled Prescription with the prescription number (i0271842) Is updated to (Canceled) For more details: ( تم تحديث حالة الوصفة الطبية رقم (i9111665) الى ملغية(

لتفاصيل الوصفة : o

Time To refill Hello (Mohammed) It’s time for refill of prescription number (i2632284) For patient (******3113)


مرحبا /) فاطمة (

حان موعد إعادة صرف للوصفة طبية رقم (i5216037) للمستفيد (******5417) لتفاصيل الوصفة :


Expired Prescription with the prescription number (i0271842) Is updated to expired)

For more details: (

تم تحديث حالة الوصفة الطبية رقم (i9111665) الى منتهية الصلاحية

لتفاصيل الوصفة : o




Assumptions ·        Once the patient dispenses the prescription system should send the status of the prescription as below

o   If the prescription is fully dispensed with all its refill

Status of the SMS will be Dispensed

o   Partially dispensed will means the prescription still have activity or refills not dispensed yet.


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Req. ID RQ-198
Related Systems TMB, PP
Business Need Summary يجب أن لا يتم إرسال الرسالة النصية بصرف الوصفة قبل تأكيد صرف الوصفة الطبية. SMS should be sent after the e-RX get dispensed


Details Please refer CR-011.
Expected Results









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Req. ID RQ-199
Related Systems TMB, PP
Business Need Summary يجب أن تحتوي رسالة صرف الوصفة الطبية على رقم الوصفة وتحية للمستفيد SMS should contain e-RX #, and welcome message
Details Please refer CR-011.



Expected Results


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Req. ID RQ-200
Related Systems TMB, PP
Business Need Summary يجب أن تحتوي رسالة صرف الوصفة الطبية على رابط لتقييم الخدمة SMS message should have link for service evaluation


Details Please refer CR-011.



Expected Results


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Req. ID RQ-201
Related Systems TMB, PP
Business Need Summary يجب أن تحتوي رسالة صرف الوصفة الطبية على رابط بمعلومات الإضافية عن والوصفة الطبية SMS should contain link for e-RX details


Details Please refer CR-011.


Expected Results


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Req. ID RQ-202
Related Systems TMB, PP
Business Need Summary يجب أن تكون تحية رسالة صرف الوصفة الطبية تحتوي على آخر أربع أرقام من رقم هويته. SMS should have welcome message with last four numbers of the ID


Details Please refer CR-011.


Expected Results


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Req. ID RQ-203
Related Systems CP
Business Need Summary في شاشات إدارة المجموعة المراكز يجب توفير إمكانية إدارة حسابات مستخدمين المركز الصحي (تعديل، إضافة، حذف، تفعيل، إلغاء تفعيل، تعديل بيانات المستخدم)


Details Functionalities should be provided to the health center managers to manage the user profiles through edits and modifications.


Refer to RQ-009.

Expected Results


At CP:

Facility Admin can access and edit user information and user privilege.




·        All filed modification not required approval from NUPCO except

1.      First Name (for both Arabic and English)

2.      Last Name. (for both Arabic and English)

3.      ID.

4.      Type of ID.

5.      Medical License.

6.      User Role


Dependencies RQ-009, 154
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Req. ID RQ-204
Related Systems CP
Business Need Summary في شاشات إدارة المجموعة الصيدليات يجب توفير إمكانية لإدارة فروع الصيدلية (تعديل، إضافة، حذف، تفعيل إلغاء تفعيل، إسناد مستخدمين، إلغاء إسناد مستخدمين)


Details admin to manage the user profiles through edits and modifications.


Refer to RQ-009, 203,154

Expected Results


At CP:

Chain admin (Group admin) can access and edit user information and user privilege.



·        All filed modification not required approval from NUPCO except

1.      First Name (for both Arabic and English)

2.      Last Name (for both Arabic and English)

3.      ID.

4.      Type of ID.

5.      Medical License.

6.      User Role




Dependencies RQ-009, RQ-154, RQ-203
Client Verification   Comments


Status*   Approval Date  




















  • NUPCO, MOH, SFDA, NHIC codes will be added to drug list in LMU












  • NUPCO, MOH, SFDA, NHIC codes will be added to drug list in LMU, and synced to OI




















































































Added (CP: Login log)















Added in   Table: patient visits (RQ-002 excel sheet)







Exist as below:

CP new UI for WASFATY admin will have an option to enable /Disable OTP for Registration










Added Table: eRxR-eRxA














  • stem must consider the division of the drug of the selected Physician.
  • The system must consider the speciality level of the selected Physician.































  • In case of rejected, the date of rejection The message is “This prescription is rejected on DATE: DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss”