BUSS 322 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

FINAL Project #3 Assignment:
Your Personal Entrepreneurial Potential Future Plan
(Fall 2023)
What matters most to you as you contemplate your future career and personal life? The entrepreneurial
process is at its core concerned with “the pursuit of opportunity without regard to the resources already under
control,” as Professor Howard Stevenson of Harvard Business School originally said. This is NOT only about a
start-up business. This process is as applicable to your life as it is to your career or starting a company.
The goal of this assignment is for you to use an entrepreneurial mindset to consider what is important to you
and where you want to be and how you will get there.
Entrepreneurs expect constraints and challenges and turn them into opportunities.
Answer all of the STUDY QUESTION items below (1, 2, 3, 4A, or 4B – your choice). The constraint/challenge is
that all 5 should be answered in TWO PAGE (normal margins, font 10, single space – the same as this
document) not counting a cover page with your name, student ID# and section #. References are not required –
this should be your personal, original creation. Choose the items you feel will best describe the vision of your
innovative future, not some generic AI vision.
Remember: Entrepreneurs expect constraints and turn them into opportunities.
Study Questions
1. Vision and Opportunity
What are your goals (career and/or educational) after you complete university? What are the opportunities
that align with your goals? Don’t restrict yourself to matters of career or work; think more broadly about your
opportunities to make a difference. How can you pursue these opportunities?
2. Marketing and Implementation Strategy
What compelling values will you offer to your community, your employers? How will you apply these values?
In one paragraph, describe a strategy or plan for your life over the next three to five years.
3. Entrepreneurial Ethics
Entrepreneurship is not all about personal financial gain. It concerns crafting a lifelong plan to make a positive
impact on society. Character does matter. Failure is OK; unethical behavior is not. True wealth requires the
creation of enduring value, which requires integrity and ethics. Entrepreneurship is not only about business, it
is also an integral part of life that reflect the values of each participant.
How do you plan to practice ethical principles in your daily actions? Examples?
4. Your Entrepreneurial Future
4A) How can the design thinking process and an entrepreneurial mindset help you achieve your goals, dreams,
and aspirations? Examples?
4B) What is something you learned/discovered in our Fundamentals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship course
that you will use in your future to make your life and career better? Elaborate.
Wishing you the best of luck as you finish this semester and beyond!!