Case Study 2: Evaluating Program Goals and Performance Measures

POLS 6250 Org Theory and Mgmt

Assignment description

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your knowledge of course theories on best practices in performance measures by evaluating the goals and performance measures of a local government program in the form of a written essay. Specifically, you will be analyzing the Tucson Bicycle and Pedestrian Program using the provided materials on D2L.



  1. Read the course readings for this week:
    1. Rainey Ch. 6
    2. Kerr 1975
    3. Behn 2003: Why Measure Performance (especially helpful)
    4. “Best Practices in Performance Measurement” document (especially helpful)
  2. Read the background and case study materials linked at the end of this document.
  3. In an essay, answer the following prompt: Using the readings from this week, evaluate the relationship between goals and performance for the Tucson Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, including the quality of the goals and performance measures.
  4. Hints:
    1. Start by evaluating the mission and goals, then consider whether the activities, programs, and performance measures align.
    2. IMPORTANT NOTE: If performance measures are not obviously stated, then based on the data available in the case study materials, discuss the data that would make good performance measures for this program and why (Hint: the data in Document 3)
  5. Make sure your essay meets the following requirements:
    1. Length: 3-4 pages double spaced with a standard 12-pt font
    2. Citations: use whatever style you prefer, but make sure to include in-text citations anytime you quote or use ideas from the article or the textbook. If you are unsure of what style to use, I recommend APA.




The assignment will be out of 100 points. Grading will be based on the following criteria:


A: 90-100 points. All required components of the assignment are included. Essay is supported by information and examples from the case study and concepts from required readings, with explanations of concepts and how they apply. Essay is clear, easy to follow, and provides thorough answers to the question/prompt. Overall, very high-quality work.


B: 80-89 points. All required components of the assignment are included. Essay is mostly supported by case study and required readings. Essay is mostly clear and easy to follow, but answers to question/prompt need more depth and support or more references to course concepts.


C: 70-79 points. One component may be missing, or some components may not receive enough attention. Some support from case study or readings is included. Essay is sometimes unclear and hard to follow and answers to question/prompt are lacking in detail and support.


D: 60-69 points. Two components missing or barely addressed. Support from case study and readings is minimal. Essay is unclear, difficult to follow, and answers to question/prompt are minimal or irrelevant. Few, if any, references or explanations of course concepts.


F: below 60 points. More than two components missing or barely addressed, or essay is off topic. Little references to the readings, if at all. Essay is unclear, unreadable, and question/prompt is not addressed.



Case Study Materials: Tucson Bicycle and Pedestrian Program




For this case, you will evaluate Tucson’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program (part of the Tucson Department of Transportation) and one of its projects, the Sentinel Peak Road Review. Sentinel Peak Park, also known as “A” Mountain, is a park within the city of Tucson, AZ that has one main road loop up and around a low mountain. It is a popular place for walkers and bicyclists and offers several lookout points over Tucson from a parking lot at the top of the mountain.


There have been concerns by users of the park about conflicts and accidents between cars and bikes or pedestrians, and the local neighborhood has raised concerns over speeding and crime in and around the park. As a result, the Department of Transportation and Bicycle and Pedestrian Program has conducted a safety review of the park, made recommendations, and conducted a survey of the community on the recommendations. The review and survey results have led to a pilot program, where the road into the park is closed to cars one day a week (Monday). The pilot program appears to be ongoing, with no results posted yet.


I have included links to the following webpages with information needed to complete the assignment:

About the Bicycle & Pedestrian Program: Webpage with the mission, goals, and activities of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program

Sentinel Peak Road Review: Webpage for the Sentinel Peak Park Review. Click the headings at the top of the page or Next on the bottom right to go the more information about the project, including background information, data collected, and a summary of the community survey results.