Category Essay questions

IFN554 Assessment 1: Conceptual modelling

Overview Task description Foundational to addressing business concerns is an understanding of core concepts, principles and skills required for understanding, designing, and managing databases. This implies understanding the kinds of techniques that are used to model data and an ability…

PROJ6002_Assessment 4_20240603

PROJ6002_Assessment 4_20240603 Page 1 of 5   ASSESSMENT 4 BRIEF Subject Code and Title PROJ6002: Project Planning and Budgeting Assessment Project Schedule and Cost Management Plans Individual/Group Individual Length 1500 words Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful…

Anti-Oppressive Methods in Social Work Review

Select, identify, and describe a specific economic, cultural, social, and/or environmental justice issue. (C4.GP.A) Include a current (within the last five years) real-life example. Explain the rationale for selecting this topic. (C4.GP.B) Be sure to include why this topic is…

Marketing – Customer Intelligence    

Pace University                                            Prof. Bolong Li                                             Class Material Release 07/15, 07/22, 07/29, 08/05, 08/12, 08/19 In Person Meetings N/A       1 Acquisition Marketing Overview 07/15 2 Retention Marketing Overview 07/22 3 Customer Data,…

project plan

This project plan should be 4,000 words (+/- 10%) and needs to include the following key components: Rationale and Background (approx. 2,500 words): Provide an overview and context of the project, including local, disciplinary, and global perspectives. Explain the reasons…


Phenomenology advocates a return to a pre-theoretical world, that is to say the world as it presents itself to all of us. This new philosophical perspective provides a more adequate knowledge of the world compared to previous philosophies (empiricism, Cartesianism)…

Breastfeeding Vs. Formula: A Comparative Study

Informative research paper, comparing breastfeeding to formula feeding. The focus will be balanced, highlighting both benefits and drawbacks. The finished work should be suitable for a general public audience. Must include 8-10 scholarly resources in APA format and be in…

the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence

Produce an in-depth research paper that explores the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across various facets of the media industry. Scope of Work: Literature Review: Conduct an extensive review of existing literature on AI applications within the media industry.…

research work paper

An complete research work paper written at professional level. The research should be based on pros and cons of system architecture for company that has customer credit card information for both USA and Canada. The topic should cover what are…