Category Essay questions

Research Paper

3-5 PAGES, and must be typed Title page and references page (not included in 3-5 pages) Include Table of Contents (not included in 3-5 pages) At least 5 total references At least 3 references from professional journals. 2 sources can…

Research Proposal Letter

  Writing Assignment: Research Proposal Letter For this assignment, you will write your research proposal letter. You are required to submit only your final draft for this assignment (though we encourage all students to take advantage of the additional feedback…

Revision Of Essay#1

FORMAL WRITING ASSIGNMENT #3 For this final essay, you will not be required to submit a rough draft unless you choose to do so. If you would like me to comment on a rough draft, you can submit it to…

Scholarly Activity

Unit VI Course Project Instructions Strategic Plan: Part 1In this first part of the final strategic plan development assignment, you will work on some of the introductory activities related to plan development that we have discussed throughout the course. You…

Scientific Paradigms

Write a 195-word message in which you discuss: 1-Why are both paradigms important to the development of nursing science? 2-How do the authors justify having an alternative hierarchy of evidence for nursing, as contrasted with medicine (pp. 24-26, Types of…

Security Design And Architecture

The project involves depicting a Security Architecture for one of the following businesses: · Financial (Bank, brokerage, Insurer, etc.) · Hospital/Medical Services · Pharmaceutical/Chemical · Social Media Company · Energy Company (Electrical Utility, Oil Company, Solar, Wind, etc.) · Manufacturer…

Self Reflection

Make your reflection contribution commenting on based on the uploaded readings document: Three things you have learned (150 words) Two things that were muddled (150 words) One “a-ha” moment (200 words)