Category Essay questions

Research Proposal

Fill questions IV-VIII   IV. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Clearly and concisely describe in non-technical language the data collection and experimental research methods used in this project. This section should be consistent in every detail with the descriptions provided to participants…

Revised Essay #2

FORMAL WRITING ASSIGNMENT #3 For this final essay, you will not be required to submit a rough draft unless you choose to do so. If you would like me to comment on a rough draft, you can submit it to…

The Topic Unemployment and lack of resources

The Topic Unemployment and lack of resources Step 1: Prepare a shortened version of your Final Paper (at least four pages) by including the following: Introduction paragraph and thesis statement you developed for your Week 3 Assignment. Background information of…

cases of nurses Julie Thao and Kimberly Hiatt

1. Search the internet and learn about the cases of nurses Julie Thao and Kimberly Hiatt. 2. List and discuss lessons that you and all healthcare professionals can learn from these two cases. 3. Describe how the principle of beneficence…

Security Awareness

Assume you are a security awareness trainer. Part of your job is to convince end users that paying attention to security procedures makes the entire organization more successful. Answer the following question(s): When a user does not follow security procedures,…


  Mixed methods research is viewed as the third methodological movement that emerged in response to the limitations of quantitative or qualitative methods alone. While the purists view of the dichotomy between positivist and constructivist philosophies is prevalent, mixed methods research…


Please look over and answer the following set of questions from the Pearson Publishing text on Public Speaking.  Then submit an essay answering the last two questions at the end of this exercise. When Is Persuasion Unethical? What ethical in…