Category Essay questions

Project Part 3 – Confidence Intervals

  Project Part 3 – Confidence Intervals Based on the class sample, you will create a 95% confidence interval for the mean age and the proportion of males in the population of all online college students. Note: The goal of…

Promotion Request Letter

One page letter requesting a promotion, aka being hired for a manager position that just opened. The letter must be wrote about your customer service experience in a large company like Walmart or Amazon. You have worked for the company…


Freud described defense mechanisms that were intended to protect us. Complete the defense mechanism scale and answer the following questions: Describe the results of the defense mechanisms scale. Is the assessment accurate, and are there defense mechanisms that you tend…

Psychology Statistics Assignment

 ANOVA Interpretation Exercise Consider the following questions: What are the independent and dependent variables, sample size, treatments, etcetera? What type of ANOVA was used in this scenario? What do the results mean in statistical and practical terms? In your paper,…

Python Functions

Create your own Python code examples that demonstrate each of the following. Do not copy examples from the book or any other source. Try to be creative with your examples to demonstrate that you invented them yourself. Example 1: Define…

Quality Management

Unit Outcomes: Identify the difference between quality assurance and control in project management. Evaluate quality approaches for a project. Purpose Quality is key to producing not only a quality project plan, but also a quality set of outcomes for the…

Questions The Answers In Details

QUESTION 1 Predict how each of the following events will increase or decrease the quantity of oil workers in Texas. New oil-drilling equipment is invented that is cheap and requires few workers to run will, this will  quantity of oil…

Reaction/Opinion Paper/Disorders in the US

Disorders in the US  No SPACING AT ALL!! ONE FULL PAGE Write a one page opinion/research paper on the topic listed below.  The assignment is due in on the submission button/page in this assignment page by Thursday at 11:59pm.  Be prepared…