Category Essay questions

Proposal Selection Process

 What happens once a proposal is submitted? How are funded proposals selected? Funders apply a variety of strategies to select the proposals they are going to fund, including using scoring matrices, internal review staff, external reviewers, and members of their…

Psychology 1

  ASSIGNMENT 04 S01 Introduction to Psychology I Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct…

Psychology Discussion

Option A Complete the following: Evaluate one of the neurotransmitters covered in this week readings. Explain the role it plays in modulating responses to a drug of abuse in Substance Use Disorder (SUD). For example, you could choose the acetylcholine…

Public Service

Public Service Announcement Assignment   Purpose:  The purpose of this assignment is to give students an opportunity to apply what they’ve learned about social inequality, to create a public service announcement (PSA).  A PSA is a way to create awareness…

Discussion Question 1  Summary

Discussion Question 1  Summary & Critical Thinking  Week/Course Learning Outcomes Welcome to the last week of your course. In this discussion question you have the opportunity to be creative and to relate what you have learned to your professional lives.…

Quasi- Experiments

Researchers Owens, Belon, & Moss (2010) wanted to investigate the impact of school start time on the sleep patterns of adolescents. They studied teenagers who were enrolled in an American high school, both before (fall semester) and after (spring semester)…

Quote Sandwiches Revised For The Essay

  Quote Sandwich (top bun= context/background, fillings= quote, bottom bun= explanation of how the quote proves the thesis) format to help build them: Top of top bun- Title, author, overall summary of the text.  Bottom of top bun- Set up…

Reflection- Assignment

Read film assigned, The Social Network. Introduction Paragraph Briefly summarize the film in five sentences or less.   Thinking What was Marks short term and long-term goal in creating Facesmash? In establishing Facesmash, was Mark thinking critically? Why or why…