Category Essay questions

Tourism Management

Here you will find a PDF file that contains the questions you are required to answer. You should save your answers in a Word document for submission. You will then submit the word document to the assignment link. Please do…

CPS Security

  Part 1: CPS Security [45 points] Read the article titled Cyber-Physical Systems: A Security Perspective . Then answer the following questions. Define each of the following, provide an example and describe challenges and Security Countermeasures for each “ 15…

Cultural and Economic Issues in Nutrition

Your posts should be qualitative and provide substantive depth that advances the Discussion. For this Discussion, in at least 150 words, explain how culture and economics affect food choices. How does your culture affect your food choices? In response to…

Unit 3 Assignment

For this assignment you will focus on Hurricane Katrina. Based on your review of the Executive Summary and Investigation Overview, write a 3- to 5-page paper that describes how you would have applied the 4 incident management principles of: 1)…

3 types of macromolecules

Your textbook mentions 3 types of macromolecules which are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Please, describe all 3 macromolecules. Discussion 2 What is pH? How do the respiratory and urinary systems regulate pH?

managerial accounting

Instructions How do you think you will use managerial accounting in your career to make strategic business decisions?Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length


 Visit three different types of business (such as a grocery store, a hardware store, and an electronics store), and pick out one product from each business.  If you were that stores buyer, what major objections or questions would you…