Category Essay questions

Statistic Final Project

   Good afternoon. I am preparing for the final Statistic project, and I need a 10 12-pages essay plus references. The instructions are specific, and the teacher is one of the board of directors so it must be the best of…


For the attached file please interpret the results of the regression output. The several independent variables are used to predict bank balances. Please interpret each part of the regression and explain business meaning of results.

Strategic Management

   This assignment must be completed in APA FORMAT with IN-TEXT CITATIONS.. This paper requires a 1200 WORD REQUIREMENT and MUST include a REFERENCE PAGE. NO PLAGIARISM! This MUST be submitted to me by August 21st at 8am (CENTRAL TIME). THIS…

Structured Data Use

In this assignment, compare and contrast structured and unstructured data used in healthcare. In this 2 – 4 page paper, address each of the following aspects: What is the main function of each type of data; What are the benefits…

Describe the specific areas that indicate a need for change.

  Describe the companys history, products, and major competitors by accessing the Mergent University of Arizona Global Campus Library online database which offers company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors and by accessing the Business  Insights database. (View…

Teaching Database Basics Presentation

Put yourself in the position of a clinician coming to an information technology session. You are asked to present information about the basics of relational database design. Specifically, you are asked to communicate the similarities and differences between the terms…

Terror Threat Within The United States

The roles social media and the Internet play in helping to increase the terror threat within the United States; how previous domestic terror attacks including the attacks at the World Trade Center in 1993, Oklahoma City in 1995, the Khobar…