Category Essay questions

Research Paper Assistance

I need assistance with a research paper.  It is a Community Health  Field Experience paper.  The most difficult thing is that it requires 45  hours of “field hours”.  The paper is really secondary, in my mind. I have attached here…

Research Prospectus Paper

Students will complete a research prospectus paper that includes at least one topic in the area of close relationships. A research prospectus (3-4 pages of text) is a research plan that includes a title page in APA format, a brief…

critiques of their analyses

Respond to at least two colleagues by offering critiques of their analyses. Identify strengths in their analyses and strategies for presenting evaluation results to others. dentify ways your colleagues might improve their presentations. Identify potential needs or questions of the…

Rhiannon RINGS

Rhiannon started a new business last year making and selling rings. She buys stones which have been cleaned and coated for $3 apiece (on average). Other materials cost about $2 per ring. Rhiannon sells her rings online for $15 each…


APA and no outside sources. I put the question as an attachment and all the topics you need for it along with this link under  

Scholarly Activity

Instructions Business Process Costing For this assignment, you will explain managerial concepts as they pertain to business process costing. You will select a business process, describe the inputs and outputs, and define the job roles. In your paper, you will…

Managerial Accounting

Managerial Accounting While at work one day, you hear your co-worker state: “The main objective of a firm’s budget is to see how much cash the company will have in the bank at the end of the year.” Do you…

Read The article on Neurological Disorders website: Then choose one neurological disorder from the website and address the f

Read The article on Neurological Disorders website: Then choose one neurological disorder from the website and address the following: 1. What causes this disease/disorder? 2. What are the symptoms/warning signs? 3. How common is this disease/disorder? 4. What is…

Assignment Module 2

For Assignment Module 2, respond to the following questions: 1. A bank quotes an interest rate of 14% per annum with quarterly compounding. What is the equivalent rate with (a) continuous compounding and (b) annual compounding? 2. What is meant by…