Checklist for Writing Individual Report of 3000 words for Module Digital Business

Checklist for Writing Individual Report of 3000 words for Module Digital Business


Title of Report: “An Investigation into the Impact of Digital Business within the Case Study Organisation”

Report Format

(Please follow this formatting from the beginning itself. Marks are deducted if formatting is not followed as mentioned)


  • Arial 12-point, Spacing: 1.5 line. Alignment : Justified
  • Page numbers on all pages
  • Each section needs to start on a new page
  • Word count of each section needs to be mentioned within brackets at the end of the section
  • Do not use reference which is older than 3 years
  • Harvard Referencing includes both In-text citation and Bibliography ( Refer )


Report Structure:

Front Page: Title page – Module Name & Module Code, name of your chosen company, your name and your UID Number.

Second Page:  Declaration Page

Third Page: Table of Contents page including separate table for diagrams and Appendices, if any


Fourth Page : Report Starts with Introduction


 Report Content and Sections:


The Report has 4 sections as below.



(Introduction and Conclusion to be written at the last)


Section 1: Introduction (300 words).

Your Introduction should be split into 3 paragraphs.

In the introduction you should describe the purpose (aim) of the report and explain why are you doing this report / why it is necessary and/or useful. Then , please break down the overall aim into specific sections and what  each section deals with (100 words).

The second paragraph highlights the key topics/issues that you have analysed and evaluated in the report for your Case Study Organisation.  (100 words)

The third paragraph should give a brief overview of your recommendations.(100 words)


For example…

This report is based on ( company name)………

The report is going to focus on the following topics…

This report will recommend that ……


Section 2: Investigation and explanation of the importance of digitalisation, digital transformation, and digital capability within the Case Study Organisation (800 words).

(Start from a fresh page). Remove this subheading before Final submission as this will create high percent in Turnitin.


 Sec 2.1 Introduction of the Company


A brief overview of the Case Study Organisation, revenue/ size (turnover), line of business,(what do they specialise in)Headquarter/based at, operating in how many countries, employees, major achievements.(refer financial report and company website for this info) (100/ 150 words) etc


Sec 2.2:  Examining a Digital Business Organisation


Para1: Define and discuss what is meant by Digital Business? How does Information Systems and Business Information Systems support the Digital Business, Discuss what is meant by Digital Transformation, organisational change and change models   (150 words)


Para 2 : Application of the concept above to your chosen organisation through explanation/ investigation and also bring out advantage / disadvantage analysis of Topic in sec 2.1 as applied to your own company  OR comparison with another similar company (see sample to understand) . Do a critical evaluation. (150 words)


You can choose from any topic below to write section 2.2


To assist you with Assignment, research some or all of the following topics and write about :-

  • Examples of Digital Supply Chains in the Case Study Organisation?
  • Examples of how Information Systems and Business Information Systems support the business processes within Case Study Organisation?
  • Examples of how New Digital Technology is being, or could be utilised in the Case Study Organisation.
  • Examples of Digital Technology causing Digital Transformation organisational change, and the change models used in Case Study Organisation.
  • How does Digital Business impact on the Case Study Organisation?
  • Why is Digitisation important for an organisation and how it can be achieved within the Case Study Organisation?





Sec 2.3 Innovation and Competitive advantage: (250/300  words)


Para1: Define Innovation/ Digital Innovation, competitive advantage from a textbook and / or Journal article and how digital innovation has given any competitive advantage to your case study organisation


Para 2: Application of the concept above to your chosen organisation through explanation/ investigation and also bring out advantage / disadvantage analysis of Topic in sec 2.1 as applied to your own company OR comparison with another similar company (see sample to understand) . Do a critical evaluation.


You can choose from any topic below to write section 2.3

Topic 3:

  • Examples of how innovation affects the products, processes and activities in Organisations and the Case Study Organisation?
  • Examples of why competitive advantage is important for an organisation and how it can be achieved within Organisations and the Case Study Organisation?

Para 3:  Mention that recommendations for the analysis done have been discussed in section 4.


Sec 2.4: Digital Transformation and Digital Business Models (250/300 words)


Para1: Define Digital Transformation and Digital Business Models from a textbook and / or Journal article

  • What is meant by digital transformation of a business or organisation? ( 50 words)
  • What are the opportunities that digital transformation brings to  your business or organisation?(50 words)
  • Which functions of your business/ company can undergo/ have undergone digital transformation?(50 words)
  • What has been the impact to your organization after digital transformation?(50 to 100 words)
  • Compare  the last 2 questions with a similar company ?(50 to 100 words)

 Para 2: Application of the concept above to your chosen organisation through explanation/ investigation and also bring out advantage / disadvantage analysis of Topic in 2.2 as applied to your own company OR comparison with another similar company (see sample to understand) . Do a critical evaluation.


You can choose from any topic below to write section 2.4

  • Examples of Digital Business Models and Marketplace Structures enabled by digital communications technology in the Case Study Organisation
  • Examples of  Digital Business Models in the Case Study Organisation
  • Examples of the issues relating to successful Digital Transformation in the Case Study Organisation.
  • Examples of Digital Transformation Frameworks are and how they are used in the Case Study Organisation.

 Para 3:  Mention that recommendations for the analysis done have been discussed in section 4.


Sec 2.5: Digital Capability and framework


Digital Capability – Skills (200 words)

Digital Capability – Technology (200 words)

Para1: Define Digital Capability framework and Digital Competency from a textbook and / or Journal article


Para 2: Application of the concept above to your chosen organisation through explanation/ investigation and also bring out advantage / disadvantage analysis of Topic in 2.3 as applied to your own company comparison with another similar company (see sample to understand). Do a critical evaluation

You can choose from any topic below to write section 2.5

  • The approaches taken by the Case Study Organisation when developing digital capability for an individual within an organisation
  • The use of the JISC Digital Capability Framework or similar to build Digital Competency within the Case Study Organisation.
  • Examples of the issues relating to successful Digital Transformation in the Case Study Organisation.
  • Examples of Digital Transformation Frameworks are and how they are used in the Case Study Organisation.
  • You can mention about Cloud Computing and  IoT uses in your case study organisation

Para 3:  Mention that recommendations for the analysis done have been discussed in section 4.


Section 3. Investigation and explanation of the use of information systems, and business intelligence within the Case Study Organisation (800words)


(Start from a fresh page).


Remove all subheadings before Final submission for Turnitin (as this will create higher Similarity Index)


Sec 3.1: Information Systems 


 Para1: Define Information systems from a textbook and / or Journal article and give some examples from case study organisation or other organisations (50 words max


 Para 2: Application of the concept above to your chosen organisation through explanation/ investigation and also bring out advantage / disadvantage analysis of Topic in 3.1 as applied to your own company comparison with another similar company (see sample o understand) . Do a critical evaluation.


You can choose from any topic below to write section 3.1

Topic 7:

  • The history and evolution of Information Systems within the Case Study Organisation
  • Examples of the types of Business Information Systems used within the Case Study Organisation
  • Examples of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems used within the Case Study Organisation
  • Examples of Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) used within the Case Study Organisation

Topic 8:

  • The approaches taken by the Case Study Organisation to develop their own bespoke Information Systems.
  • The approaches taken by the Case Study Organisation when acquiring ready made off-the-shelf Information Systems.
  • The Information Systems security and cyber-security issues and threats within the Case Study Organisation.
  • The issues that surround handling data, responsibility and privacy within the Case Study Organisation.

 Para 3:  Mention that recommendations for the analysis done have been discussed in section 4.


Sec 3.2: Big Data


Para1: Define Big Data from a textbook and / or Journal article and give some examples from case study organisation or other organisations (50 words max


 Para 2: Application of the concept above to your chosen organisation through explanation/ investigation and also bring out advantage / disadvantage analysis of Topic in 3.2 as applied to your own company comparison with another similar company (see sample o understand) . Do a critical evaluation.


You can choose from any topic below to write section 3.2

Topic 9:

  • Examples of the use of Big Data and its sources in the Case Study Organisation.
  • Examples of Big Data / Business Intelligence capabilities and their impact within the Case Study Organisation.
  • Examples of the uses and challenges of Big Data / Business Intelligence in the Case Study Organisation.
  • Examples of Data and Information Management issues in the Case Study Organisation.

 Para 3:  Mention that recommendations for the analysis done have been discussed in section 4.


Sec 3.3: Business Intelligence


 Para1: Define Business Intelligence from a textbook and / or Journal article and give some examples from case study organisation or other organisations (50 words max


 Para 2 : Application of the concept above to your chosen organisation through explanation/ investigation and also bring out advantage / disadvantage analysis of Topic in 3.3 as applied to your own company comparison with  another similar company ( see sample o understand) . Do a critical evaluation.


You can choose from any topic below to write section 3.3

Topic 10:

  • Examples of Business Intelligence and the Business Factors driving it in the Case Study Organisation?
  • Examples of Business Intelligence Frameworks and Components within the Case Study Organisation?
  • Examples of ways in which Business Intelligence could be successfully implement in the Case Study Organisation.
  • Examples of Business Intelligence Strategic Alignment in the Case Study Organisation.

 Para 3:  Mention that recommendations for the analysis done have been discussed in section 4.


Section 4 Recommendations (800words)


(Start from a fresh page).

All Recommendations need to be written based on the issues discussed in the earlier sections and should ideally follow from the advantage/ disadvantage analysis done in each subsection

Do not write a Recommendation without any link to the earlier part of the assignment

Recommendation on Digital Innovation ( 135 words)

Recommendation on Digital Transformation ( 135 words)

Recommendation on Digital capability  ( 135 words)

Recommendation on Information systems ( 135 words)

Recommendation on Big Data ( 135 words)

Example;  One of the key recommendations for Lidl is that they consider data warehousing, this means that they ….

Recommendation on Business Intelligence( 135 words)


Section 5


Conclusion (  300 words)


Your Conclusion should include in 3 separate Paragraphs


Key findings (100 words) and

Recommendations (100 words) and

Benefits (100 words) to your organisation.



Bibliography (start from a fresh page)

Bibliography should be in alphabetical order with separate headings as below


Text Books

Academic Journal articles

Trade articles

Web articles


The content of your report should be supported by the academic material contained in the module canvas topic and by your own reading of the core text books referred to in the module canvas topic. You should also demonstrate wider reading by the inclusion of appropriate books, journals and case studies from the module recommended reading list. All text books, journals and case studies included should be referenced correctly.


 Tips to write a good report:

Please note that the most successful approach to producing your Assignment is to complete a Draft Section as part of your studies for each Session. Once all of your Draft Sections are completed you should then analyse the content and produce the Recommendations Section. You can then complete the Introduction and Conclusion Sections. When you have a complete Report, review all of the content and make any amendments needed.

The most successful approach to producing your Assessment is to begin with Section 2 of report. Ideally this should be completed during your study time for Topics 2, 3, 4 and 5. Once Section 2 is completed you should then produce the Section 3 during your study time for Topics 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Once Section 3 is completed you should work on Section 4, your Recommendations. Finally you can then complete the Introduction and Conclusion Sections. When you have a complete Report, review all of the content and make any amendment’s needed.


Definitions can be used from your textbooks ( reading list on Canvas) and also from the following links:


some definitions


Topic wise Keyword list