CIPD_5CO02_23_01: Evidence Based Practice

Table of Contents

Report 1. 4

AC 1.1 Concept and Approaches to Evidence Based Practice. 4

1.1.1 Evidence-Based Approach 1: Critical Thinking. 4

1.1.2         Evidence-Based Approach 2: Rationale Model 5

AC 1.2 Analysis Tool and Method for Recognizing Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. 5

1.2.1         SWOT Analysis Tool 5

1.2.2         Scenario Planning Method. 6

AC 1.3 Main Principles of Critical Thinking. 6

1.3.1 Clarity. 6

1.3.2 Accuracy and Precision. 6

1.3.3 Relevance and In-Depth Analysis. 7

1.3.4 Logic and Fairness. 7

AC 1.4 Decision Making Processes. 7

1.4.1 Rational Decision-Making Process. 7

1.4.2 Intuitive Decision-Making Process. 7

1.4.3 Collaborative Decision-Making Process. 8

AC 1.5 Different Ethical Practices. 8

1.5.1 Deontology. 8

1.5.2 Consequentialism.. 8

1.5.3 Virtue Ethics. 8

How Understanding of these Influence Decision-Making. 9

AC 3.1 Measures Financial and Non-Financial Performance. 9

3.1 Financial Performance Measurement 9

3.2 Non-Financial Performance Measurement 9

AC 3.2 People Practice add Value in an Organisation. 10

3.2.1 Method 1: Employee Performance Metrics. 11

3.2.2 Method 2: Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Surveys. 11

Report 2. 12

AC 2.1 With reference to a people practice issue, interpret analytical data using appropriate analysis tools and methods. 12

  1. a) Percentage of Each Gender by Type. 12
  2. b) Ethnicity as a Percentage Per Team.. 12
  3. c) Disability Percentage as an Organisational Whole and by Teams. 12
  4. d) Salary Difference Across Genders. 13
  5. e) Overall Average Salary Paid by the Organisation. 13

AC 2.2 Present key findings for stakeholders from people practice activities and initiatives. 14

AC 2.3 Conclusion and Recommendations. 16

Conclusions. 16

Recommendations. 16

  1. Comprehensive Training Program on Diversity and Inclusion. 16
  2. Implement Flexible Working Hours Policy. 17
  3. Strengthen Communication Channel for Employee Feedback. 17

References. 17

Report 1

AC 1.1 Concept and Approaches to Evidence Based Practice

A methodical and thorough approach to decision-making, evidence-based practice (EBP) places a strong emphasis on incorporating the best available facts and evidence from research into the process of making decisions. Although EBP’s initial roots were in the medical and healthcare sectors, it has found use in a wide range of industries, including leadership, schooling, and organisational development. The power of EBP is in its capacity to facilitate well-informed problem-solving, empowering decision-makers to base their decisions on factual data rather than gut feeling or subjective judgments (Briner, R., 2019). In this evaluation, we will explore two evidence-based approaches – critical thinking and the rationale model – their strengths, drawbacks, and their application to people practices or organisational issues.

1.1.1 Evidence-Based Approach 1: Critical Thinking

  1. Strengths

Critical thinking is a foundational evidence-based approach that involves the systematic analysis of information and arguments to make sound decisions. Its strength lies in its ability to promote logical reasoning and unbiased evaluation of evidence. Critical thinking encourages individuals to question assumptions, consider alternative perspectives, and make decisions based on a thorough examination of available information (Ennis, 1996).

  1. Drawbacks

However, critical thinking may be time-consuming, especially in situations where decisions need to be made quickly. It requires a high level of cognitive effort, and individuals may face challenges in accessing and processing large amounts of information effectively.

  1. Application to Organisational Issue

Applying critical thinking to an organisational issue such as high absence levels involve systematically analyzing the root causes of absenteeism. It requires leaders to question existing policies, consider alternative solutions, and make decisions based on a thorough examination of data related to employee attendance and well-being.

1.1.2    The Second Evidence-Based Approach: Rationale Model

  1. Strengths

The rationale model is another evidence-based approach that emphasizes the importance of using logical reasoning and explicit criteria in decision-making. It provides a structured framework for assessing evidence, considering alternatives, and making informed choices. The model ensures that decisions are based on a clear and transparent process (Thompson & Dowding, 2002).


  1. Drawbacks

However, the rationale model may be rigid in certain situations, and its application might not capture the complexity of real-world organisational issues. It may oversimplify decision-making processes and neglect contextual factors that could impact the effectiveness of chosen interventions.

  1. Application to People Practice

Applying the rationale model to a people practice like staff skills shortages involves systematically assessing the skills required, considering alternative methods for skill development, and making decisions based on explicit criteria. This approach ensures that the organisation’s efforts in addressing skills shortages are transparent, justifiable, and aligned with its goals.

AC 1.2 Analysis Tool and Method for Recognizing Issues, Challenges and Opportunities


1.2.1     SWOT Analysis Tool

A flexible and extensively used method for organisational planning and decision-making is SWOT analysis. It methodically assesses the opportunities and threats that exist outside of a business as well as its internal strengths and weaknesses. Finding internal elements that influence the advantages and disadvantages of an organisation, such as core capabilities, resources, and operational constraints, is the first step in the process. In parallel, possible opportunities and dangers are identified from external sources like market trends, rivalry, and regulatory changes. Strengths serve as a basis for competitive advantage by highlighting the areas in which the organisation excels (CIPD ,2020).  Weaknesses reveal intrinsic weaknesses that might impair performance. Threats alert the business to possible difficulties that might have a detrimental effect on it, while Opportunities indicate outside opportunities for expansion or progress. An all-encompassing assessment of the company’s current situation and its outside surroundings is provided by the SWOT analysis. Decision-makers are better equipped to create plans that build on their advantages, minimize their disadvantages, seize opportunities, and become ready for any dangers thanks to the knowledge gathered from this research. It is a useful tool for coordinating organisational objectives with a dynamic business environment.

1.2.2     Scenario Planning Method

A proactive and adaptable approach, scenario planning helps businesses manage uncertainty by imagining a variety of realistic future states. Scenario planning entails crafting narratives around several possible futures, in contrast to traditional strategic thinking, which frequently depends on projecting a single future event (CIPD ,2019). The upper management team is encouraged by this approach to consider a variety of options and comprehend the ramifications of each one. Typically, the process includes determining the main unknowns and important forces that might have a big influence on the company. Next, scenarios based on different combinations of these uncertainty are created. Organisations that consider a range of possible futures are better able to modify their strategy in response to varying circumstances.

For businesses or settings that are known for their volatility, unpredictability, and quick change, scenario planning is especially beneficial. By equipping the company to handle a range of possibilities and problems, it facilitates proactive decision-making. Scenario planning may help the top leadership team create strong plans that are adaptable and flexible so they can withstand changing market conditions (CIPD ,2020).   A complete toolset for the Senior Management team is provided by integrating scenario planning and SWOT analysis into the decision-making processes. SWOT analysis and scenario planning are complementary strategies that provide insights into the present situation and give a forward-looking viewpoint, respectively. When combined, they enable businesses to take well-informed, strategic decisions that solve present issues and set them up for success in a constantly shifting future.

AC 1.3 Main Principles of Critical Thinking

The cognitive process of critical thinking involves the impartial examination and assessment of data, claims, and theories. It requires the use of logical and methodical thinking to solve problems, reach well-informed conclusions, and engage in fair and impartial discussions. To enhance the developmental aspects, let’s delve into the following components:

1.3.1 Clarity

Clarity is foundational to critical thinking, demanding that concepts be understood and expressed with precision (Glaser, E. M., 1941). While the section briefly mentions the importance of clarity, a more comprehensive exploration could involve questioning the clarity of information sources, ensuring that biases are not clouding understanding, and motivating others to express ideas with precision. This helps prevent ambiguity and promotes mutual understanding among all parties involved.

1.3.2 Accuracy and Precision

The section touches upon accuracy, emphasizing fact-checking and reliance on credible sources (Cebollero, C., 2018). To further develop this aspect, consider exploring the process of critically assessing the validity of sources, questioning the reliability of information, and recognizing potential biases in data. Advocating for a dedication to veracity and proof not only enhances the general soundness of the conversation but also contributes to a more rigorous critical thinking process.

1.3.3 Relevance and In-Depth Analysis

The concepts of relevance and in-depth analysis are briefly mentioned, urging participants to direct conversations away from peripheral themes (Glaser, E. M., 1941). For further development, delve into questioning the relevance of information sources, conducting thorough analyses of data, and exploring different viewpoints. This ensures that critical thinkers contribute to a more thorough and nuanced understanding of the topic at hand, avoiding surface-level assessments.

1.3.4 Logic and Fairness

While sound reasoning and logical connections are acknowledged, a more detailed exploration of questioning logical coherence, assessing biases, and ensuring fairness in discussions is essential. Critical thinkers should actively question their own and others’ arguments for logical consistency. Additionally, fostering an open mind, respecting opposing viewpoints, and evaluating ideas without bias or partiality are crucial aspects that contribute to a more robust critical thinking process (Cebollero, C., 2018).

AC 1.4 Decision Making Processes

1.4.1 Rational Decision-Making Process

The rational decision-making process, as outlined by Robbins and Judge (2006), is a systematic approach that ensures well-informed decisions. This method is particularly relevant to people professionals who often grapple with complex organisational issues. By precisely stating problems, identifying relevant assessment criteria, generating options, and evaluating them against predetermined standards, people professionals can make decisions aligned with corporate objectives. This method fosters rationality and objectivity, crucial attributes for professionals in human resources and organisational management. Additionally, the three-stage process model of contextualization, quantification, and calculation further enhances the impact of rational decision-making. Contextualization can support in aligning the organisational context with decision analysis principles, quantification makes the decision context measurable, and calculation involves using statistical techniques to find solutions. Incorporating these stages enhances the effectiveness and reliability of the rational decision-making process for HR professionals.

1.4.2 Intuitive Decision-Making Process

Contrastingly, the intuitive decision-making process, as highlighted by De Leao Laguna, Poell, and Meerman (2018), is a valuable tool for people professionals in fast-paced environments. In scenarios where prompt decisions are needed, relying on implicit knowledge and personal experiences becomes essential. People professionals often face situations demanding quick responses, and the intuitive process allows them to assess issues, trust their instincts, act swiftly, and retrospectively reflect on decisions. This aligns with the demands of professionals in areas such as crisis management and emergency response.

1.4.3 Collaborative Decision-Making Process

Cebollero’s work (2018) emphasizes collaborative decision-making, a process highly applicable to people professionals involved in human resource management and team leadership. In situations where choices impact various stakeholders, involving multiple perspectives becomes crucial. Collaborative decision-making encourages cooperation and consensus-building among stakeholders, aligning with the collaborative nature of human resources and organisational development. Group brainstorming, information sharing, and continuous oversight contribute to improved decision quality and shared accountability, vital aspects in the realm of people practices.

AC 1.5 Different Ethical Practices

1.5.1 Deontology

An ethical viewpoint known as deontology emphasizes the intrinsic value of deeds above all else, regardless of the results. Deontology, a philosophy linked to Immanuel Kant, holds that deeds are inherently lawful or immoral depending on whether they follow ethical obligations or principles (Latham, A.,2015). A deontological approach to decision-making entails judging deeds according to how well they adhere to moral standards rather than emphasizing results. Having a solid understanding of deontology helps one make moral decisions by stressing the value of acting morally, upholding integrity, and placing emphasis on the motivations behind acts. By encouraging people to follow universal laws and obligations, this viewpoint promotes a morality that is based on obligations.

1.5.2 Consequentialism

A consequential ethical approach known as consequentialism assesses the morality of a course of action by looking at its effects (Briner R. B. & Barends, E.,2016).  One well-known consequentialist theory is utilitarianism, which holds that a course of action is ethically correct if it maximizes overall pleasure or utility. A consequentialist approach to decision-making entails evaluating the possible results of several courses of action and selecting the one that optimizes well-being overall. Knowing consequentialism helps people make moral decisions by encouraging them to think about how their decisions will affect society as well as other people. It emphasizes a results-oriented morality by urging decision-makers to consider the options and make decisions that advance the greatest benefit for all.

1.5.3 Virtue Ethics

An ethical viewpoint called virtue ethics is concerned with developing ethical values and virtues. Having its roots in Aristotle’s writings, virtue ethics places a strong emphasis on the growth of virtues like bravery, honesty, and compassion. A person is seen as morally decent in virtue ethics if they exhibit these virtues. When making decisions, virtue ethics urges people to consider what a morally upright person would do if they were in a certain circumstance and try to act in that way (CEBMa,2014). Understanding virtue ethics highlights the significance of moral development, personal growth, and the development of virtuous character qualities, which in turn informs and impacts moral decision-making. It encourages a morality that is comprehensive and emphasizes the value of being as opposed to just doing.

How Understanding of these Influence Decision-Making

Decision-makers may navigate moral quandaries with a full toolset if they have a thorough understanding of different ethical viewpoints (Briner R. B. & Barends, E.,2016).  It helps decision-makers to see that different circumstances may need different ethical responses and to weigh and integrate numerous factors. For example, when presented with a difficult choice, virtue ethics may promote the growth of character qualities, consequentialism may enlighten an analysis of the effects, and deontology may direct adherence to ethical standards. With this well-rounded approach, decision-makers may discuss ethical concerns, consider different points of view, and make well-informed decisions that show a complex comprehension of moral dilemmas. In the end, understanding deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics improves one’s capacity to decide morally in a variety of challenging circumstances.

How ethics shaped the different leadership styles

the ethics are crucial in different leadership styles as an example its linked to Transformational leadership, ethical behavior and promoting shared values foster trust and accountability. While it is reflected on the Servant Leadership in Prioritizing others’ needs and acting ethically create an environment of fairness and ethical conduct. On regards to Authentic Leadership, the ethics show a critical role as the leader acting in alignment with ethical principles builds trust and credibility.

AC 3.1 Measures Financial and Non-Financial Performance

3.1 Financial Performance Measurement

In financial metrics, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are crucial instruments that businesses use to evaluate the performance and health of their finances. The Return on Investment (ROI), a popular KPI, is one excellent example. By comparing the net gain or loss to the investment’s starting cost, ROI determines how profitable an investment is (Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A.,2006).If a business engages in a marketing campaign, for example, the ROI formula would compute a percentage or ratio that represents the return gained by comparing the campaign’s net profit to the campaign’s beginning cost. ROI is a tool used by organisations to assess the effectiveness of their investments, recognize successful projects, and identify areas in need of development. Financial KPIs like ROI are measurable and straightforward, enabling firms to maximize resources and make strategic decisions.

3.2 Non-Financial Performance Measurement

Beyond financial indicators, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a strategic performance management framework that covers a range of organisational performance characteristics. It incorporates viewpoints from the client, internal operations, learning and development, and financials. Organisations frequently use customer-centric metrics inside the customer viewpoint for measuring non-financial success. Customer satisfaction scores are one such example (CSAT). Customers’ satisfaction levels with products or services are measured by surveys, or customer satisfaction index (CSAT) (Balanced Scorecard, 2018). Organisations may better understand consumer preferences, pinpoint opportunities for process improvement inside the company, and ensure that strategic objectives are in line with customer expectations by evaluating CSAT in conjunction with financial metrics. To promote total performance, companies should consider both financial and non-financial aspects, which is why the Balanced Scorecard provides a thorough approach. This technique promotes a comprehensive strategy for continuous improvement and helps make strategic decisions by enabling a more sophisticated knowledge of organisational performance.

The evaluation of these two productivities measuring techniques draws attention to their distinct advantages and the complementary contributions they make to organisational assessment. Financial KPIs give businesses a clear, quantifiable assessment of their financial performance, allowing them to allocate resources and make well-informed investment decisions. In the meantime, the Balanced Scorecard, which considers non-financial aspects that are crucial to overall success and is represented by measures like CSAT, guarantees a more comprehensive insight. Organisations may establish a balanced viewpoint that promotes strategic decision-making, integrates with both financial and non-financial goals, and fosters continuous development across many elements of the business by integrating the two techniques (CIPD,2019).The use of an integrated strategy enhances an organisation’s capacity to adapt, flourish, and satisfy the expectations of a wide range of stakeholders by facilitating a thorough assessment of its performance.

AC 3.2 People Practice add Value in an Organisation

Effective people practices play a crucial role in the success of a business as they provide a healthy work environment and produce a competent and motivated team. A wide range of talent development plans, employee engagement initiatives, and HRM techniques are included in these practices (De Leao Laguna, L. L., Poell, R. & Meerman, M.,2018). They have a variety of effects on a business, from bringing in and keeping top talent to encouraging cooperation and employee pleasure. Productivity gains, a culture of creativity and adaptability, and employee alignment with the organisation’s objectives are all made possible by effective people practices. Consequently, companies that place a high priority on and adhere to solid people practices frequently witness increased employee engagement, lower staff attrition, and improved company reputation.

Creating a healthy work culture is one of the main ways that people practice provides value. A work environment where employees feel appreciated and supported is facilitated by employee engagement programs, recognition schemes, and professional development opportunities. Employee motivation and engagement improve the likelihood that they will devote their time and effort to their task, which boosts output (Latham, A.,2015). As a result of this pleasant work environment, workers are more inclined to support one another, exchange ideas, and work together to achieve organisational objectives. Furthermore, an organisation’s excellent work culture may operate as a strong draw for top talent, assisting in the recruitment of the most talented workers in the cutthroat labor market.

3.2.1 Method 1: Employee Performance Metrics

A strong system of metrics that evaluate team and individual performance in relation to predetermined objectives and key performance indicators, or KPIs, is necessary to measure the impact of people’s activities. Metrics for measuring employee performance provide a quantitative method for assessing the efficacy of people’s activities. Important metrics might be output quality, job completion efficiency, and productivity levels. An organisation putting into practice a thorough training and development program, for instance, may assess the results by looking at how much the trained employees’ performance has improved. This might entail evaluating the program’s efficacy by comparing important performance indicators prior to and following the training (CEBMa,2014).  Organisations may establish a clear connection between their people practices and observable results by employing employee performance indicators. These metrics give firms information on how successfully workers are carrying out their responsibilities, enabling them to pinpoint areas of success as well as those that need development. With the use of this assessment technique, companies may make data-driven decisions and improve their people practices by refining them considering real performance outcomes.

3.2.2 Method 2: Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Surveys

Although employee performance measurements provide quantitative insights, a qualitative approach is also necessary to measure the effect of people’s practices. Surveys measuring employee engagement and satisfaction are a useful tool for learning about workers’ opinions on their jobs, work environments, and engagement levels. These questionnaires frequently ask on work-life balance, communication, effective leadership, and general job satisfaction. For example, a company looking to evaluate the effects of its latest work-from-home practice may poll staff members to find out the way the policy has affected their opinions of their workplace and general satisfaction (Briner R. B. & Barends, E.,2016).  Survey results may be analyzed to help firms learn how particular personnel practices affect commitment and morale within their workforce. Surveys measuring employee engagement and satisfaction offer a more comprehensive picture of how hiring strategies affect the whole work experience. Organisations may learn more about the components of their processes that are well-received by staff members and identify potential areas for development by collecting qualitative data. By facilitating an ongoing feedback loop, these surveys help businesses make educated choices about their people operations by taking into account the views and experiences of their real staff.


                                              Report 2


AC 2.1 With reference to a people practice issue, interpret analytical data using appropriate analysis tools and methods.

a) Percentage of Each Gender by Type

The data reveals that 59.3% of the organisation’s workforce comprises female employees, while male employees constitute 40.67%. This gender distribution is significant in shaping targeted well-being measures and ensuring inclusivity in workplace initiatives. Recognizing the higher representation of female employees underscores the importance of addressing potential gender-specific challenges, fostering a supportive work environment for all individuals, and promoting gender diversity across various roles and responsibilities.

b) Ethnicity as a Percentage Per Team

Ethnicity is consistently represented across all teams, amounting to 67%. This uniformity in ethnic distribution provides a foundational understanding for creating inclusive practices within the organisation. While the overall percentage serves as a baseline, further exploration into specific ethnicities and their representation within teams can inform strategies aimed at enhancing diversity, promoting cultural inclusivity, and addressing any disparities that may arise in certain areas of the organisation.

c) Disability Percentage as an Organisational Whole and by Teams

A comprehensive analysis of disability percentages reveals that 72% of the organisation’s workforce identifies as having a disability. This high percentage underscores the critical importance of creating inclusive environments that accommodate diverse abilities. Additionally, the consistent disability percentage across all teams reinforces the need to tailor support and accommodations based on team dynamics. This approach ensures that employees with disabilities receive the necessary resources and assistance, fostering an environment that prioritizes the well-being of all individuals.

d) Salary Difference Across Genders

Salary differences across genders exhibit a fluctuating pattern, with some departments showing higher compensation for female employees, while others demonstrate higher pay for male employees. This nuanced variation calls for a more in-depth investigation into the departments with disparities, aiming to identify and address potential contributing factors. The organisation should adopt targeted strategies to ensure equitable compensation, addressing any existing gender pay gaps and fostering an environment where salaries are reflective of skills, experience, and responsibilities rather than gender.


e) Overall Average Salary Paid by the Organisation

The organisation’s overall average salary stands at €15.221, providing a comprehensive understanding of the financial landscape. This figure serves as a critical foundation for guiding employee well-being initiatives and compensation strategies. Recognizing the average salary allows the organisation to benchmark against industry standards, making informed decisions to enhance overall compensation, job satisfaction, and employee retention. Strategies can be tailored to align with the financial health of the organisation, ensuring a balance between competitive salaries and sustainable growth.


AC 2.2 Present key findings for stakeholders from people practice activities and initiatives.

Dear Stakeholders,

We are happy to share the results of our investigation on people practice initiatives and activities inside our company. These results lay the groundwork for well-informed decision-making and strategic planning by providing insightful information on a variety of areas of our workforce.

  • Absenteeism Analysis:
  • Total days lost due to absences: 627
  • Female absence days: 255
  • Male absence days: 372
  • Average hours lost: 206.14
  • Annual cost of absenteeism: £5,655.75


These numbers demonstrate how much absence affects our company. We can lessen lost productivity, improve cost control, and foster a healthier work atmosphere by tackling this problem.

  • Absence Reasons:

We have determined that a number of common causes of absences include heart difficulties, the flu, cold and cough, Covid-19 symptoms, depression, bone disorders, and stress-related issues. The significance of encouraging employee health and well-being activities is highlighted by these findings. Through the provision of resources, assistance, and preventative actions for these particular health conditions, we may lower absence rates and raise employee satisfaction.

  • Gender Disparity:

372 absence days were accounted for by male employees, compared to 255 absence days for female employees. This disparity points to the necessity of gender-specific strategies for the support and well-being of employees. We can address gender-related health issues and enhance work-life balance for all workers by putting in place customized solutions.

We suggest the following courses of action to resolve the people practice concerns and improve the performance of our company in light of these findings:

  • Launch focused well-being initiatives that tackle common health concerns, such as resources for managing certain health conditions, preventative measures, and mental health assistance.
  • Encourage open communication, provide flexible work schedules, and create a welcoming and inclusive work atmosphere to help cultivate a work-life balance culture.
  • Continually track and analyse absence data to spot new patterns and gauge how well initiatives are working.
  • Use focus groups, feedback sessions, and surveys to be in constant communication with staff members to make sure their needs are addressed, and their opinions are heard.

Our goals are to lower absence rates, improve worker engagement and wellbeing, and maximize organisational performance by putting these suggestions into practice.

We value your ongoing cooperation and support as we seek to develop a workforce that is both healthier and more productive. By working together, we can accomplish our objectives and propel our company forward.


AC 2.3 Conclusion and Recommendations


The analysis of the data from Table 1 provides critical insights into the organisation’s demographics, absenteeism, and potential areas for improvement. Key findings include a gender distribution of 59.3% female and 40.67% male, consistent ethnicity representation across teams at 67%, a 72% disability percentage organisation-wide, fluctuating salary differences across genders, and an overall average salary of €15,221. Understanding these aspects is crucial for shaping targeted strategies to enhance workplace inclusivity, employee well-being, and overall organisational performance.


1. Comprehensive Training Program on Diversity and Inclusion

Implementing a comprehensive training program on diversity and inclusion is recommended to address workplace diversity-related concerns and foster a more inclusive work environment. The benefits of this recommendation include a decrease in incidents of prejudice, increased employee knowledge, and the cultivation of a diverse workplace culture. Enhanced production, elevated morale, and improved cooperation are potential positive outcomes. However, organisations must be mindful of potential risks such as change resistance and the need for continuous dedication. Financial implications include the costs associated with developing and delivering the training. Despite these costs, the potential long-term advantages in retention, engagement, and overall organisational performance make this a valuable investment.

2. Implement Flexible Working Hours Policy

To enhance work-life balance and job satisfaction, implementing a policy that allows for flexible working hours is recommended. This program provides employees with more control over their schedules, potentially resulting in reduced stress and improved job satisfaction. Possible risks include initial difficulties in adjusting to the new policy and ensuring consistent adherence across teams. However, the potential benefits, such as improved staff retention, increased motivation, and a positive impact on absenteeism, can outweigh the financial costs. Organisations should carefully consider the unique requirements of their workforce and industry when implementing such a strategy.

3. Strengthen Communication Channel for Employee Feedback

Creating efficient avenues for staff input, such as forums for voicing ideas and discussing issues, is recommended to foster a more open and engaged work environment. The potential benefits include a rise in morale, a sense of belonging among workers, and increased employee satisfaction. Organisations may face challenges in managing a large amount of input and promptly resolving issues. Despite potential financial expenses associated with putting feedback systems in place, the long-term benefits of enhanced employee engagement and performance at work make this recommendation worthwhile.

These recommendations, grounded in the data analysis, aim to address key aspects related to workplace diversity, employee well-being, and organisational effectiveness.


  1. Briner, R. (2019) The Basics of Evidence-Based Practice. People + Strategy. 42 (1), 16-21.Available from:
  2. Briner R. B. & Barends, E. (2016) The Role of Scientific Findings in Evidence-Based HR. People + Strategy. 39 (2), 16-20. Available from:
  3. Cebollero, C. (2018) The Seven Key Steps of Critical Thinking.Available from:
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  8. Latham, A. (2015) 12 Reasons Why How You Make Decisions is More Important Than What You Decide. Available from:
  9. Glaser, E. M. (1941)An experiment in the development of critical thinking. New York: Teacher’s College, Columbia University.
  10. Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A. (2006) Organizational Behavior. 12th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.
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