class assignment

This is a class assignment and I desperately need help and this done as soon as possible. If you agree to help me, i will send you all of the information and photos needed to make my website. I will be doing the reflection part of this assignment

Panel One
In Panel One, you’ll create your site from scratch, using only standard Bootstrap components. Your focus is learning how to achieve the layout and look you want using standard components.

Panel Two
For Panel Two, you’ll take your content from Panel One and place it in a theme/template of your choosing. However, in this panel, you may edit only the content (HTML) of your template, not the appearance (CSS). This panel should take the least time of the three, and is really intended primarily as a record of your progress from Panel One to Panel Three.

Panel Three
In this panel, you’ll take what you created in Panel Two and customize every detail just the way you’d like—colors, images, layout, etc. The end result should be a fantastic-looking Bootstrap page that, while bearing a resemblance to Panel Two, looks uniquely yours.

You’ll work within the pre-structured files in your project-two folder in your webdev folder. Then, copy files from there to the project-two folder on your server as they’re ready.

📺 Content
For content, you may choose any unified topic you’d like (it could be giraffes, NBC’s The Good Place, your portfolio, whatever, really.)

As with the first project, there is no specific word count tied to each panel, but you want to generate enough content that you can convincingly execute the goals of the project. In other words, have enough stuff on the page that it looks like you have a real website. This class isn’t focused on content creation, but try to show your website a bit of love— make sure to proofread your content carefully and avoid low-resolution images.

📓 Grading (10 points total)
Note: This project is graded a little differently from the last project. Each panel is worth 3 points; this encompasses both required and qualitative elements. The reflection is worth 1 point.

✅ Required elements
Every panel must include:

A navbar, including:
A site title
A site logo (optional)
Links to all three panels in each panel
At least one button (or link styled like a button) in the body of the page (more on buttons vs. links here)
A portion of the page that has more than one column in a horizontal layout (in other words, you will need to use the Bootstrap grid.)
Images (make sure they are appropriately sized)
A non-system font (i.e.: Google fonts, etc.)
All panels must also meet the following criteria:

Thoughtful responsive design throughout, including:
Optimization at minimum for mobile and desktop
Responsive images
All CSS should be on external stylesheets (i.e.: No inline or internal style)
All CSS customizations must be included in a linked custom.css stylesheet
Follow best practices with regards to file naming, HTML and CSS organization, accessibility, etc.
In addition to the requirements above, a few considerations for each panel:

Panel One

Integration of all Bootstrap components outlined above
Use of custom.css to lightly customize stock Bootstrap elements (colors, typography, etc.)
Panel Two

Selection of Bootstrap theme / template
Absolutely no custom CSS should be included in this panel
Panel Three

Clear difference from stock theme / template appearance and structure
Extensive use of custom.css to customize Bootstrap and theme elements
😍 Qualitative elements
Here are a few things that you can focus on with each panel to help move your project from passing to excelling.

Panel One

Creative use of Bootstrap components
An eye toward aesthetics
Coherent overall design
Panel Two

Quality of the theme/template chosen (i.e.: theme is works well for content, is well-rated/reviewed, etc.)
Panel Three

Creative use of custom.css to customize Bootstrap and theme elements
Integration of advanced CSS techniques (from FCC or other resources)
An eye toward aesthetics