Comparative Analysis of Evan Whitesky and Justin Scott in ‘Moon of the Crusted Snow

Essay that dives deep into the characters of Evan Whitesky and Justin Scott from the book ‘Moon of the Crusted Snow’. This essay is due for my English class and I am looking for a detailed comparison of both characters.

– Conduct a thorough comparative analysis of Evan Whitesky and Justin Scott – Focus on the aspects of Emotional Reactiveness, Selfishness vs Selflessness, and Survival – Provide a clear and concise comparison of the two characters’ traits, roles, and leadership styles Ideal  Proficient in English and excellent at essay writing – Familiarity with ‘Moon of the Crusted Snow’ and its themes – Ability to conduct in-depth character analysis – Experience in comparative literature analysis would be a plus – Strong attention to detail and ability to follow strict academic guidelines

All brainstorming