Comparative Essay on Aristotle and Aquinas

Read the article and write a 4-5 page (12-point font, New Times Roman typeface, 1-inch margins) essay wherein, after an introductory paragraph, addresses the following issues: What are some specific similarities between Aristotle and Aquinas (how does Aquinas “‘use” Aristotle?)? What would you say is the major (foundational) difference between Aquinas and Aristotle in terms of virtue theory? What are the “theological virtues”? Where do they come from? Where do they “reside”? How do they operate? How are they different from the virtues “known to philosophy»? What are the “Infused Moral Virtues”? Why are they necessary? There should be one or two paragraphs at the end (almost like a “conclusion”) wherein you offer some “reactions” or insights or a “response” to Aquinas’s use of Aristotle in his theological construction of a virtue theory. Some possible issues include: what does this say theory say about human nature (that we need theological virtues in order to reach the ultimate goal?)/; what does this imply about the limitations of human nature in terms of really doing the good (becoming a “person of character)?; what does this imply about the limits of philosophy?; or any other issues you may have. Citation Guidelines: Because you are to use ONLY the article, you only need to provide the page number wherever you use the article. For example: The article states, “Unlike the virtues known to philosophy, faith, hope, and charity are not applications of the golden mean between extremes” (4). A Works Cited page should have ONE entry: Hardon, S.J., James. “The Meaning of Virtue in St. Thomas Aquinas.” The Journal of Christendom College. Vol. 23, No. 1 (Spring, 2001), 1-6.

Faith & reason Paper 1 guidelines