Comparison of the top profiling tools employees us

Comparison of the top profiling tools employees use. MUST include MBTI and DISC and Belbin Inventory. No less than 6 and more than 10 profiling tools. Table to include: What does each test measure? Why are they used? What industries prefer what tests? Any other comparable information you can provide. In addition to the table, I also require a 2000 word essay containing the following information: A very brief history of personality tests and the use in mainstream employment Breakdown of pro’s & con’s to using personality profiling tools How would a culture-based program/company compliment that use of such tools How would a culture-based program/company be a better replacement for the need for the use of such tools Word limit for essay part, no more than 2000 words. APA 7 format required. USE LAYMEN TERMINOLGY. Use of graphics and/or charts to illiterate any points are encouraged.