comprehensive marketing strategy report

We are seeking an experienced marketing writer to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy report, which includes a PowerPoint presentation and speaking notes. The project involves crafting a digital-age marketing strategy for a well-known company, along with a critical analysis of its existing corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethical practices.

**Project Overview:**

This project consists of three main parts:

1. **Marketing Strategy Development (Digital Age Focus):**
Develop a 12-month marketing strategy for a real company. This section should include:
– **Introduction:** Brief overview of the company and product.
– **Segmentation and Targeting:** Identify target markets and strategy.
– **Positioning and Branding:** Analyze brand positioning, image, and unique selling points.
– **Communication Strategy:** Create a digital communication plan, including platforms, messaging, and tactics.

2. **Marketing Pitch Presentation:**
Prepare a concise PowerPoint presentation (around 5 slides) for a brief marketing pitch, accompanied by speaking notes. The pitch should cover:
– Company and product introduction.
– Target market and segmentation strategy.
– Competitive analysis and differentiation.
– Key marketing plan highlights.

3. **CSR and Ethical Practices Analysis:**
Conduct a critical review of the company’s current CSR initiatives and ethical practices, offering recommendations for improvement in sustainability and ethics.

**Key Deliverables:**
– A well-structured report (approx. 4000 words) including:
– Digital-focused marketing strategy.
– CSR and ethical practices analysis.
– Marketing pitch in PowerPoint format with detailed speaker notes.
– Proper Harvard-style referencing throughout.
– Clear, critical, and analytical content.

**Skills Required:**
– Expertise in marketing strategy, digital marketing, and CSR analysis.
– Ability to critically evaluate and improve ethical business practices.
– Strong research, writing, and presentation skills.
– Experience in academic-style writing with proper referencing.
– Familiarity with industry standards in marketing, branding, and sustainability.

We require a quick turnaround, ideally within 1-2 days, while maintaining high quality.

**Additional Resources:**
Reference materials will be provided to guide your work.

**How to Apply:**
Please submit your proposal with examples of similar projects, highlighting your approach to company selection and crafting a robust marketing plan.