Consumer Behavior in Hotels & Tourism

Task –

Your aim is to develop and review your understanding of consumer markets and buying behaviour. It will require you to outline the significant characteristics that affect consumer behaviour and list some of the cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that influence consumer’s travel behaviour and consumption.

You will conduct primary research (interview) on a single participant to identify the significant characteristics that affect the interviewee’s consumer behaviour. Your interviewee should be someone of a different culture or born in a foreign country. You will then analyse your interview findings against academic sources (i.e., peer-reviewed journal articles and/or textbooks).

The interview should be

  • approximately 10 minutes -no longer than 10 minutes, – no need an interview o will provide charater and u need to. Complet the written report only
  • the findings should be presented in a report format of a maximum of 1000 words +/- 10% in length.

Everysentece should be intext cited



Introduction (100 words)

  • Provide an overview of the importance of consumer behaviour in the context of tourism and hotels. Highlight how cultural, social, personal and psychological factors shape travel behaviour and consumption patterns.
  • Broadly explain the importance of understanding the cultural, social, personal and psychological factors in the increasingly complex and globalised marketplace where cross-cultural interactions are commonplace.
  • Briefly introduce your participant before leading into the body paragraph below.

Body Paragraphs (800 words)

  • Cultural factors (200 words):
    • Define and explain cultural factors, for example, culture, subculture and social class, and how they affect travel and consumption behaviour.
    • Explain how your participants’ cultural factors affect their travel and consumption behaviour.
  • Social factors (200 words)
    • Define and explain social factors, for example, reference groups, family and roles and status, and how they affect travel and consumption behaviour.
    • Explain how your participants’ social environment affects their travel and consumption behaviour.
  • Personal factors (200 words)
    • Define and explain personal factors, for example, age and life-cycle stage, occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle, personality and self-concept, and how they affect travel and consumption behaviour.
    • Explain how your participants’ personal factors affect their travel and consumption behaviour.
  • Psychological factors (200 words)
    • Define and explain psychological factors, for example, motivation, perception, learning, beliefs and attitudes, and how they affect travel and consumption behaviour.
    • Explain how your participants’ psychological factors affect their travel and consumption behaviour.


Conclusion (100 words)

  • Briefly summarise the findings based on your participant.
  • Discuss the potential implications for tourism and hotel marketers, operators or policymakers.
  • Reflect on how the results reveal the complexity of consumer behaviour in cross-cultural settings.



  • APA 7formatting must be adhered to.
  • A minimum of five academic resources


Sample writing style

Culture can be defined as the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals,
law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by individuals as members of
society. It encompasses the values, symbols, interpretations, and perspectives distinguishing
one group of people from another in modernized societies (Kroeber & Kluckhohn, 1952).
Using this definition, we can examine how culture influences consumer behaviour in the
context of travel. For instance, Mia, an Italian-Australian university lecturer, demonstrates
the impact of culture on travel preferences and decision-making. With an income above the
national average, she has the financial capability to prioritize travel that connects with her
cultural heritage. Unlike other consumers who focus primarily on economic factors, Mia is
drawn to destinations that offer cultural and historical significance, indicative of travelers
who value educational and enriching experiences (Reisinger, 2009).


Sample interview questions

Researching Markets & Consumer Behaviour
This interview guide is for your consideration only. Whether you would like to use the
examples below or create your own questions on the four factors that influence consumer
behaviour is up to you. You may also mix the suggested questions and add your own questions.
It is recommended to design your own set of interview questions to answer
· What is your nationality and ethnicity?
o How do people from your birth country generally think about holidaying or
vacationing? How often and when do they typically holiday? What types of
accommodation are most popular?
o Is your holiday behaviour similar or different to others in your birth country?
· How does your upbringing influence your travel preferences?
· Do you like to travel to places where people speak a different language to you?
Why/why not?
· Do you think cultural awareness is essential when travelling?
· Do you behave differently when facing a culture that is very different from yours?
o If yes, how do you behave differently and why?
· How do you explore and experience the local culture while travelling?
· What are your religious beliefs? Does this influence your travel decision-making?
· Do you have special needs or requirements when travelling (e.g. special diet –
vegetarian, halal food/prayer room for Muslims, Kosher food for Judaism, etc.)?
· What membership/reference groups do you belong to? (Consider family, friends,
student or work groups, social networks etc.).
· Can you think of other groups you want to belong to (aspirational)?
· How do you inform yourself about your intended travel destination?
· How do your family and friends influence you when planning a holiday?
· Do you prefer travelling with a group (family/friends/colleagues) or solo? Why?
· How does social media influence your holiday choice/planning?
· Do you share your travel experiences on social media?
· What is your age?
· What is your occupation?
· What leisure activities do you enjoy?
· What is your favourite travel destination and why?
· What entertainment options do you seek most in your leisure time?
· How does your current occupation impact your lifestyle?
· How does your current economic situation affect your lifestyle?
· How does travel promotion affect your decision-making?

  • How does price affect your holiday, activities, food and accommodation choice?
    · Which type of accommodation do you usually stay at and why?
    · What means of transport do you use while on holiday?
    · Where do you usually book your holiday?
    · What motivates you to go on a holiday?
    · Think back to your last holiday. What did you like about it?
    · What did you dislike about your last holiday?
    · How does travelling make you feel?
    · Is travelling important to you? Why?
    · How does the image/reputation of a destination influence your holiday choice?
    · Do you prefer revisiting places or travelling to a new destination? Why?
    · Do you feel guilty about going on holiday?
    · What are the challenges/problems that you face when choosing a holiday
    · Do you consider safety and security when deciding where to travel? Do you feel it is
    safe to travel at present? Why/why not?
    Other potential questions
    · What travel experiences do you want to take in the future?
    · What other factors are the most important for you when choosing a holiday
    destination/planning a trip?


Task 1