Consumer Behaviour (MK303) End Semester Project:

Design a simple experiment to test a hypothesis related to consumer behavior. You can choose an aspect such as:


a) the impact of packaging/labelling on purchase decisions, b) the influence of peer recommendations on product choice c) the effect of pricing strategies on consumer preferences.


In a group of 5, select any 01 of the categories and implement it on the sample of 30 people. Outline the following:


Hypothesis: Clearly state the hypothesis you aim to test.


Methodology: Describe the experiment setup, including variables, sample size, data


collection method- primary/Secondary data, etc.


Results and Analysis: Present the findings of your experiment and analyze the implications


for understanding consumer behaviour.


Conclusion: Summarize the experiment outcomes and discuss their relevance in the context


of consumer behaviour theories of motivation/perception/learning/attitude (please select


one context only)


Registration of Groups – Students are required to register your groups in the link on/before 20 April, 2024, ensure the product categories should NOT get repeated : Student Registration for Project.xlsx


Submission: Report and PPT presentation


Report should contain 04 sections as per the outline shared above.


PPT should have maximum 12 slides.


Hardcopy of report to be submitted on the day of presentation.


Softcopy of the report and PPT to be submitted on/before 15th May 2024 in the link:


Evaluation will be based on both project report submitted and individual presentation.


Date of Presentation: 16th May 2024 (10:00 a.m. onwards)


End Term Project Guidelines CB – Student Copy[47]