Coursework Assignment

Coursework Assignment 2nd sit
6E7V0012 Sensors and Industrial Internet of Things
Manchester Met | Engineering | 2023-24 P a g e | 1
This is an assignment for students on Level 7 of the following courses: –
MEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering
MSc Smart Systems Engineering
In this assessment you will demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of industrial Internet of
things paradigm and how this can be applied to a given scenario to improve processes in relation to
perceived effectiveness, integration, safety, (cyber)security, scalability, constraints, uncertainty, and
We hope that you enjoy doing this assignment. It is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how well
you can apply your engineering knowledge to solve real world societal issues and help create a lower
carbon future.
The Moodle Support Page includes the support video, submission details, answers to frequently
asked questions (FAQ), and the latest version of this document.
Software tools: This unit is based on the use of the Siemens Insights Hub software. This videoresource allows you to access and use the software package required for the assessment in this unit
when working off-campus.
Lead Assessor: Umar Raza
Technical Assitance: Department Technical Services
Academic Assitance: Engineering Programme Support Tutors
Coursework Assignment 2nd sit
6E7V0012 Sensors and Industrial Internet of Things
Manchester Met | Engineering | 2023-24 P a g e | 2
Workflow ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Brief context and overview……………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Task 1: Industrial Process Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Task 2: SME case study for integration with Industrial Internet of Things …………………………………..4
Task 3: Guidelines for SME for the implementation of Industrial Internet of Things…………………….4
Task 4: Produce a Technical Report………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Deliverables ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Assessment …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
Formative Feedback……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
What is being assessed? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
Assessment Grading Criteria………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Appendix ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
Summary of AHEP-3Learning Outcomes Evidenced………………………………………………………………….9
Coursework Assignment 2nd sit
6E7V0012 Sensors and Industrial Internet of Things
Manchester Met | Engineering | 2023-24 P a g e | 3
Plan a realistic schedule of work to complete this assignment on time and to a high standard.
Recommended deadlines to complete each sub-task:
1. 03/07/2024
2. 15/07/2024
3. 22/07/2024
4. 29/07/2024
This assignment is for 60 of your unit mark, and we expect you to spend up to 43 hours working on
The Assignment Support video will talk you through the workflow and help guide your plan for
1. Review the
existing large
2. Analyse SMEs
and select a
case study
3. Develop
guidelines for
of IIoT
4. Write the
Coursework Assignment 2nd sit
6E7V0012 Sensors and Industrial Internet of Things
Manchester Met | Engineering | 2023-24 P a g e | 4
Brief context and overview
In the Industry 4.0 era we are seeing the trend of large manufacturing companies rapidly embracing
the challenges of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)and are currently working intensively on the
introduction of the corresponding enabling technologies. On the other hand, Small to Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs) face the hurdle of possessing neither financial nor human resources to
systematically investigate the potential and risks for introducing IIoT.
The reality is that in most countries SMEs form the backbone of the economy, they account for the
largest share of the gross domestic product and are important employers. In this context, the
challenges, opportunities, and requirements of IIoT need to be analysed specifically for SMEs, hence
paving the way for the digital transformation of traditional SMEs into smart factories.
Task 1: Industrial Process Analysis
You are required to study some existing large industrial manufacturing processes and then analyse
how the manufacturing company embraced and implemented IIoT using Industrial internet of things.
You will be required to analyse the existing solutions in terms of sensing capabilities, data exchange
architecture, security and IIoT capabilities.
Task 2: SME case study for integration with Industrial Internet of Things
You will then select a UK based manufacturing SME as a case study to investigate the inherent
challenges and hurdles for the implementation of IIoT.
1. As part of this task, you will need to assess the readiness level of the company to introduce
IIoT in their processes.
2. You will need to map the SMEs current manufacturing processes.
3. For each process asses the readiness level for implementing IIoT and highlight the challenges
Task 3: Guidelines for SME for the implementation of Industrial Internet of Things
In this task you required to create a guideline for the implementation of IIoT in the SME based on your
findings in Task 1and Task 2. This should include
1. Propositions for intro of IIoT in various processes
2. Upgrading of any software and hardware equipment
3. Addition of communication capabilities to enable connectivity.
4. Addition of sensing and actuation capabilities and controllers for automation
5. Financial analysis for the implementation of IIoT (e.g cost of upgrades and equipment,
reduction in workforce etc.)
6. Recommendations to improve upon the process in relation to perceived effectiveness,
integration, safety, (cyber)security, scalability, constraints, uncertainty, and risks.
Task 4: Produce a Technical Report
You are required to write a technical report on your findings. The report should be within 12 – 15
A4 pages excluding the Appendix section.
At Pass threshold
To meet the threshold requirement, you will have to describe the process, connectivity capabilities,
software and hardware, the sensors involved and the data exchange system currently in place and
evaluate its effectiveness. You will also have to provide recommendations improving upon the
existing system using IIoT technologies and justify your solution. Provide a description of the sensors
included in the system along with a short explanation of the principles behind their operation.
Support your statements and choices with references to theory and best practice.
Coursework Assignment 2nd sit
6E7V0012 Sensors and Industrial Internet of Things
Manchester Met | Engineering | 2023-24 P a g e | 5
Above pass threshold
To gain extra credit, the proposed solution should be comprehensive and its analysis thorough:
Possible things to include are:
• Explore the addition of additional sensing systems that would benefit the process.
• Addition of sensors and connectivity for legacy equipment and systems
• Provide an appropriate network design complete with a detailed diagram including any
edge/gateway devices.
• Explore the potential of including edge devices in your design and justify your decision.
• Identify key sensor data that can be remotely monitored. Explain the data types and any
processing requirements.
• Give an example of what the dashboard for remote monitoring would be like.
Advanced features could include: –
• Exploring the potential for predictive maintenance and explaining how this could be
• Explore the application of Big Data to the solution
• Explore the application of AI/ML for historical analysis and prediction
• Discussing what access to the system and data each role would have (e.g. machine operator,
automation engineer, developer, manager etc.)
• Discuss the suitability of the various APIs that are available when creating the dashboard.
Supporting Learning Resources and Activities
Lecture notes Example Case Study Xcelerator Academy
Assessment Notes
• The case study while comprehensive might be lacking detail in certain aspects of the
problem description. In those cases, you are allowed to make assumptions based on what is
the industry standard.
• Make sure you justify your review of the existing process and the suitability of your
improvements based on best practice and theory. Reference your sources.
Use numbered captions for the figures and tables that you will include in your work.
This assessment deliverable will be an individual technical report that should be within 12 – 15 A4
pages excluding the Appendix section.
Coursework Assignment 2nd sit
6E7V0012 Sensors and Industrial Internet of Things
Manchester Met | Engineering | 2023-24 P a g e | 6
Your report should address the following key points: –
• Introduction
A short introduction about Industry 4.0, IIoT and the benefits of digitalisation.
• Industrial Process analysis
Analyse how large manufacturing companies embraced and implemented IIoT.
• SME case study analysis
Review of the existing system in terms of how data is exchanged and the utilisation of its
sensing capabilities for monitoring the process and providing insightful information to the
• Guidelines for SMEs to implement IIoT
Provide comprehensive guideline for SMEs to implement IIoT by the addition of new sensing,
actuation, controllers, hardware, and software or by improving upon the existing sensing,
communication and data analysis and visualisation systems.
• Appendices (excluded from page count)
Include all supporting information such as any technical documents, cost analysis and
Your report should include references to support your design/conclusions. (use the MMU Harvard
Referencing Those can be books, journal/conference papers and/or technical reference sources,
e.g. manufacturer’s datasheet, industrial standard, etc.
The University Library has an online tutorial to help you find good quality reference sources and a
guide on how to use them correctly in your document using the MMU Harvard referencing style.
Coursework Assignment 2nd sit
6E7V0012 Sensors and Industrial Internet of Things
Manchester Met | Engineering | 2023-24 P a g e | 7
Formative Feedback
Members of the teaching team and will answer queries about the assignment during the timetabled
Workshop classes and in the drop-in Surgery sessions (see your personal timetable for details).
Advice given during these sessions and feedback on any work you present will not count towards
your final grade.
Outside timetable sessions, please email questions to the Teaching Team, the
Support Tutors or your Personal Tutor. The teaching team will not use their office
hours to provide one-to-one or small group assignment support, but a selection
of emailed questions, and questions asked during the timetabled classes will be
added to the assignment’s FAQs page.
What is being assessed?
To pass this assessment you have to fully achieve the unit learning outcomes by completing all the
tasks and submitting the deliverables to an adequate standard.
Your grade will be determined by how well you meet the assessment criteria (see the detailed
grading criteria for this assignment, below).
This assignment will be marked out of 100 and contributes 60% of overall unit grade.
Learning outcomes Evidence
Unit Learning
2. Appraise how the Industrial
Internet of Things (IIoT) uses
data exchange and analysis for
enabling improvements in
manufacturing efficiency,
productivity and safety.
3. Discuss the applications and
implications of sensors in
contemporary manufacturing
and assess new developments in
relation to their capabilities and
USD2 Demonstrate a high degree of professionalism* e.g. initiative, creativity,
motivation, professional practice and self-management.
AHEP4 Outcomes evidenced: M5
USD3 Express ideas effectively and communicate information appropriately and
AHEP4 Outcomes evidenced: M17
USD6 Articulate an awareness of the social and community contexts within their
disciplinary field.
AHEP4 Outcomes evidenced: M5 and M10
Coursework Assignment 2nd sit
6E7V0012 Sensors and Industrial Internet of Things
Manchester Met | Engineering | 2023-24 P a g e | 8
Assessment Grading Criteria

(Task 1)
(Task 2)
(Task 3)

40% 30% 30%
Grade range 
Demonstrate a high degree of
professionalism* eg initiative,
creativity, motivation, professional
practice and self-management.
Manage their professional
development reflecting on
progress and taking appropriate
Articulate an awareness of
the social and community contexts
within their disciplinary field
86%-100% There is evidence of the
ability to work autonomously and
creatively with reference to
professional standards and values,
reflecting critically on their own
professional practice.
A creative and credible vision of
themselves and their professional
futures is meticulously presented.
The social and community contexts
of the implementation of Industrial
IoT are meticulously evaluated in
developing action plans,
articulating conclusions and
making recommendations of
relevance to theoretical
development and/or practical
70%-85% There is evidence of the ability to
work autonomously and
imaginatively with reference to
professional standards and values,
reflecting critically on their own
professional practice.
A novel and feasible vision of
themselves and their professional
futures is presented
The social and community contexts
of the implementation of Industrial
IoT are critically evaluated in
developing action plans,
articulating conclusions and
making recommendations of
relevance to theoretical
development and/or practical
60%-69% There is evidence of the ability to
work autonomously with reference
to professional standards and values,
reflecting critically on their own
professional practice.
Demonstrate a fully worked vision
of themselves and their
professional futures
The social and community contexts
of the implementation of Industrial
IoT are analysed carefully in
drawing conclusions and making
50%-59% There is evidence of the ability to
work with reference to professional
standards and values, reflecting
critically on their own professional
Demonstrate a vision of
themselves and their professional
The social and community contexts
of the implementation of Industrial
IoT are considered critically in
drawing conclusions and making
45%-49% There is evidence of a limited
attempt to work as an autonomous
professional who reflects on their
own professional practice
A limited vision of themselves and
their professional futures is
There is partial or limited
identification of the social and
community contexts of the
implementation of Industrial IoT in
drawing conclusions and making
20%-44% There is limited evidence of any
attempt to work as an autonomous
professional who reflects on their
own professional practice
There is insufficient development
of a vision of themselves and their
professional futures
There is limited or incorrect
identification of the social and
community contexts of the
implementation of Industrial IoT in
drawing conclusions and making
0%-19% There is little or no evidence of
working as an autonomous
professional who reflects on their
own professional practice
No clear vision of themselves and
their professional futures is
There is little or no identification of
the social and community contexts
of the implementation of Industrial
IoT in drawing conclusions and
making recommendations
Note that opportunities to repeat assignments are not automatically provided, and when they are,
the marks obtained may be capped. For more information about the regulations, please contact the
Student Hub.
Coursework Assignment 2nd sit
6E7V0012 Sensors and Industrial Internet of Things
Manchester Met | Engineering | 2023-24 P a g e | 9
If you think you are at risk of failing this assignment, please seek advice as soon as possible inform
your Personal Tutor or the Support Tutors – with enough notice, there are many ways in which we
can support you and help you to get back on track.
Summary of AHEP-3Learning Outcomes Evidenced
Design solutions for complex problems that evidence some originality and meet a
combination of societal, user, business and customer needs as appropriate. This will
involve consideration of applicable health and safety, diversity, inclusion, cultural,
societal, environmental, and commercial matters, codes of practice and industry
M10 Adopt a holistic and proportionate approach to the mitigation of security risks
M17 Communicate effectively on complex engineering matters with technical and nontechnical audiences, evaluating the effectiveness of the methods used.


IOT 60%