CPS Security


Part 1: CPS Security [45 points]

Read the article titled Cyber-Physical Systems: A Security Perspective . Then answer the following questions. Define each of the following, provide an example and describe challenges and Security Countermeasures for each “ 15 points each.

(i) Smart Grid

(ii) Smart Home

(iii) Health Care System.

Feel free to use additional references but you need to cite any additional sources.

Part 2: Wireless Security [55 points]

Read the article titled A Survey on Wireless Security: Technical Challenges, Recent Advances and Future Trends . Then answer the following questions.

(i) List and define the security requirements in wireless networks. (15 points)

(ii) List and describe the attacks at the PHY and MAC layers. (20 points)

(iii) Provide an example of a PHY attack (10 points)

(iv) Provide an example of a MAC attack (10 points)

For examples of (ii) you may need additional references. You need to cite any additional sources if used.