Cyber-Framework For Information Systems In Organizations (Due 19 June) (4-5 Pages) (5 References)


1) APA 7th Ed format (to include introduction and conclusion)

2) Due 19 June

3) 4-5 Page minimum (not including title page and APA references)

4) Minimum of 5 References (1 included reference)

5) Plagiarism-Free

Background/Required Reading/REQUIRED References: (National Vulnerability Database)

Then review ISACA Case studies on the NIST cyber framework for IT governance:


Review the principles of IT governance and information security governance using the practical and regulatory perspectives listed in the Background/Required Reading/Required References section.

Using the cyber-framework and the National Vulnerability Database ( along with other related materials noted above, compose a 4-5-page paper (not counting the cover and references) on the topic of applying the cyber-framework for Information Security Governance in organizations.

Please address (at a minimum) the following issues:

· Security governance principles

· IT governance stakeholders

· IT governance justification to managers

· Role of IT security professionals in terms of governance

· Produce a comparative table to show key features of the framework and the risks that are reduced by implementing this framework and assessing vulnerabilities.